Trumps Gangsta Second Term


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
After his 57 state sweep in 2020, Trump, free of having to face the electorate, can fully implement his plans to permanently MAGA:

  • Reform Department of Education by vouchering education
  • End all US student loans, this will cause the cost of higher education to plummet
  • Fully implement EO 11110, adding US oil and natural gas reserves to gold backed, Federal Reserve Eliminated currency
  • Invest Social Security Trust into large cap US equities.
  • Decriminalize hemp, this will cause the cost of food, clothing and paper to plummet
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After his 57 state sweep in 2020, Trump, free of having to face the electorate, can fully implement his plans to permanently MAGA:

  • Reform Department of Education by vouchering education
  • End all US student loans, this will cause the cost of higher education to plummet
  • Fully implement EO 11110, adding US oil and natural gas reserves to gold backed, Federal Reserve Eliminated currency
  • Invest Social Security Trust into large cap US equities.
  • Decriminalize hemp, this will cause the cost of food, clothing and paper to plummet

Hitting the bong a little early on our Christmas Eve, aren't we?

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