Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

Scariest part of this thread is how many mind numbingly STUPID conservative muppets gave the OP a "funny" rating. This forum is chock full of literal retards.

What is really pathetic is the Liberal scum in this country now. The pink pussy hat wearing assholes that thrive on the anti Trump hate because that shithead Crooked Hillary didn't win.

You have to realize that leftards NEVER lose elections....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power. They really are communists at heart......all about the collective.

Liberals are pretty well the scum of this country. Spoiled little pink pussy hat wearing assholes that think they are entitled to tell lies, put out fake news and be shitheads.

Thank god that Trump has the balls to call the scumbags out. Good for him!
Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.

I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
No one cares about your point, dumbass. We're discussing fake news, not ignorant turds posting in this forum. You're just trying to deflect from your corrupt propaganda organs.
Scariest part of this thread is how many mind numbingly STUPID conservative muppets gave the OP a "funny" rating. This forum is chock full of literal retards.

What is really pathetic is the Liberal scum in this country now. The pink pussy hat wearing assholes that thrive on the anti Trump hate because that shithead Crooked Hillary didn't win.
What is really pathetic is the Liberal scum in this country now. The pink pussy hat wearing assholes that thrive on the anti Trump hate because that shithead Crooked Hillary didn't win.

What irony.
Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.

I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
No one cares about your point, dumbass. We're discussing fake news, not ignorant turds posting in this forum. You're just trying to deflect from your corrupt propaganda organs.

I'm discussing fake news as well, dope. Did you forget?
"while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates"

As does everyone on earth who knows anything about anything, because you are a hack with no credibility and no standing in the scientific community whatsoever.

I know infinitely more than you. There are PLENTY of scientists that have been warning about the artificial warming, cooling and weather modification programs using geo-engineering. Water and soil samples are scientific, no? Here is your "climate-change"....take a real close look and then tell me that this is normal.

View attachment 153873

Normal for a departure corridor from a busy airport.
Tell us us how you differentiate between a naturally occurring vapor trail and diabolical govt program.

But "contrails" (we are told) are because of the exhaust of planes flying 30,000 feet or so. Planes start their descent a good thirty minutes before landing. I have taken MANY pics of the spraying where there is no airport close. Can you come back hours later and see the vapor left by your vehicle or your breath on a cold day??????

I'm not going into the swamp on this. I was simply curious.

Geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. Water and soil samples proves it.

Great! :thup:
" all presidents have lied at some point or another."

Ugh.... jesus man, so what? Trump is worse for the reasons he is worse. Criticizing his lying is like complaining about not getting a pickle on your burger at a fly-infested truck stop. The problems with Trump run much deeper than his special brand of dishonesty, which appears to also be self-delusion.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about? What has he allegedly lied about that has cost the serfs any money? Now, you may claim he was wrong about things as it pertains to your perception but that's not the same thing as flat out and knowingly lying like Bush 1 and 2 Bill "drop trou" did or like the Barrypuppet did when he said "If you like your plan you can keep your plan...period" ad naseum...........put up or STFU.

What is it that you are claiming Trump lied about?

It's certainly interesting how your mind works. You have no difficulty believing in impossibly complex and difficult conspiracy theories while at the same time being completely oblivious to what is glaringly apparent to most. It seems you prefer fantasy.

Trump is conspiring against the leftards? Do tell?????

Apparently you have reading issues as well.

What you are contending is that Trump "conspired" with Russia to reveal the absolute corruption of the DNC and pushed "lies" about the Hildebeast via Facebook that allegedly cost the leftard klunt the I on point thus far????

If so? I doubt that you can see the irony at all. What has caused the leftard clown posse to be so butthurt in this forum was all the shit talking that they did prior to the election and all that crow they are having to eat with their w(h)ine is causing them to choke. I think it's fucking HILARIOUS and I am enjoying it......lots of us are.
am I on point thus far????

Not at all. I suggest a third try. Sound out the hard words.
We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.

I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
No one cares about your point, dumbass. We're discussing fake news, not ignorant turds posting in this forum. You're just trying to deflect from your corrupt propaganda organs.

I'm discussing fake news as well, dope. Did you forget?

You're talking about USMB posters and fringe websites.
Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:

What people post in this forum isn't news, dumbass. Wether the websites listed are news is up for debate. However, no one using the term "fake news" is talking about Infowars or MediaMatters. They're talking abourt so-called "mainstream, credible" news outlets.

Really? Who told you that?
No wonder you're clueless.

Nobody told me that, dumbass. Unlike you, I'm able to think for myself.

The fake news moniker applies to all news from all sources, dope.
Scariest part of this thread is how many mind numbingly STUPID conservative muppets gave the OP a "funny" rating. This forum is chock full of literal retards.

What is really pathetic is the Liberal scum in this country now. The pink pussy hat wearing assholes that thrive on the anti Trump hate because that shithead Crooked Hillary didn't win.

Another cult member.
So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.

I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
No one cares about your point, dumbass. We're discussing fake news, not ignorant turds posting in this forum. You're just trying to deflect from your corrupt propaganda organs.

I'm discussing fake news as well, dope. Did you forget?

You're talking about USMB posters and fringe websites.

Yes, their news sources, dope.
You're the one trying to move the goal posts, douche bag.

I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
No one cares about your point, dumbass. We're discussing fake news, not ignorant turds posting in this forum. You're just trying to deflect from your corrupt propaganda organs.

I'm discussing fake news as well, dope. Did you forget?

You're talking about USMB posters and fringe websites.

Yes, their news sources, dope.

It's "they're," not "their," dumbass. No, USMB posters and fringe websites are not news sources.
While you imbecile dupes argue for the wacko leftist kooks or the red white and blue duped conservatives not so brights the wall streeters and uber wealthy laugh all the way to the bank.
It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?

Who ever claimed she was indicted or tried? However, she sure as hell deserves to be indicted and tried.

You still don't get that you were lied to.
ROFL! That's truly funny coming from a gullible deluded snowflake like you.
Tell us some more about the conspiracy to cover for Clinton and Obama. :laugh2:
I have moved nothing. My point remains unchanged.
No one cares about your point, dumbass. We're discussing fake news, not ignorant turds posting in this forum. You're just trying to deflect from your corrupt propaganda organs.

I'm discussing fake news as well, dope. Did you forget?

You're talking about USMB posters and fringe websites.

Yes, their news sources, dope.

It's "they're," not "their," dumbass. No, USMB posters and fringe websites are not news sources.
No shit. Really? It's they are news, dumbass? Now address the point.
But hey...if you are willing to work hard enuff you too will be rich or if you don't want to work heck take all the handouts.....unreal.
It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?

You appear to be implying that our system of justice is infallable. That's irrefutable proof that you're a moron.
Funny that it worked out just as my "fake news" reported it would.
You imply a conspiracy. Truly retarded.

No one was suprised that Hillary got off. All that proves is that Washington is terminally corrupt. Comey is knee deep in it.

More conspiracy?

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