Trump's Ethic Official Quits

This is another reason why 442 of 559 key positions requiring Senate confirmation remain unfilled. No one wants to work for this ethically challenged incompetent president.
Show how meaningless those positions are, no one misses them. DRAINING the SWAMP
dumbest damn comment I ever heard. Foreign ambassadors are calling the White House and no one is answering. There's no one there.

Good. Less government, not more..
The government is in disarray. That's good? But of course you don't know that with your media sources.
Disarray? Oh, you mean you aren't getting what you want. Good!
If an ethcs official is so sensitive that he caves in to every accusation by democrats what about Bill Clinton who seduced and maintained a sexual relationship with an intern? What company would tolerate that type of conduct? Barry Hussein's A.G. was held in contempt of congress and quit because he refused to testify about the negligence and manslaughter connected with "op.Fast/Furious. Where was the ethics officer? The problem for republican administrations is that there is a political double standard reinforced by the criminal conspiracy in the MSM.
“Trying to hold companies to standards that our current administration is not living up to was creating a cognitive dissonance that I could not overcome.”

A top Justice Department corporate crime expert has quit, saying it’s impossible to hold suspected lawbreakers to standards that President Donald Trump is not meeting himself.

Justice Official Quits Over White House Conduct 'I Would Not Tolerate Seeing In A Company' | HuffPost
LMAO! Ethics in government? Bullshit....never happened. I don't care what damn administration its under its a joke.
Trump tweet should be : ETHICS? Let's see if your ass can #resist the door as it hits you on your way out!

Lol, or words to that effect.
It's official. DEPLORABLES are glad there are no ethics in this administration. That's what they voted for.
If an ethcs official is so sensitive that he caves in to every accusation by democrats what about Bill Clinton who seduced and maintained a sexual relationship with an intern? What company would tolerate that type of conduct? Barry Hussein's A.G. was held in contempt of congress and quit because he refused to testify about the negligence and manslaughter connected with "op.Fast/Furious. Where was the ethics officer? The problem for republican administrations is that there is a political double standard reinforced by the criminal conspiracy in the MSM.
Funny you think Hui Chen "caved in to every accusation by democrats."
Shall I sign you up for a Hooked on Phonics Course?
Trump didn't want Chen to interfere with the unethical way he's been running his administration and you went right to Obama and Bill Clinton.
You'd lose a 7th grade debate.
“Trying to hold companies to standards that our current administration is not living up to was creating a cognitive dissonance that I could not overcome.”

A top Justice Department corporate crime expert has quit, saying it’s impossible to hold suspected lawbreakers to standards that President Donald Trump is not meeting himself.

Justice Official Quits Over White House Conduct 'I Would Not Tolerate Seeing In A Company' | HuffPost
LMAO! Ethics in government? Bullshit....never happened. I don't care what damn administration its under its a joke.
We understand why you have such low standards with ethics with this administration.
Fortunately almost every other administration before this one had higher ethical standards.
Good, Trump is rid of another Obabble appointee.
Yup no ethics under this administration. I'm sure you're proud.
Thanks for proving you didn't even read why Chen quit.
Stay stupid. It suits you.
Good, Trump is rid of another Obabble appointee.
Yup no ethics under this administration. I'm sure you're proud.
Thanks for proving you didn't even read why Chen quit.
Stay stupid. It suits you.

I read it. She sounds like the typical Sour Grapes Obabble Appointee.

“Trying to hold companies to standards that our current administration is not living up to was creating a cognitive dissonance that I could not overcome.”

A top Justice Department corporate crime expert has quit, saying it’s impossible to hold suspected lawbreakers to standards that President Donald Trump is not meeting himself.

Justice Official Quits Over White House Conduct 'I Would Not Tolerate Seeing In A Company' | HuffPost
LMAO! Ethics in government? Bullshit....never happened. I don't care what damn administration its under its a joke.
We understand why you have such low standards with ethics with this administration.
Fortunately almost every other administration before this one had higher ethical standards.
Oh please tell me more!

Obama Administration: Gun Running to mexican gangs,Allowed Ambassador to be murdered,call cops STUPID
Clinton Administration: Blow Jobs in oval office,Raped women in oval office.

So the Mafia was running the Obama administration and a Strip Club manager was running the Clinton one eh!?
Obama Administration: Gun Running to mexican gangs,Allowed Ambassador to be murdered,call cops STUPID
Clinton Administration: Blow Jobs in oval office,Raped women in oval office.

So the Mafia was running the Obama administration and a Strip Club manager was running the Clinton one eh!?

Nazis talking about ethics is hilarious.

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