Trump's election-saving "This Old House".


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Let’s imagine a grand old house that looks beautiful from the outside. The problem is that the old house is infested with termites eating away at the house’s foundation. Some of the house’s owners decide that the house must be rid of the termites to save the house but others like the house just the way it is, termites and all. They never liked the house anyway and see its eventual collapse as a good thing.

So, those that want to save the house take a vote and by the rules of the vote they win out and begin the process of removing the termites because saving the great house is seen as more important than just doing nothing while the termites continue weakening the house’s infrastructure. The people hire an exterminator named Donald Trump to get the job done and remove the vermin.

But then something strange happens. The termites are joined by vile rats that have become deeply embedded along with the termites into the house’s substructure. When the vote-hired expert, Trump, enters the house to do his job, the disturbed rats begin attacking from everywhere to protect what they see as their home hijacked from the people who just want to restore the house to its authentic condition.

You don’t need to be an architect or a home construction specialist to understand that if intervention is not swift and sure like Trump’s election, the great house we call the United States will be condemned to destruction and the rats and termites we Call the Deep State will weaken the house until it falls which has probably been the plan all along.

The rats and termites like their arrangement and they are not going to go willingly; they want your house for themselves and they will fight to the end to keep it from you. You did the right thing by voting for Trump, but his job is not finished. This impeachment debacle is a last, Kamikaze effort on the part of desperate interlopers to save themselves by reducing the house you are trying to save to the dust of history.

Trump’s election is not something that needs to be second-guessed or reexamined. It was a correct decision made by reasonable voters that saw their house invaded by ideology and bureaucracy foreign to what the founders and original builders intended.

What was exposed needs to go.
The problem is Donnie isn’t saving anything but his fat ass.

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