Trump Will Lose

If Florida goes for Biden, Trump can’t win

As big a challenge for Trump is that he is losing in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All states he won in 2016

Trumps lead in Texas and Georgia has also eroded

Could set up to be a landslide for Biden unless Trump can turn things around

Hillary was leading in the polls right up to election day. You know this.

The polls were right in the overwhelming number of Presidential elections. They were right in 2018 and Republicans lost big

If Trump thinks he can get lucky twice and polls don’t matter, I welcome him to do so.

Right now, he has to make up some serious ground
Oh, yes, President Trump will lose -- either honestly or because of electoral fraud.

The Democrats' nightmare will soon come to an end.

Then they can finally start to restructure American society as they had planned to do in 2016.

Hold on to your seat! Big changes are a-coming!
What cabbage patch were you born in, doll? The Democrats are planning to Bolshevik the hell out of our Constitution that champions the common man. They don't want no stinkin' free speech. They don't want no church. They don't want any competition from conservative Americans. And they're not prepared for the war they are about to start if they keep brainwashing kids in the University to despise the Constitution and to declare war on the next president of the opposition party. Right now, the Democrats are being held responsible for corrupting the FBI who was first approached by Hillary Clinton's rewards system to get them to beat up Republicans with the "files" she collected while her husband was screwing everything wearing a skirt that was walking through the White House guest corridor. Clinton has been pushing for communist rule ever since and probably before she announced that "It takes a village (and not parents) to raise a child." That's dirt level communism, and don't forget it. It results in dehumanization, war, and murdering one's fellow citizens who disagree with your party. You better watch out.
Democrats will win fair and square and take the State Houses, Governorships, House, Senate and White House

Keep whistling past the graveyard. The truth is that Democrats are in real trouble and they know it.

I like our position, thank you very much

Your fellow Republicans are not as confident as you are
If Florida goes for Biden, Trump can’t win

As big a challenge for Trump is that he is losing in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All states he won in 2016

Trumps lead in Texas and Georgia has also eroded

Could set up to be a landslide for Biden unless Trump can turn things around

Hillary was leading in the polls right up to election day. You know this.

The polls were right in the overwhelming number of Presidential elections. They were right in 2018 and Republicans lost big

If Trump thinks he can get lucky twice and polls don’t matter, I welcome him to do so.

Right now, he has to make up some serious ground

Yeah, but now we know the Russian claims were lies and Trump will be on the ticket. Your "push polls" mean nothing.
Oh, yes, President Trump will lose -- either honestly or because of electoral fraud.

The Democrats' nightmare will soon come to an end.

Then they can finally start to restructure American society as they had planned to do in 2016.

Hold on to your seat! Big changes are a-coming!
What cabbage patch were you born in, doll? The Democrats are planning to Bolshevik the hell out of our Constitution that champions the common man. They don't want no stinkin' free speech. They don't want no church. They don't want any competition from conservative Americans. And they're not prepared for the war they are about to start if they keep brainwashing kids in the University to despise the Constitution and to declare war on the next president of the opposition party. Right now, the Democrats are being held responsible for corrupting the FBI who was first approached by Hillary Clinton's rewards system to get them to beat up Republicans with the "files" she collected while her husband was screwing everything wearing a skirt that was walking through the White House guest corridor. Clinton has been pushing for communist rule ever since and probably before she announced that "It takes a village (and not parents) to raise a child." That's dirt level communism, and don't forget it. It results in dehumanization, war, and murdering one's fellow citizens who disagree with your party. You better watch out.
Democrats will win fair and square and take the State Houses, Governorships, House, Senate and White House

Keep whistling past the graveyard. The truth is that Democrats are in real trouble and they know it.

I like our position, thank you very much

Your fellow Republicans are not as confident as you are

Only in their fund raising letters. LMAO!
Florida also has had an influx of Puerto Rican refugees.
Puerto Rican’s are not big fans of the paper towel king

If Trump loses Florida, it is game over for Republicans

It's also home to the greatest number of retirees in the nation - the people Trumpers say need to be sacrificed to save the economy.

