Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker?
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker? by Terry Paulson (
22 Feb 2021 ~~ By Terry Paulson

After breaking his month of silence, President Trump was asked on a Newsmax phone interview whether he will run again in 2024. His message was classic Trump. “I won’t say yet, bet we have tremendous support.”
It’s clear that there will be no formal announcement in the foreseeable future. Yet many polls suggest that Trump’s approval among Republicans remains high. In fact, post impeachment, Trump’s approval just keeps climbing among conservatives.
It’s clear that if he decides to run again in 2024, the chances of him being the Republican choice is high. If he does run and the party refuses to endorse his candidacy, many of his supporters will stay home and the party will be divided in ways that could impact turnout. Conservative Senate and House candidates could lose critical votes as well.
His decision may be years away, but there is no question that he will be called to play a critical role. Will he run to be president again or will he choose to be a kingmaker—nurturing a candidate and a platform that can leave a far more lasting legacy? President Trump can help launch a powerful candidate who would likely win in 2024 and 2028. Such a candidate could reverse many of the liberal excesses already evident in the Biden reign.
Let’s be honest. President Donald Trump accomplished things that most Republicans only campaigned on. He delivered on his promises. But sustaining such a force for change exacts a cost on the person and the family that must bear the brunt of attacks that come. President Trump used Twitter to sell his vision, attack his enemies, and support his herd of supporters. There is no question that his return to the campaign front would bring out the knives and venom once again. Does he want to do that again? There may be a way for him to have an even greater impact.
If he chooses to run, he will be poised to win. But I ask him to reconsider. Being a kingmaker may be more important to the future of America. The right candidate will come in without his toxic baggage. He has more of a chance of uniting the party to fight all the left stands for. A victorious Republican candidate would be positioned to serve not for four years, but for eight.
President Trump, what you stand for is more important than you. Consider proving that by staying open to doing what is best for America in the mid-terms and in the 2024 election. Thank you for all you have done, and all you will do to keep making America GREAT!

IMHO, Trump should focus on the Kingmaking, but not just that.
Undoubtedly, whatever Trump decides, the powers that be, "Deep State", Progressive Marxists and RINO's will make sure that most, if not all, Trump picks are made suspect of conspiracy theories and rejected with election voter fraud in the future. The establishment will continue to attempt to blame Trump failing to show he is no longer relevant. Today’s SCOTUS rejections of the election cases was done because they knew they would have to rule in Trump’s favor. There is no pretending any more.
Trump is a fighter. He pushed back against Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their media sycophants. He exposed their corruption, not through bureaucratic go nowhere investigations, but through their own daily actions. The obsessive compulsive hatred of Democrats and their media toward Conservative Americans is on display daily.
The left is so afraid of conservatism that the censorship of conservative voices has begun in earnest by media moguls. The cancel culture will be going after any Trump supporter. It will get worse. Many republicans did not like Trump’s style but his style was more like that of a democrat while his substance was more about getting conservative things done. More republicans complained about Trump’s style while remaining silent about that of democrats.
Trump supporters have been called a cult. Wrong!. They are American people who stand behind someone who fights for them. If you want those votes you had better be prepared to be a fighter, not just someone who says pretty words and make promises just to get elected.
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker?
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker? by Terry Paulson (
22 Feb 2021 ~~ By Terry Paulson

