Trump's Appeal To Blacks Just Might Pay Off.

A variety of pundits and news reporters have speculated on why blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat, usually 90-95% of the time and the answers are as variegated as they are complex, but I'm going to offer a very simple explanation.


Simple, isn't it? There is power in directly asking for someone's vote, which has become a lost art in politics. Candidates used to go door to door asking people for their vote and the reason it works is because of human nature. People want to know their vote is wanted, needed, cherished, and appreciated....personally. Modern politics resorts to honing the general campaign message to appeal to the broadest base of people, but people don't vote for tax plans or foreign policy experience. They vote for people.

And Republicans have foolishly written off the black vote and assume blacks will never vote for them. And blacks don't vote for Republicans because they don't think Republicans want or appreciate their vote. It's an endless paradox that Trump is seeking to break.

Trump's message is simple. "I want your vote. I'm going to give you better prospects for a brighter future than Democrats have for the last 50 years. Please vote for me."

And many more blacks will indeed vote for Donald Trump....simply because he asked them to.

Ahhh .. that's not true at all.

We've heard what passes as republican 'outreach' many times before. We recognize that republicans NEED our votes .. which is why they're talking.

That's what this is all about, isn't it? .. republicans NEED our votes.

What's missing in what passes as republican outreach are specifics and what are you going to do to EARN our votes. Trump offered nothing. His appeal .. "What do you have to lose?" :0) That's laughable .. and quite silly.

Here's what we have to lose. As president, Hillary Clinton will address the number one issue to a great many black people like myself .. the terrorism of police. She will address it because she needs energized black people voting for her. And, once in office, she will do something serious about that issue.

How do I know that? .. Because she wants to be re-elected AND once again, she will need energized black votes.

Voting for Trump gets absolutely nothing done about the issue .. and in fact, may only make it worse.

Put it this way .. there exists no greater divide in all of American politics than that between black people and republicans. A drop-by speech with no specifics does absolutely nothing to bridge that humongous divide. Republicans are racist. That's no secret to anybody .. least of all, Black Americans.

Trump polls at 1% among Black voters .. and there is a better chance that it might go down.

Republicans made this bed themselves .. now they'll have to sleep in it.

Youre putting Hillary on the BLM plantation? She won't do a damn thing for you. Even Obama wouldn't. Face it, the democrats just want your vote and simply pay lip service to you. Wise up and give Trump a try. Another reason to vote for Trump.
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Yeah, blacks would be so much better off voting for a president who is overwhelmingly supported by the KKK and white supremacist groups. Sort of like Colonel Sanders asking the chickens to vote for him. What could possibly go wrong...
I bet in the end more racists and terrorists vote for the Butcher of Ben Ghazi. The most racist remarks in this entire election cycle happened in her disgusting speech to the NAACP.
The correct question is: What cities are blacks doing so well under Democrats? I'd include "what

Dayton, Ohio. It could be better in Dayton. It has been much better in Dayton. Before the auto industry moved to Mexico.

Currently, if you aren't working in Dayton, it's your fault. Black, white or Hispanic. Or Turkish. Lots of Turks. But they employ their own from what I can tell.

Nan Whaley, white, is the democratic mayor. Things could be better. But things are far from bad.

Big plus is WPAFB. Largest employer in SW Ohio. Employs lots of blacks in good paying jobs. But that's not a republican democrat thing.
Blacks seem to prosper when they work in an environ that really prohibits discrimination. Such as federal government jobs. They attain management positions, have a hiring preference for blacks and soon blacks are fairly evenly represented in all forms and levels of government jobs.

Pretty smart strategy on their part.
Sorry, I only got as far as "terrorism of police" and dismissed the rest of your post in derision.

To complex of an issue for your pea brain to contemplate
About 99.9% of the public don't think our police are terrorists. That puts you batshit crazy loons so far out of the mainstream that the post didn't merit any further attention.
About 99.9% of the public don't think our police are terrorists.

