Trump's "Just Wait..." overall policy.

The poor dweeb thinks policy is an instantaneous fix.

True, true.........Trump scourge had an all out right wing congress for two full years......and we did get a wall, health care for all, and a cowering China, didn't we, moron???
Of course, Trump acolytes may never notice....but most voters certainly have. Trump's overall policy is to ask his base to "just wait" for the good things to happen....and never mind reality.

When it comes to tariffs on China....Trump wants you to "just wait" for China to cave in....while China finds other venues to buy what that country needs.

When it comes to North Korea.....Trump wants you to "just wait" for his [and now Melania's] charm to win over KJU....while the little tyrant laughs at the orange buffoon.

When it comes to Iran's nuclear ambitions....Trump wants you to "just wait" for his sanctions to bring Iran to its knees, while all that has happened is that Iran is getting closer to nukes AND that most Iranians have had a resurgence of strong nationalism.

AND....when it comes to tax cuts....Trump wants you to "just wait" for the trillions of dollars that he handed over to big corporations and his friends to trickle down to middle and lower class citizens......

Besides Trump cult members, WHO isn't tired of "just waiting"????
"Just Wait..."

A tactic typical of a con man.
Exactly....You moonbat con artists told us all "just wait" about Mueller for over two fucking years, and didn't come up with so much as a popcorn fart.
I’m waiting for the deficit to go down, so we can pay off that debt in eight years.

Oh wait.....
I'm waiting for democrats to come up with one, single penny in budgetary cuts, that don't involve military spending....Don't get me wrong, the Pentagon budget could use a giant trimming, but cutting spending for the lolberals begins and ends right there.

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