After breaking his month of silence, President Trump was asked on a Newsmax phone interview whether he will run again in 2024. His message was classic Trump. “I won’t say yet, bet we have tremendous support.”
It’s clear that there will be no formal announcement in the foreseeable future. Yet many polls suggest that Trump’s approval among Republicans remains high. In fact, post impeachment, Trump’s approval just keeps climbing among conservatives.
It’s clear that if he decides to run again in 2024, the chances of him being the Republican choice is high. If he does run and the party refuses to endorse his candidacy, many of his supporters will stay home and the party will be divided in ways that could impact turnout. Conservative Senate and House candidates could lose critical votes as well.
His decision may be years away, but there is no question that he will be called to play a critical role. Will he run to be president again or will he choose to be a kingmaker—nurturing a candidate and a platform that can leave a far more lasting legacy? President Trump can help launch a powerful candidate who would likely win in 2024 and 2028. Such a candidate could reverse many of the liberal excesses already evident in the Biden reign.
Let’s be honest. President Donald Trump accomplished things that most Republicans only campaigned on. He delivered on his promises. But sustaining such a force for change exacts a cost on the person and the family that must bear the brunt of attacks that come. President Trump used Twitter to sell his vision, attack his enemies, and support his herd of supporters. There is no question that his return to the campaign front would bring out the knives and venom once again. Does he want to do that again? There may be a way for him to have an even greater impact.
If he chooses to run, he will be poised to win. But I ask him to reconsider. Being a kingmaker may be more important to the future of America. The right candidate will come in without his toxic baggage. He has more of a chance of uniting the party to fight all the left stands for. A victorious Republican candidate would be positioned to serve not for four years, but for eight.
President Trump, what you stand for is more important than you. Consider proving that by staying open to doing what is best for America in the mid-terms and in the 2024 election. Thank you for all you have done, and all you will do to keep making America GREAT!

IMHO, Trump should focus on the Kingmaking, but not just that.
Undoubtedly, whatever Trump decides, the powers that be, "Deep State", Progressive Marxists and RINO's will make sure that most, if not all, Trump picks are made suspect of conspiracy theories and rejected with election voter fraud in the future. The establishment will continue to attempt to blame Trump failing to show he is no longer relevant. Today’s SCOTUS rejections of the election cases was done because they knew they would have to rule in Trump’s favor. There is no pretending any more.
Trump is a fighter. He pushed back against Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their media sycophants. He exposed their corruption, not through bureaucratic go nowhere investigations, but through their own daily actions. The obsessive compulsive hatred of Democrats and their media toward Conservative Americans is on display daily.
The left is so afraid of conservatism that the censorship of conservative voices has begun in earnest by media moguls. The cancel culture will be going after any Trump supporter. It will get worse. Many republicans did not like Trump’s style but his style was more like that of a democrat while his substance was more about getting conservative things done. More republicans complained about Trump’s style while remaining silent about that of democrats.
Trump supporters have been called a cult. Wrong!. They are American people who stand behind someone who fights for them. If you want those votes you had better be prepared to be a fighter, not just someone who says pretty words and make promises just to get elected.

Trump needs to deRINOfy the GOP, ideally without a Vince Forster incident, but Lord knows there are a few people in the GOP or who were in the Administration who could do the country good by ending up in Fort Marcy Park under mysterious circumstances (and covered with carpet fiber)
Trump is a massive force. He needs to mentor the Candice Owen's and Charlie Kirks of the party.

Trump can best serve by holding Trump rallies to promote something like a "Cruz/Owens" ticket in 2024. Trump has more support than any other single political figure in America. But the Nazis fear an hate him beyond anything in the known universe. Better to have another face out front with Trump building support in the background.
Trump has more support than any other single political figure in America. But the Nazis........

Put their faith in a cult like figure too, who also used mob violence to achieve his political goals.

But American institutions have thus far held against the neo-fascist wave Trumpybear has inspired. The Grand Old Party is not the party of my father any more, that's for sure.
No, it's better. the days of the Liberal bluebloods are numbered. We need a party to fight and destroy the Democrats.
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker?
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker? by Terry Paulson (
22 Feb 2021 ~~ By Terry Paulson

