Trump witch hunt is over

I am sure you'd like to erase the legacy of Nixon because it tears your statement to shreds.
What did Nixon do exactly? Can you actually point to a crime that Nixon actually committed that you can tie directly to Watergate? Nixon resigned because of The Political Hype generated by The Satanic Marxist Left, and because he thought it would be better for the country had he stepped down. He wasn't involved in Watergate, and is not responsible for the actions of rogue political operatives.

I agree with Nixon stepping down. Donald Trump's issue NEVER approached Nixon's. Watergate was just used as leverage to get Nixon out of office. This is when our Government started to be weaponized by The Left against their political rivals. I think you can point to that event as the beginning of The End for our Republic...but you can really trace the destruction of America back to Communist Marxist FDR being elected. Maybe even further back when The IRS and Federal Reserve were formed and given Unconstitutional Asset Forfeiture Powers.

If you really ask me though the biggest turning point in our history was when they assassinated JFK. America and The Democrat Party died that day.
Oh stop it! I think most rational Republicans know DiSantis has a better chance to win but Republicans can't figure out a way to rid themselves of Trump without pissing his followers off. Or having him run 3rd party. I think Republicans are going to go along with not allowing Trump to ever run for president again. You can't try to pull what he tried to pull and then lead again. No fucking way.

Again, I think we beat Trump when Disantis might beat us. So I don't get you idiots. But okay, let's keep playing this Trump game. He is such a bad person I hope he is your nominee.

I mean look at how he tried that fake electorates scheme. Or called Georgia to come up with a few thousand votes for him. Come on! Give me a break! In other words, it's easy to cheat and come up with a few thousand fake votes for Trump.

Trump believes elections are rigged because he believes everyone is just like him. Shady.

Stop it!!! Get rid of this guy.
It's actually really not that complex.....trump runs, and if he loses in the primary he's not complex....this has been the democratic system in our country for centuries. I get it's hard concept for the Demafasict cult to get, as they let the party and not the people decide who to run
What did Nixon do exactly? Can you actually point to a crime that Nixon actually committed that you can tie directly to Watergate? Nixon resigned because of The Political Hype generated by The Satanic Marxist Left, and because he thought it would be better for the country had he stepped down. He wasn't involved in Watergate, and is not responsible for the actions of rogue political operatives.

I agree with Nixon stepping down. Donald Trump's issue NEVER approached Nixon's. Watergate was just used as leverage to get Nixon out of office. This is when our Government started to be weaponized by The Left against their political rivals. I think you can point to that event as the beginning of The End for our Republic...but you can really trace the destruction of America back to Communist Marxist FDR being elected. Maybe even further back when The IRS and Federal Reserve were formed and given Unconstitutional Asset Forfeiture Powers.

If you really ask me though the biggest turning point in our history was when they assassinated JFK. America and The Democrat Party died that day.
FDR helped save capitalism in the US and you hate him for it, go live in China if you want something called communism.(but it really isn't)
It's actually really not that complex.....trump runs, and if he loses in the primary he's not complex....this has been the democratic system in our country for centuries. I get it's hard concept for the Demafasict cult to get, as they let the party and not the people decide who to run
Trump lost and you claim democracy is dead, how quant.
Oh stop it! I think most rational Republicans know DiSantis has a better chance to win but Republicans can't figure out a way to rid themselves of Trump without pissing his followers off. Or having him run 3rd party. I think Republicans are going to go along with not allowing Trump to ever run for president again. You can't try to pull what he tried to pull and then lead again. No fucking way.

Again, I think we beat Trump when Disantis might beat us. So I don't get you idiots. But okay, let's keep playing this Trump game. He is such a bad person I hope he is your nominee.

I mean look at how he tried that fake electorates scheme. Or called Georgia to come up with a few thousand votes for him. Come on! Give me a break! In other words, it's easy to cheat and come up with a few thousand fake votes for Trump.

Trump believes elections are rigged because he believes everyone is just like him. Shady.

Stop it!!! Get rid of this guy.
Stop it. Get rid of this guy.

The bimbos are already drafting sex complaints against DeSantis. Enemy democrats are having meetings about the investigations into DeSantis' assault on their democracy. Don't let it go to waste. Another steal is on the line.
It's actually really not that complex.....trump runs, and if he loses in the primary he's not complex....this has been the democratic system in our country for centuries. I get it's hard concept for the Demafasict cult to get, as they let the party and not the people decide who to run
Yea but his behavior was unfit to serve. He has 4 felony charges against him.

We need to do the Republicans a favor. They want to disqualify him too but they don't want to be punished by the voters. I say they need to do the right thing and take it on the chin. For the good of our country.

I know what you are saying. And that may just have to be the way it is. But it's not right. And you Republicans should be ashamed. You're such nazi's. Or, you proved that the civil war never really ended. Pick an an analogy.

I like how Liz Chaney said no one ever did this before. That's not true. In 2000 Bush's fixer Roger Stone started the Brooks Brother Riots that stopped the Florida recount. Then the Supreme Court gave it to Bush. Trump was hoping for something similar but it wasn't close enough to steal. The next election might be and Trump's Supreme Court picks will be ready to help him next time, if it's closer. And it probably will be closer next time.

God I hope you guys run Trump.

I also wish I could see 2 alternate universes. One where DiSantis is your nominee and one where Trump is and see who would do better against Kamala.
Yea but his behavior was unfit to serve. He has 4 felony charges against him.

