Trumps home raided by fbi

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And they were informed there were still more classified documents.


The Stalinist Show Trial failed, so they were fishing.


And not only was Trump lying about retaining additional classified materials, according to the informant, this Trump insider knew precisely where they were.
One has to wonder if this is just another Trump toadie with his own legal problems that were leveraged.

The Stalinist Show Trial failed, so they were fishing.
So much angry denial.

trump is and ALWAYS has been a Con Man.
Why do you protect the con man while saying EVERYONE else (Whataboutism)
is committing crimes that go ignored?

And not only was Trump lying about retaining additional classified materials, according to the informant, this Trump insider knew precisely where they were.

You think Trump "rope-a-doped" you Nazis?

Had a fake informant feed the Gestapo bullshit?

If so, fucking brilliant.
And not only was Trump lying about retaining additional classified materials, according to the informant, this Trump insider knew precisely where they were.
So is the "informant" real or another Trump hoax? I call HOAX.
This ginned up bullshit over documents is banana republic nonsense.
from your article:
(As of early this morning, no other news organization has matched the Journal and Newsweek’s explosive reporting about the informant.)
You are a dishonest libtard. The cop killed Ashli. And President Trump isn’t a monster. You seem to have him confused with your cult’s hero, Joe “10% big guy” Brandon.
I said mobster. But let's go with monster. Trump's that, too.

Ashli Babbitt's blood is on Trump's hands. Along with the blood of the others who died as a result of his attempted coup.
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