After breaking his month of silence, President Trump was asked on a Newsmax phone interview whether he will run again in 2024. His message was classic Trump. “I won’t say yet, bet we have tremendous support.”
It’s clear that there will be no formal announcement in the foreseeable future. Yet many polls suggest that Trump’s approval among Republicans remains high. In fact, post impeachment, Trump’s approval just keeps climbing among conservatives.
It’s clear that if he decides to run again in 2024, the chances of him being the Republican choice is high. If he does run and the party refuses to endorse his candidacy, many of his supporters will stay home and the party will be divided in ways that could impact turnout. Conservative Senate and House candidates could lose critical votes as well.
His decision may be years away, but there is no question that he will be called to play a critical role. Will he run to be president again or will he choose to be a kingmaker—nurturing a candidate and a platform that can leave a far more lasting legacy? President Trump can help launch a powerful candidate who would likely win in 2024 and 2028. Such a candidate could reverse many of the liberal excesses already evident in the Biden reign.
Let’s be honest. President Donald Trump accomplished things that most Republicans only campaigned on. He delivered on his promises. But sustaining such a force for change exacts a cost on the person and the family that must bear the brunt of attacks that come. President Trump used Twitter to sell his vision, attack his enemies, and support his herd of supporters. There is no question that his return to the campaign front would bring out the knives and venom once again. Does he want to do that again? There may be a way for him to have an even greater impact.
If he chooses to run, he will be poised to win. But I ask him to reconsider. Being a kingmaker may be more important to the future of America. The right candidate will come in without his toxic baggage. He has more of a chance of uniting the party to fight all the left stands for. A victorious Republican candidate would be positioned to serve not for four years, but for eight.
President Trump, what you stand for is more important than you. Consider proving that by staying open to doing what is best for America in the mid-terms and in the 2024 election. Thank you for all you have done, and all you will do to keep making America GREAT!

IMHO, Trump should focus on the Kingmaking, but not just that.
Undoubtedly, whatever Trump decides, the powers that be, "Deep State", Progressive Marxists and RINO's will make sure that most, if not all, Trump picks are made suspect of conspiracy theories and rejected with election voter fraud in the future. The establishment will continue to attempt to blame Trump failing to show he is no longer relevant. Today’s SCOTUS rejections of the election cases was done because they knew they would have to rule in Trump’s favor. There is no pretending any more.
Trump is a fighter. He pushed back against Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their media sycophants. He exposed their corruption, not through bureaucratic go nowhere investigations, but through their own daily actions. The obsessive compulsive hatred of Democrats and their media toward Conservative Americans is on display daily.
The left is so afraid of conservatism that the censorship of conservative voices has begun in earnest by media moguls. The cancel culture will be going after any Trump supporter. It will get worse. Many republicans did not like Trump’s style but his style was more like that of a democrat while his substance was more about getting conservative things done. More republicans complained about Trump’s style while remaining silent about that of democrats.
Trump supporters have been called a cult. Wrong!. They are American people who stand behind someone who fights for them. If you want those votes you had better be prepared to be a fighter, not just someone who says pretty words and make promises just to get elected.
I thought he was working on a full time position as "defendant". Even in jail, he could probably influence local elections. At the presidential level, his support would be about as valuable or to be more exact, harmful as an endorsement by David Duke except more so, ie the kiss of death.
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker?
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker? by Terry Paulson (
22 Feb 2021 ~~ By Terry Paulson

After breaking his month of silence, President Trump was asked on a Newsmax phone interview whether he will run again in 2024. His message was classic Trump. “I won’t say yet, bet we have tremendous support.”
It’s clear that there will be no formal announcement in the foreseeable future. Yet many polls suggest that Trump’s approval among Republicans remains high. In fact, post impeachment, Trump’s approval just keeps climbing among conservatives.
It’s clear that if he decides to run again in 2024, the chances of him being the Republican choice is high. If he does run and the party refuses to endorse his candidacy, many of his supporters will stay home and the party will be divided in ways that could impact turnout. Conservative Senate and House candidates could lose critical votes as well.
His decision may be years away, but there is no question that he will be called to play a critical role. Will he run to be president again or will he choose to be a kingmaker—nurturing a candidate and a platform that can leave a far more lasting legacy? President Trump can help launch a powerful candidate who would likely win in 2024 and 2028. Such a candidate could reverse many of the liberal excesses already evident in the Biden reign.
Let’s be honest. President Donald Trump accomplished things that most Republicans only campaigned on. He delivered on his promises. But sustaining such a force for change exacts a cost on the person and the family that must bear the brunt of attacks that come. President Trump used Twitter to sell his vision, attack his enemies, and support his herd of supporters. There is no question that his return to the campaign front would bring out the knives and venom once again. Does he want to do that again? There may be a way for him to have an even greater impact.
If he chooses to run, he will be poised to win. But I ask him to reconsider. Being a kingmaker may be more important to the future of America. The right candidate will come in without his toxic baggage. He has more of a chance of uniting the party to fight all the left stands for. A victorious Republican candidate would be positioned to serve not for four years, but for eight.
President Trump, what you stand for is more important than you. Consider proving that by staying open to doing what is best for America in the mid-terms and in the 2024 election. Thank you for all you have done, and all you will do to keep making America GREAT!

