Platinum Member
Well well well....But he can't win!! Hispanics will not support him....Blah blah blah...
Not only does Donald Trump edge out Hillary Clinton with current Florida polling, but the cross tabs of the demographics destroy two very specific media narratives:
This is where it is important to remember the earlier primary contest within Florida and how the demographics broke out.
More Hispanic voters, specifically Mexican Hispanics, in the Florida inland crop/farm counties voted for Donald Trump than voted for Hillary Clinton; and that’s despite a higher registration of Democrats within those same communities.
We call this the unmeasurable “Patrone’ Effect“:
PPP Florida Poll: Donald Trump 45%, Hillary Clinton 44% – (Oh, and Marco Rubio is Toast)…
Full poll data
- Female voters have a higher unfavorability opinion of Hillary Clinton that Donald Trump by a margin of 56% to 55%.
- Female Voters support Donald Trump (45%) over Hillary Clinton (44%) by the same margin as the general electorate result. 45/44
More Hispanic voters, specifically Mexican Hispanics, in the Florida inland crop/farm counties voted for Donald Trump than voted for Hillary Clinton; and that’s despite a higher registration of Democrats within those same communities.
We call this the unmeasurable “Patrone’ Effect“:
PPP Florida Poll: Donald Trump 45%, Hillary Clinton 44% – (Oh, and Marco Rubio is Toast)…
Full poll data