As far as I know, "Trumpers" have never said ANYONE needed to be sacrificed. Of course, trolls like you never rely on the truth.

So, what's the weather like in your country, foreign troll?
If Florida goes for Biden, Trump can’t win

As big a challenge for Trump is that he is losing in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All states he won in 2016

Trumps lead in Texas and Georgia has also eroded

Could set up to be a landslide for Biden unless Trump can turn things around

Hillary was leading in the polls right up to election day. You know this.

The polls were right in the overwhelming number of Presidential elections. They were right in 2018 and Republicans lost big

If Trump thinks he can get lucky twice and polls don’t matter, I welcome him to do so.

Right now, he has to make up some serious ground

Yeah, but now we know the Russian claims were lies and Trump will be on the ticket. Your "push polls" mean nothing.
Trump will run as an impeached President and with the worst economy in 80 years

Never been done
The Buck Stops Here

Trump can explain to the voters that it doesn’t.

There are chickenshits here but you take the cake...bwak bwak bwak bwak
Trump will have to run with the worst economy in 80 years.
Let him explain it to voters

He will. It's not difficult to understand and as the economy will come back like the stock market did today...which is why you are here posting so much manure.
If Florida goes for Biden, Trump can’t win

As big a challenge for Trump is that he is losing in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All states he won in 2016

Trumps lead in Texas and Georgia has also eroded

Could set up to be a landslide for Biden unless Trump can turn things around

Hillary was leading in the polls right up to election day. You know this.

The polls were right in the overwhelming number of Presidential elections. They were right in 2018 and Republicans lost big

If Trump thinks he can get lucky twice and polls don’t matter, I welcome him to do so.

Right now, he has to make up some serious ground

Yeah, but now we know the Russian claims were lies and Trump will be on the ticket. Your "push polls" mean nothing.
Trump will run as an impeached President and with the worst economy in 80 years

Never been done

He will win as an acquitted President with a recovering economy. You know, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but in large part, I'm so turned off by the behavior of the Democrats for the past 3 years, I will be voting for him in 2020. And there are many who are feeling the same way.
It was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early to gauge how the election will go. Many are leaving the Northeast to move to Fla and will vote Red. Let's see what happens.

When people from blue states move to red states (Florida is not red) they vote blue
You assume everyone in Blue states votes blue? Odd. Suburban residents vote red and that is who is moving.
If Florida goes for Biden, Trump can’t win

As big a challenge for Trump is that he is losing in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. All states he won in 2016

Trumps lead in Texas and Georgia has also eroded

Could set up to be a landslide for Biden unless Trump can turn things around

Hillary was leading in the polls right up to election day. You know this.
It was all smoke and mirrors, and that's why they organized to take out Trump when he was elected a few days before the election. They knew exactly how bad they were gonna lose, too, because they already had their ammunition in the guns they used to claim "popular victory." The only trouble was, that was a lie too, and they well knew it. That's why all the shrieking and pompous bragging about winning the vote. They lost the vote too, and it's well documented. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Florida is the razor's edge in this years Presidential election and if 750,000 convicted felons with outstanding fines and financial obligations are allowed to vote it's probably already a slam dunk for Biden. You pretty much need Florida to win the Presidency. And if this Judge's decision stands I don't see any way Trump can win. This will ricochet across America.

Liberal logic, if you force me to pay my fine in order to vote then that's a poll tax. God help America.

"The case at the center of the decision stems from a constitutional amendment overwhelmingly approved by Florida voters in 2018 overturning a 150-year-old law that permanently disenfranchised people with felony convictions.

The result was celebrated by supporters as the nation's largest expansion of voting right in decades, but seven months later, the state's Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, signed a bill limiting the law only to those who have successfully paid their court-related debts. DeSantis said the law was needed in order to clarify what the amendment meant by "all terms," but critics charged that the measure amounted to a "poll tax."

The problem is that Florida is one of many states Trump has problems in. If Michigan and Pennsylvania are in the Democrat column as I suspect they are, that leaves Democrats at 269 EV. That means they need ONE state. Trump is in trouble in Arizona. Texas, Wisconsin and Georgia to name a few are in play. If Florida goes, the race will be over early.

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