IMHO, Trump should focus on the Kingmaking, but not just that.
Undoubtedly, whatever Trump decides, the powers that be, "Deep State", Progressive Marxists and RINO's will make sure that most, if not all, Trump picks are made suspect of conspiracy theories and rejected with election voter fraud in the future. The establishment will continue to attempt to blame Trump failing to show he is no longer relevant. Today’s SCOTUS rejections of the election cases was done because they knew they would have to rule in Trump’s favor. There is no pretending any more.
Trump is a fighter. He pushed back against Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their media sycophants. He exposed their corruption, not through bureaucratic go nowhere investigations, but through their own daily actions. The obsessive compulsive hatred of Democrats and their media toward Conservative Americans is on display daily.
The left is so afraid of conservatism that the censorship of conservative voices has begun in earnest by media moguls. The cancel culture will be going after any Trump supporter. It will get worse. Many republicans did not like Trump’s style but his style was more like that of a democrat while his substance was more about getting conservative things done. More republicans complained about Trump’s style while remaining silent about that of democrats.
Trump supporters have been called a cult. Wrong!. They are American people who stand behind someone who fights for them. If you want those votes you had better be prepared to be a fighter, not just someone who says pretty words and make promises just to get elected.
Conservatism doesn't want any part of his tariffs. And he lost his war with China. The notion that Donald Fucking Trump would WILLINGLY part with a single dime that he wasn't forced by a court or a mobster to give is .... well, Dickens couldn't have made it work. LOL

But he will control a lot of votes in 24
Put their faith in a cult like figure too, who also used mob violence to achieve his political goals.

You Nazis indeed do put your faith in a cult like figure.


But American institutions have thus far held against the neo-fascist wave Trumpybear has inspired. The Grand Old Party is not the party of my father any more, that's for sure.

If Trump were a fascist, he'd still be a democrat, part of your Reich.

The democrat party is not an American party anymore. You are the Nazi Reich.
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker?
Trump’s Choice — President or Kingmaker? by Terry Paulson (
22 Feb 2021 ~~ By Terry Paulson

After breaking his month of silence, President Trump was asked on a Newsmax phone interview whether he will run again in 2024. His message was classic Trump. “I won’t say yet, bet we have tremendous support.”
It’s clear that there will be no formal announcement in the foreseeable future. Yet many polls suggest that Trump’s approval among Republicans remains high. In fact, post impeachment, Trump’s approval just keeps climbing among conservatives.
It’s clear that if he decides to run again in 2024, the chances of him being the Republican choice is high. If he does run and the party refuses to endorse his candidacy, many of his supporters will stay home and the party will be divided in ways that could impact turnout. Conservative Senate and House candidates could lose critical votes as well.
His decision may be years away, but there is no question that he will be called to play a critical role. Will he run to be president again or will he choose to be a kingmaker—nurturing a candidate and a platform that can leave a far more lasting legacy? President Trump can help launch a powerful candidate who would likely win in 2024 and 2028. Such a candidate could reverse many of the liberal excesses already evident in the Biden reign.
Let’s be honest. President Donald Trump accomplished things that most Republicans only campaigned on. He delivered on his promises. But sustaining such a force for change exacts a cost on the person and the family that must bear the brunt of attacks that come. President Trump used Twitter to sell his vision, attack his enemies, and support his herd of supporters. There is no question that his return to the campaign front would bring out the knives and venom once again. Does he want to do that again? There may be a way for him to have an even greater impact.
If he chooses to run, he will be poised to win. But I ask him to reconsider. Being a kingmaker may be more important to the future of America. The right candidate will come in without his toxic baggage. He has more of a chance of uniting the party to fight all the left stands for. A victorious Republican candidate would be positioned to serve not for four years, but for eight.
President Trump, what you stand for is more important than you. Consider proving that by staying open to doing what is best for America in the mid-terms and in the 2024 election. Thank you for all you have done, and all you will do to keep making America GREAT!

