Trump's bad judgement saying Putin is a genuis and savvy for invading Ukraine


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump's bad judgement saying Putin is a genuis and savvy for invading Ukraine.
Putin was not a genuis or savvy for invading Ukraine. It has been a disaster for Russia and Putin.
Do we want a person who judges Putin a genuis and savvy, for invading Ukraine, President of the USA? No way.

It is literally impossible for Traitor Trump to say a bad word about the love of his life. The mass murdering war criminal KGB Putin can do no wrong in Traitor Trump's mind.

If a celebrity hurts Crooked Donald's feelings, he will rage tweet at 3 am for days.

If a fellow Republican is in his way, Trump will accuse the Republican's father of killing Kennedy.

But never, and I mean never, will Trump criticize Putin for anything.

Trump even invented a personal relationship with Putin that didn't exist!

Trump actually starts blushing like a schoolgirl when he talks about being in a relationship with his idol. A relationship he entirely made up!

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.
Trump has had a gay crush on Putin for decades.


It is literally impossible for Traitor Trump to say a bad word about the love of his life. The mass murdering war criminal KGB Putin can do no wrong in Traitor Trump's mind.
If a celebrity hurts Crooked Donald's feelings, he will rage tweet at 3 am for days.
If a fellow Republican is in his way, Trump will accuse the Republican's father of killing Kennedy.
But never, and I mean never, will Trump criticize Putin for anything.
Hillary loved the Russians not Trump.
What's next, calling veteran Tulsi Gabbard a "Putin asset"?
Democrats love to accuse Republicans of what they are doing.

Remember that the Moscow mayor's wife sent the Bidens $millions dumbass.
Remember that the Moscow mayor's wife sent the Bidens $millions dumbass.
That's a Trump hoax, dumbass. When will you dipshits ever learn that Lyin' Donald has no qualms about lying to your credulous stupid faces?

Remember Trump lied to your dumb face all through 2016 that he had no business dealings with Russia when he was actually attempting to achieve his decades long dream of building a Trump Tower in Moscow?

That is an actual FACT.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump was in business negotiations with Russia to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he intended to gift KGB Putin with the penthouse, valued at $50 million.

However, Trump denied, denied, and denied he had business relations with Russia all during the campaign. He flat out lied, and he had his man Michael Cohen lie to Congress about it.

1. July 26, 2016:
"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia," Trump tells CBS4.

2. July 26, 2016: "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia," Trump tweets.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

6. Jan. 11, 2017: "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!," Trump tweets.

7. Feb. 7, 2017: Trump tweets, "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy."

8. May 11, 2017: Trump tells NBC News that he has "nothing to do with Russia," other than the fact that he "sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago" and hosted the Miss Universe pageant there once.

Trump spit right into the faces of you rubes and lied to you. That's how much contempt he has for you. But his contempt for the rubes rises to a whole new level when he is caught in a lie or disgracing himself in public.

Trump does not backpedal when caught in a lie or disgracing himself. He never backpedals.

In a scene right out of Orwell's 1984, Trump fabricates a completely new reality and feeds it to you rubes and you turn on a dime and swallow his fantastical new lies like sheep!

After Trump's lie about his business dealings with Russia were outed, this is the fantasy Trump fabricated:

"[a project] we were looking at in Moscow. Everybody knew about it. was a well-known project. It was during the early part of '16"
It is literally impossible for Traitor Trump to say a bad word about the love of his life. The mass murdering war criminal KGB Putin can do no wrong in Traitor Trump's mind.

If a celebrity hurts Crooked Donald's feelings, he will rage tweet at 3 am for days.

If a fellow Republican is in his way, Trump will accuse the Republican's father of killing Kennedy.

But never, and I mean never, will Trump criticize Putin for anything.

Trump even invented a personal relationship with Putin that didn't exist!

Trump actually starts blushing like a schoolgirl when he talks about being in a relationship with his idol. A relationship he entirely made up!

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.

Biden is the president. This all occured under Biden. You should seek help for your TDS. Wow!! Just wow!!!
Old selective comments alleged to Trump interpreted by somebody named Joseph Gedeon of Politico but strangely not a word from the president of the United States. Is Biden still taking a nap?
Um, can someone remind me how many years was the US in Afghanistan, and refresh me on did we win that one?
Trump's bad judgement saying Putin is a genuis and savvy for invading Ukraine.
Putin was not a genuis or savvy for invading Ukraine. It has been a disaster for Russia and Putin.
Do we want a person who judges Putin a genuis and savvy, for invading Ukraine, President of the USA? No way.

