Gov't run Healthcare in Canada


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
In the Canadian province of Quebec, no party sitting in the provincial parliament dares to question the mammoth size of government. But strangely enough, only one party openly embraces socialism: Québec solidaire (QS). Their motto could be boiled down to “There is no salvation without the State.”

This conclusion is quite obvious when reading a recent Facebook post written by a leader of the left-wing party.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, a co-spokesman for the party who was elected to the provincial legislative assembly in 2017, expressed outrage that it was possible to get an appointment for a “Brazilian butt lift within a few days” while “intensive care units are overwhelmed” because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nadeau-Dubois' team called a few private clinics, and they told him that “there’s no reason to cancel or delay surgeries, unless the government tells us otherwise.”

Perhaps inspired by that last point, he proposed seizing private ORs because “an exceptional situation requires exceptional measures… Lives are on the line.”

The article goes on to explain how and why private sector healthcare delivery systems are more efficient and effective at providing better healthcare outcomes.

Canadian lawmakers would be wise to emulate the private sector, not co-opt it. By utilizing markets, the private sector has shown it can lower both wait times and costs—something Canada's "Medicare-for-all" system has failed to deliver. [from the link]

Canadian socialist politicians want to takeover private ORs. It's not hard to see where that path leads; a gov't takeover of all healthcare.
Do you like the way the VA is run? Why do you suppose UHC failed in Vermont? Why do you suppose blue states like CA, MD, and CO looked at it and decided not to do it?

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