IMHO, Trump should focus on the Kingmaking, but not just that.
Undoubtedly, whatever Trump decides, the powers that be, "Deep State", Progressive Marxists and RINO's will make sure that most, if not all, Trump picks are made suspect of conspiracy theories and rejected with election voter fraud in the future. The establishment will continue to attempt to blame Trump failing to show he is no longer relevant. Today’s SCOTUS rejections of the election cases was done because they knew they would have to rule in Trump’s favor. There is no pretending any more.
Trump is a fighter. He pushed back against Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their media sycophants. He exposed their corruption, not through bureaucratic go nowhere investigations, but through their own daily actions. The obsessive compulsive hatred of Democrats and their media toward Conservative Americans is on display daily.
The left is so afraid of conservatism that the censorship of conservative voices has begun in earnest by media moguls. The cancel culture will be going after any Trump supporter. It will get worse. Many republicans did not like Trump’s style but his style was more like that of a democrat while his substance was more about getting conservative things done. More republicans complained about Trump’s style while remaining silent about that of democrats.
Trump supporters have been called a cult. Wrong!. They are American people who stand behind someone who fights for them. If you want those votes you had better be prepared to be a fighter, not just someone who says pretty words and make promises just to get elected.

Trump will bomb at CPAC on Feb 28th. He's done.
Trump has more support than any other single political figure in America. But the Nazis........

Put their faith in a cult like figure too, who also used mob violence to achieve his political goals.

But American institutions have thus far held against the neo-fascist wave Trumpybear has inspired. The Grand Old Party is not the party of my father any more, that's for sure.
No, it's better. the days of the Liberal bluebloods are numbered. We need a party to fight and destroy the Democrats.

The Republicans will need someone smart and decent like Evan McMullen.
Put their faith in a cult like figure too, who also used mob violence to achieve his political goals.

You Nazis indeed do put your faith in a cult like figure.

View attachment 460403

But American institutions have thus far held against the neo-fascist wave Trumpybear has inspired. The Grand Old Party is not the party of my father any more, that's for sure.

If Trump were a fascist, he'd still be a democrat, part of your Reich.

The democrat party is not an American party anymore. You are the Nazi Reich.

Trump is a Bircher and a nationalist who wants to destroy American institutions.
Put their faith in a cult like figure too, who also used mob violence to achieve his political goals.

You Nazis indeed do put your faith in a cult like figure.

View attachment 460403

But American institutions have thus far held against the neo-fascist wave Trumpybear has inspired. The Grand Old Party is not the party of my father any more, that's for sure.

If Trump were a fascist, he'd still be a democrat, part of your Reich.

The democrat party is not an American party anymore. You are the Nazi Reich.

Trump is a Bircher and a nationalist who wants to destroy American institutions.
That, moron, is an oxymoron.
Ted Cruz = GWB/Jeb

Uh, no.

The Nazis LOVE dubya and Jeb! - they fucking HATE Cruz, almost as much as Trump.

That should tell you a lot about where Ted stands.
Wrong...Ted is a neo-Con, through and through; look at all the Globalist shit he votes for.
Hell, even Trump ripped Cruz apart during the campaign.
It's just that Cruz gets the limelight when he bashes a Liberal and seems to be MAGA.

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