We need to do the Republicans a favor. They want to disqualify him too but they don't want to be punished by the voters. I say they need to do the right thing and take it on the chin. For the good of our country.

I know what you are saying. And that may just have to be the way it is. But it's not right. And you Republicans should be ashamed. You're such nazi's. Or, you proved that the civil war never really ended. Pick an an analogy.

I like how Liz Chaney said no one ever did this before. That's not true. In 2000 Bush's fixer Roger Stone started the Brooks Brother Riots that stopped the Florida recount. Then the Supreme Court gave it to Bush. Trump was hoping for something similar but it wasn't close enough to steal. The next election might be and Trump's Supreme Court picks will be ready to help him next time, if it's closer. And it probably will be closer next time.

God I hope you guys run Trump.

I also wish I could see 2 alternate universes. One where DiSantis is your nominee and one where Trump is and see who would do better against Kamala.

Nobody gave Bush anything. The Florida courts were practicing judicial legislation, and the Supreme Court asked them WTF they thought they were doing?
Nobody gave Bush anything. The Florida courts were practicing judicial legislation, and the Supreme Court asked them WTF they thought they were doing?
Just notice the similarities. Bush coordinated with Roger Stone to start a riot to stop the recount. Sound familiar? Because Roger Stone was part of the insurrection in 2020. He coordinated between Trump and Proud Boys. Remember Michael Coen used to be Trump's fixer? Fast forward 20 years Trump's pardoning Roger Stone and Roger is involved in another riot.

Yes what you are saying is the official position of the US Government when it comes to 2000. Because the truth looks bad for our so called free and fair elections. RIGGED!

And then there's Trump calling Georgia saying, "come on give me a break. Can't you find me 20,000 votes".

So we know he is willing to cheat and you'll go along, Nazi.
Just notice the similarities. Bush coordinated with Roger Stone to start a riot to stop the recount. Sound familiar? Because Roger Stone was part of the insurrection in 2020. He coordinated between Trump and Proud Boys. Remember Michael Coen used to be Trump's fixer? Fast forward 20 years Trump's pardoning Roger Stone and Roger is involved in another riot.

Yes what you are saying is the official position of the US Government when it comes to 2000. Because the truth looks bad for our so called free and fair elections. RIGGED!

And then there's Trump calling Georgia saying, "come on give me a break. Can't you find me 20,000 votes".

So we know he is willing to cheat and you'll go along, Nazi.

What riot? A dozen or so guys in polo shirts is what you consider a riot? They did that on purpose anyway. They blocked the windows during the recount TO piss those people off.

Yes, it is the official position of our government. It's called separation of powers. Judges cannot change laws on the bench because their buddy Al Gore is running.

Find me 20,000 votes is not the same as manufacture 20,000 votes. It means Trump was looking for potential votes not counted, hidden, or to make sure the count was accurate. It's like I said earlier. If I ask my friend to help me find my car keys, it doesn't imply I want him to make a new set. I'm asking him to help me find something I know already exists.

Yes, I know. Thought Police are main characters in your Holy Bible, but it's not here yet.
Yea but his behavior was unfit to serve. He has 4 felony charges against him.

We need to do the Republicans a favor. They want to disqualify him too but they don't want to be punished by the voters. I say they need to do the right thing and take it on the chin. For the good of our country.

I know what you are saying. And that may just have to be the way it is. But it's not right. And you Republicans should be ashamed. You're such nazi's. Or, you proved that the civil war never really ended. Pick an an analogy.

I like how Liz Chaney said no one ever did this before. That's not true. In 2000 Bush's fixer Roger Stone started the Brooks Brother Riots that stopped the Florida recount. Then the Supreme Court gave it to Bush. Trump was hoping for something similar but it wasn't close enough to steal. The next election might be and Trump's Supreme Court picks will be ready to help him next time, if it's closer. And it probably will be closer next time.

God I hope you guys run Trump.

I also wish I could see 2 alternate universes. One where DiSantis is your nominee and one where Trump is and see who would do better against Kamala.
haha. he hasn’t been charged with anything! you can’t even make it two sentences without lying
What riot? A dozen or so guys in polo shirts is what you consider a riot? They did that on purpose anyway. They blocked the windows during the recount TO piss those people off.

Yes, it is the official position of our government. It's called separation of powers. Judges cannot change laws on the bench because their buddy Al Gore is running.

Find me 20,000 votes is not the same as manufacture 20,000 votes. It means Trump was looking for potential votes not counted, hidden, or to make sure the count was accurate. It's like I said earlier. If I ask my friend to help me find my car keys, it doesn't imply I want him to make a new set. I'm asking him to help me find something I know already exists.

Yes, I know. Thought Police are main characters in your Holy Bible, but it's not here yet.
You're a liar or clueless old man.
Where's the bravery in voting to convict your political opponents?

You idiots don't really buy this horseshit you're selling, do you?
Here's the deal.
Biden can't be charged, correct, he's the sitting POTUS.

Who do you want charged?

Find the crime, charge them, bring them to trial.

But, don't dare say anything about the "so-called deep state" covering it up and protecting the (D)'s, when that is exactly what the Senate did with trump. (Twice)
Where's the bravery in voting to convict your political opponents?
Point out a post of yours where you condemn ANY action by trump.
You kiss his ass everyday, and will NEVER admit he committed CRIMES.
Multiple Crimes.

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