Trumpery on Trial


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The American People had reached their verdict on Trumpery well before the 2020 election in which they finally were given the opportunity to officially proclaim it, and the Cry Baby Loser's subsequent repugnant conduct has only affirmed the democratic decision.

However, the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer will not yet slither away. He will soon be confronted with a plethora of legal consequences for diverse improprieties, financial and otherwise. Multiple sexual assault charges will also liven up his dotage.

Nor are the degenerate's comeuppances limited to him alone.

His craven lickspittles who lied on his behalf are being brought to justice as well, and he is now impotent in pardoning the lowlifes:

... Bartiromo, Dobbs and Pirro, as well as Donald Trump lawyers Rudolph Giuliani and Sidney Powell, were sued this month for $2.7 billion by Smartmatic, which accused them of conspiring to spread false claims that the company was involved in an effort to steal the presidential election from Trump.
Smartmatic in its 285-page complaint filed Feb. 4 in state court in New York had cited at least 13 reports on Fox News in which guests or personalities falsely stated or implied that the company had somehow helped steal the election through easily tampered technology or in cahoots with Venezuela’s socialist government.
The complaint alleged that the disinformation campaign continued even after then-Attorney General William Barr said the Department of Justice could find no evidence of widespread voter fraud.'
Smartmatic's participation in the U.S. election was restricted to a single district, Los Angeles County, which votes heavily Democratic.
That limited role notwithstanding, the company and its technology were widely and baselessly blamed by Trump supporters for somehow tilting the race in favor of Joe Biden. The effects of the negative publicity were swift and included death threats against an executive's 14-year-old son, the loss of business and an enduring stain on its reputation, Smartmatic claims.
Throughout all the ongoing discrediting of Trumpery, Trump can cling to his one, enduring certitude: No matter how depraved and blatant his iniquity is, his cult will not waiver in their adoration. He had bragged as much.

... and all the kink's horse's asses and all the kink's minions couldn't put dumpy trumpy together again.
Trumpery was already on trial. We had an election last year on it. Trumpery lost by a historic margin. Now we have President Uncle Joe.

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