Trump's first constitutional crisis: Presidential salary


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
Trump keeps saying he is going to refuse a salary. However, the President does not have the constitutional power to refuse his salary. The constitution states that the President shall receive compensation from the Treasury at stated times, and that the amount shall be neither increased nor decreased during the term for which he was elected.

Under the constitution, the Congress sets the amount for Presidential pay, because only Congress can legislate expenditures from the treasury. The President does not have the power to circumvent Congress on this matter.

Aside from the constitutional issue, I don't believe for a moment that Trump ever was going to refuse his salary anyway. We're talking about a man who has spent his life bending over backwards to avoid paying an extra $3 in taxes, and refusing to pay employees and contractors. And now he wants us to believe that he's going to have $400k worth of reported income he'll have to pay taxes on anyway, but that he'll simply refuse to cash the paycheck? Yeah, right.

I look forward to the entertaining bullshit dance that is sure to follow as Trump pretends to refuse a salary.
Holy Shit....Trump tries to save the tax payers money by not taking a salary, and whiny f*ing liberals complain about THAT!

Good f*ing grief!
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Holy Shit....Trump tries to save the tax payers money by not taking a salary, and whiny f*ing liberals complain about THAT!

Good f*ing grief!

Wash the sand out of your vagina, would ya? I don't see any liberals complaining. But there's at least one conservative pointing out how Trump's ineptitude is already steering us toward a constitutional crisis.

BTW, you would have flipped shit about Obama unconstitutionally bypassing Congress if Obama tried to do this.
Holy Shit....Trump tries to save the tax payers money by not taking a salary, and whiny f*ing liberals complain about THAT!

Good f*ing grief!

Wash the sand out of your vagina, would ya? I don't see any liberals complaining. But there's at least one conservative pointing out how Trump's ineptitude is already steering us toward a constitutional crisis.

BTW, you would have flipped shit about Obama unconstitutionally bypassing Congress if Obama tried to do this.
You quoted the wrong guy.
Trump keeps saying he is going to refuse a salary. However, the President does not have the constitutional power to refuse his salary. The constitution states that the President shall receive compensation from the Treasury at stated times, and that the amount shall be neither increased nor decreased during the term for which he was elected.

Under the constitution, the Congress sets the amount for Presidential pay, because only Congress can legislate expenditures from the treasury. The President does not have the power to circumvent Congress on this matter.

Aside from the constitutional issue, I don't believe for a moment that Trump ever was going to refuse his salary anyway. We're talking about a man who has spent his life bending over backwards to avoid paying an extra $3 in taxes, and refusing to pay employees and contractors. And now he wants us to believe that he's going to have $400k worth of reported income he'll have to pay taxes on anyway, but that he'll simply refuse to cash the paycheck? Yeah, right.

I look forward to the entertaining bullshit dance that is sure to follow as Trump pretends to refuse a salary.

Let's hope he'll pay taxes on it. He hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in the last 18 years, while claiming to have a net worth of 10 billion.
Trump keeps saying he is going to refuse a salary. However, the President does not have the constitutional power to refuse his salary. The constitution states that the President shall receive compensation from the Treasury at stated times, and that the amount shall be neither increased nor decreased during the term for which he was elected.

Under the constitution, the Congress sets the amount for Presidential pay, because only Congress can legislate expenditures from the treasury. The President does not have the power to circumvent Congress on this matter.

Aside from the constitutional issue, I don't believe for a moment that Trump ever was going to refuse his salary anyway. We're talking about a man who has spent his life bending over backwards to avoid paying an extra $3 in taxes, and refusing to pay employees and contractors. And now he wants us to believe that he's going to have $400k worth of reported income he'll have to pay taxes on anyway, but that he'll simply refuse to cash the paycheck? Yeah, right.

I look forward to the entertaining bullshit dance that is sure to follow as Trump pretends to refuse a salary.

Let's hope he'll pay taxes on it. He hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in the last 18 years, while claiming to have a net worth of 10 billion.
Still playing with the losers playbook. Sigh...
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He will donate the money if any of the crap you post is remotely accurate.

Crap? Remotely accurate? Looks like you need to educate yourself on the US constitution and basic American civics.

In any event, donating the money is a possibility. But seriously, I don't believe it for a second. Not until I see it. This is the same man who used his "charity" to pay off his own personal civil fines. I have a really hard time believing he's going to simply accept additional taxation while giving up the income.
This can be filed directly into the "Don't give a fuck" drawer.

There's no need to stoop to the level of the people who post a thread on every anti-Obama article on Brietbart and Gateway Pundit, no matter how asinine it is. Whether or not Trump takes a salary is entirely irrelevant.
Trump keeps saying he is going to refuse a salary. However, the President does not have the constitutional power to refuse his salary. The constitution states that the President shall receive compensation from the Treasury at stated times, and that the amount shall be neither increased nor decreased during the term for which he was elected.