I don't believe police are terrorists. That's crazy.
I do believe the police have terrorized people. For instance, the police have raided wrong houses..kicked in the doors, screaming, flash bangs the entire nine yards.

You think those innocent people were terrorized by the police?
Answer honestly.
About 99.9% of the public don't think our police are terrorists.

I don't believe police are terrorists. That's crazy.
I do believe the police have terrorized people. For instance, the police have raided wrong houses..kicked in the doors, screaming, flash bangs the entire nine yards.

You think those innocent people were terrorized by the police?
Answer honestly.
I think such instances are rare and that police raids are almost always conducted on criminals.
A variety of pundits and news reporters have speculated on why blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat, usually 90-95% of the time and the answers are as variegated as they are complex, but I'm going to offer a very simple explanation.


Simple, isn't it? There is power in directly asking for someone's vote, which has become a lost art in politics. Candidates used to go door to door asking people for their vote and the reason it works is because of human nature. People want to know their vote is wanted, needed, cherished, and appreciated....personally. Modern politics resorts to honing the general campaign message to appeal to the broadest base of people, but people don't vote for tax plans or foreign policy experience. They vote for people.

And Republicans have foolishly written off the black vote and assume blacks will never vote for them. And blacks don't vote for Republicans because they don't think Republicans want or appreciate their vote. It's an endless paradox that Trump is seeking to break.

Trump's message is simple. "I want your vote. I'm going to give you better prospects for a brighter future than Democrats have for the last 50 years. Please vote for me."

And many more blacks will indeed vote for Donald Trump....simply because he asked them to.

Wishful thinking....and "NO" it won't work. For 30+ years the GOP has pushed for laws that enrich the 1% at the expense of the working class. If you think Donnie's little speech is going to turn that around, and cause African Americans to forget the last 3+ decades, you're living on another planet.
Really? Half the country votes for a party that only benefits 1%? Do you have to try to be this astronomically dense?

And what "African Americans" will learn to face is the poverty, hopelessness, and despair that they still experience under the scourge of Democrat run cities. And they will eventually see the pointlessness of voting for the status quo.

No shit....he's a moron....he doesn't even see the one percent love Hillary.....she'll keep the tax code complicated as fuck, so they can get their goodies in it....and she is completely owned by the one percent......liberals really are libtards.....
The correct question is: What cities are blacks doing so well under Democrats? I'd include "what country" too.

There's probably more money, business, and jobs in the Black city of Atlanta then in the entire state of Mississippi

ATLANTA .. Black city .. Black Mayor .. Black Administration .. Black residents .. Vibrant Black History .. Olympics .. Final Four .. Democrats control it .. the Mega City of the Southeast


Atlanta residential real estate market continues to boom

Atlanta warehouse business booms
Warehouse business booming in Atlanta |

Atlanta residential construction is booming in 2016
Atlanta residential construction is booming in 2016

Convention Chief Says Atlanta’s Tourism is Booming
Convention Chief Says Atlanta's Tourism is Booming

Atlanta ZIP code named a Top 10 'Boom Town' in U.S.

But don't let me stop your hate fest :0) I love it when republicans answer their own dumb ass questions .. like why don't black people vote for republicans.

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Maybe Trumpy can distribute Play Doh to black communities....
The Republicans are heaping huge praise on Trumpy for doing that and saving
lives in flood ravaged La...
A variety of pundits and news reporters have speculated on why blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat, usually 90-95% of the time and the answers are as variegated as they are complex, but I'm going to offer a very simple explanation.


Simple, isn't it? There is power in directly asking for someone's vote, which has become a lost art in politics. Candidates used to go door to door asking people for their vote and the reason it works is because of human nature. People want to know their vote is wanted, needed, cherished, and appreciated....personally. Modern politics resorts to honing the general campaign message to appeal to the broadest base of people, but people don't vote for tax plans or foreign policy experience. They vote for people.