Putin has done a horrible job with the war in Ukraine. He invaded a country bigger than Iraq, with a more formidable military and superior will to defend itself than Iraq, with only 80 thousand troops. The US deployed 800K troops during Operation Desert Storm after a long air bombing campaign that lasted almost six months, decimating Iraq's vital infrastructure. Then the US invaded Iraq again, with half a million troops in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq 2). When I saw Putin invading Ukraine with only 80 thousand troops, I knew he was a crap tactician. He also refused to target Ukraine's infrastructure in the beginning of the war, and even now he hasn't really fully unleashed the devastating potential of the Russian airforce upon Ukraine.

In view of NATO expansion into Eastern Europe, the US State Department sponsored, 2014 Maidan coup and the terrorist neo-nazi, paramilitary-led war against the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, not to speak of the Kyiv US puppet government's refusal to comply with the Minsk agreements that it signed, I was 100% on the side of Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin. Seeing how poorly he handled the war, relying on mercenaries and Chechens to do all of the fighting, rather than the Russian army, I concluded Putin stinks as a war strategist. He's an idiot. I also came to the conclusion that Russia is mostly a paper tiger, militarily. It's poop. It's but a mere shadow of what it used to be during the Soviet Union with its red army.

Russia has turned into a pile of poop, militarily and otherwise. So I'm no longer pro-Putin. Russia needs better leadership. It's a country with immense potential, that isn't being actualized due to all of the corruption, from the Russian establishment and oligarchs. It could be a world superpower, but it has decided to reduce itself to a mafia, oligarchal society, run by corrupt politicians.
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It is literally impossible for Traitor Trump to say a bad word about the love of his life. The mass murdering war criminal KGB Putin can do no wrong in Traitor Trump's mind.

If a celebrity hurts Crooked Donald's feelings, he will rage tweet at 3 am for days.

If a fellow Republican is in his way, Trump will accuse the Republican's father of killing Kennedy.

But never, and I mean never, will Trump criticize Putin for anything.

Trump even invented a personal relationship with Putin that didn't exist!

Trump actually starts blushing like a schoolgirl when he talks about being in a relationship with his idol. A relationship he entirely made up!

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.

Trump treats Putin like Trump's lemmings treat Trump. Trump can do no wrong. If Trump does it, it is right.
Putin completely miscalculated how the West would respond to his war of imperialism.

The KGB thug thought Biden would fold. He had been counting on Trump's re-election.

If Trump had won re-election, Putin would have been in Kyiv within three weeks. Trump is one of the most petty, vindictive people alive and it would have given him much pleasure to fuck over Zelensky for not going along with Trump's attempt to create a fake scandal about his political opponent Biden.

Trump would have continued to praise Putin's "brilliance" and "genius" as the Ukraine was subsumed and enslaved.
Putin has done a horrible job with the war in Ukraine. He invaded a country bigger than Iraq, with a more formidable military and superior will to defend itself than Iraq, with only 80 thousand troops. The US deployed 800K troops during Operation Desert Storm after a long air bombing campaign that lasted almost six months, decimating Iraq's vital infrastructure. Then the US invaded Iraq again, with half a million troops in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq 2). When I saw Putin invading Ukraine with only 80 thousand troops, I knew he was a crap tactician. He also refused to target Ukraine's infrastructure in the beginning of the war, and even now he hasn't really fully unleashed the devastating potential of the Russian airforce upon Ukraine.

In view of NATO expansion into Eastern Europe, the US State Department sponsored, 2014 Maidan coup and the terrorist neo-nazi, paramilitary-led war against the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, not to speak of the Kyiv US puppet government's refusal to comply with the Minsk agreements that it signed, I was 100% on the side of Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin. Seeing how poorly he handled the war, relying on mercenaries and Chechens to do all of the fighting, rather than the Russian army, I concluded Putin stinks as a war strategist. He's an idiot. I also came to the conclusion that Russia is mostly a paper tiger, militarily. It's poop. It's but a mere shadow of what it used to be during the Soviet Union with its red army.

Russia has turned into a pile of poop, militarily and otherwise. So I'm no longer pro-Putin. Russia needs better leadership. It's a country with immense potential, that isn't being actualized due to all of the corruption, from the Russian establishment and oligarchs. It could be a world superpower, but it has decided to reduce itself to a mafia, oligarchal society, run by corrupt politicians.
We do not want leadership in the US that thinks Putin's leadership is admirable.
Trump's bad judgement saying Putin is a genuis and savvy for invading Ukraine.
Putin was not a genuis or savvy for invading Ukraine. It has been a disaster for Russia and Putin.
Do we want a person who judges Putin a genuis and savvy, for invading Ukraine, President of the USA? No way.

T. D . S # too high to count. Get help.
Trump blows smoke up dictator's asses. Putin's and Kim Jung Un's. Trump loves to negotiate deals.
Showing KJU the prosperity of Singapore compared to the squalor of NK could have been a game changer.
Trump kisses dictator's asses. He wishes he had their power. He demands EVERYONE kiss his ass and he is not a dictator. He is a dick.

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