Under the constitution, the Congress sets the amount for Presidential pay, because only Congress can legislate expenditures from the treasury. The President does not have the power to circumvent Congress on this matter.

Aside from the constitutional issue, I don't believe for a moment that Trump ever was going to refuse his salary anyway. We're talking about a man who has spent his life bending over backwards to avoid paying an extra $3 in taxes, and refusing to pay employees and contractors. And now he wants us to believe that he's going to have $400k worth of reported income he'll have to pay taxes on anyway, but that he'll simply refuse to cash the paycheck? Yeah, right.

I look forward to the entertaining bullshit dance that is sure to follow as Trump pretends to refuse a salary.

Let's hope he'll pay taxes on it. He hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in the last 18 years, while claiming to have a net worth of 10 billion.

Well, truth be told, that billion dollar loss carry forward was capped at 20 years by statute. So he's probably on the hook for federal income taxes once again.
Trump keeps saying he is going to refuse a salary. However, the President does not have the constitutional power to refuse his salary. The constitution states that the President shall receive compensation from the Treasury at stated times, and that the amount shall be neither increased nor decreased during the term for which he was elected.

Under the constitution, the Congress sets the amount for Presidential pay, because only Congress can legislate expenditures from the treasury. The President does not have the power to circumvent Congress on this matter.

Aside from the constitutional issue, I don't believe for a moment that Trump ever was going to refuse his salary anyway. We're talking about a man who has spent his life bending over backwards to avoid paying an extra $3 in taxes, and refusing to pay employees and contractors. And now he wants us to believe that he's going to have $400k worth of reported income he'll have to pay taxes on anyway, but that he'll simply refuse to cash the paycheck? Yeah, right.

I look forward to the entertaining bullshit dance that is sure to follow as Trump pretends to refuse a salary.

President Washington was suppose to get 25,000.00 a year he took a smaller amount.
If he could do it so can Trump.
He will donate the money to his 'charity' and and try to take a deduction on his taxes. Or claim his campaign operated at a loss and deduct the entire amount and claim the Earned Income Tax Credit.
This can be filed directly into the "Don't give a fuck" drawer.

There's no need to stoop to the level of the people who post a thread on every anti-Obama article on Brietbart and Gateway Pundit, no matter how asinine it is. Whether or not Trump takes a salary is entirely irrelevant.

Well get the fuck out if you don't like the tread. What level am I allegedly stooping to? Actually you what....don't bother. In case you didn't fucking notice, all those threads have been started by fucking morons who are using them as a safe space for their cyber ejaculations about how much they either love or hate Trump or Clinton. I'm actually bringing a fucking conversation about constitutional fucking matters and you want to throw a god damned fucking hissy fit about actually talking real fucking politics in the fucking politics forum!?!?!?!?

How about you just get the fuck out and go choke on a horse dick? Clearly, trolling real conversations in hopes to maintain the status quo of drooling grunts around here is the only thing your worthless fucking life has any value for.

Fucking Christ, you morons irritate the fuck out of me sometimes.
President Washington was suppose to get 25,000.00 a year he took a smaller amount.
If he could do it so can Trump.

The amount cannot be decreased during the term for which he was elected. It's very straightforward.
Trump keeps saying he is going to refuse a salary. However, the President does not have the constitutional power to refuse his salary. The constitution states that the President shall receive compensation from the Treasury at stated times, and that the amount shall be neither increased nor decreased during the term for which he was elected.

Under the constitution, the Congress sets the amount for Presidential pay, because only Congress can legislate expenditures from the treasury. The President does not have the power to circumvent Congress on this matter.

Aside from the constitutional issue, I don't believe for a moment that Trump ever was going to refuse his salary anyway. We're talking about a man who has spent his life bending over backwards to avoid paying an extra $3 in taxes, and refusing to pay employees and contractors. And now he wants us to believe that he's going to have $400k worth of reported income he'll have to pay taxes on anyway, but that he'll simply refuse to cash the paycheck? Yeah, right.

I look forward to the entertaining bullshit dance that is sure to follow as Trump pretends to refuse a salary.

He has admitted that he has to accept something - so he said he would accept $1. See the 60 Minutes interview this past Sunday.

Is this REALLY the best you can do?
He can take it, pay taxes on it, and then donate it to the Trump Foundation!

I hear that if he gives it to the Clinton Foundation, he gets more for his money. Hell, he will probably get to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom.
He can take it, pay taxes on it, and then donate it to the Trump Foundation!

I hear that if he gives it to the Clinton Foundation, he gets more for his money. Hell, he will probably get to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom.

Actually he has said he doesn't even want to move into the White House and wants to stay in his Penthouse in Manhattan. Not sure how that would work with him being away from all the staff that needs to work with him on a daily basis.
He will donate the money to his 'charity' and and try to take a deduction on his taxes. Or claim his campaign operated at a loss and deduct the entire amount and claim the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Obviously, you don't even know what the Earned Income Tax Credit is, or you wouldn't have said something so incredibly stupid.

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