And Republicans have foolishly written off the black vote and assume blacks will never vote for them. And blacks don't vote for Republicans because they don't think Republicans want or appreciate their vote. It's an endless paradox that Trump is seeking to break.

Trump's message is simple. "I want your vote. I'm going to give you better prospects for a brighter future than Democrats have for the last 50 years. Please vote for me."

And many more blacks will indeed vote for Donald Trump....simply because he asked them to.

Or perhaps it's because Donald told them up front that they have been had by the democrat plantation. Now that they are aware, they can fix the issue. Kicking the plantation owners out is the first step. Second step would be bringing the father back in.
Maybe Trumpy can distribute Play Doh to black communities....
The Republicans are heaping huge praise on Trumpy for doing that and saving
lives in flood ravaged La...
Play doh is a diversion to keep little children occupied. Democrats are so easily distracted.
A variety of pundits and news reporters have speculated on why blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat, usually 90-95% of the time and the answers are as variegated as they are complex, but I'm going to offer a very simple explanation.


Simple, isn't it? There is power in directly asking for someone's vote, which has become a lost art in politics. Candidates used to go door to door asking people for their vote and the reason it works is because of human nature. People want to know their vote is wanted, needed, cherished, and appreciated....personally. Modern politics resorts to honing the general campaign message to appeal to the broadest base of people, but people don't vote for tax plans or foreign policy experience. They vote for people.

And Republicans have foolishly written off the black vote and assume blacks will never vote for them. And blacks don't vote for Republicans because they don't think Republicans want or appreciate their vote. It's an endless paradox that Trump is seeking to break.

Trump's message is simple. "I want your vote. I'm going to give you better prospects for a brighter future than Democrats have for the last 50 years. Please vote for me."

And many more blacks will indeed vote for Donald Trump....simply because he asked them to.

Or perhaps it's because Donald told them up front that they have been had by the democrat plantation. Now that they are aware, they can fix the issue. Kicking the plantation owners out is the first step. Second step would be bringing the father back in.
It's been said that blacks won't even look at Republicans, much less vote, but if Trump keeps this up, they're going to notice and start listening to what he has to say.

Killary addressed the NAACP. Trump is addressing all black Americans. We'll see which strategy works.
The correct question is: What cities are blacks doing so well under Democrats? I'd include "what country" too.

There's probably more money, business, and jobs in the Black city of Atlanta then in the entire state of Mississippi

ATLANTA .. Black city .. Black Mayor .. Black Administration .. Black residents .. Vibrant Black History .. Olympics .. Final Four .. Democrats control it .. the Mega City of the Southeast


Atlanta residential real estate market continues to boom

Atlanta warehouse business booms
Warehouse business booming in Atlanta |

Atlanta residential construction is booming in 2016
Atlanta residential construction is booming in 2016

Convention Chief Says Atlanta’s Tourism is Booming
Convention Chief Says Atlanta's Tourism is Booming

Atlanta ZIP code named a Top 10 'Boom Town' in U.S.

But don't let me stop your hate fest :0) I love it when republicans answer their own dumb ass questions .. like why don't black people vote for republicans.


What happened to all the ignorant racist dickheads who claim that Black people can't run a city?

NFL owners award 2019 Super Bowl to Atlanta

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Super Bowl is headed back to Atlanta after a vote Tuesday by NFL owners to play the nation’s No. 1 sporting event in the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium in February 2019.

It will be the third Super Bowl played in Atlanta and the first since 2000.
NFL owners award 2019 Super Bowl to Atlanta |

How many American cities can lay claim to hosting multiple Super Bowls, The Final Four for both Men and Women, The Olympics, multiple NBA All-Star games, as well as many other major events?

Black city .. Black Mayor .. Black Administration .. Black residents .. Vibrant Black History .. controlled by democrats in a red state that is among the poorest in the nation.

Black and democratically controlled Atlanta is doing far better than the rest of the republican controlled state.

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