Trump Was Not Supposed To Happen


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.
Odd that a post so full of trite clichés and regurgitated propaganda could also be so correct; Trump was not supposed to happen, shouldn't have happened, is too much of a joke to have happened. Still, there he is.
The reasons?
Well, the foremost is simple lack of reason. Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives to this person commonly considered a clown. It felt that its power was so preeminent that it had only to run its usual suspects and the populace would swallow. The duopoly did not reason well.
Then, the lack of reasoning power on the part of the electorate led to sheep-like acceptance of the motley offerings. Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote, but that is hardly protest.
Now, we have the sycophants and 'true believers' that laud the slightest jest of the 45th President and the mindless critics that can't let a word go by without hyperbolic verbiage. Has he done everything correctly? Not by a long shot. Has he done everything incorrectly? Not at all.
Is he the person that the greatest power the earth has ever seen should have at its head? Certainly not.
What is the alternative at this time?
Good question.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.

2016 was not totally surprising as there was no blueprint for what happened. Voters hated both candidates. Clinton's disapproval was around 59 and Trump was around 62. Clinton won the Democrat nomination with 54% but the turnout was low. Trump won the Republican nomination with only 44% of the vote. The result was that 25% voted against the other candidate. A poll showed that Obama had a 10 point lead over Trump and Romney had a 9 point lead over Clinton. If you took the same number of votes Romney got in 2012, Romney would have gotten 261 electoral votes.

The fact is that Republicans have become the party of hate. They hate everyone who is not a white mail. They don't care about hunger in this country, the fact that housing is becoming increasingly expensive, they want dirty air and water, they are all in on helping the rich and not so much the little guy and now they want to risk people's lives to exercise their right to vote.

Voters will take out Trump in November. That is why they don't want to make it easier for Americans to vote.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.

2016 was not totally surprising as there was no blueprint for what happened. Voters hated both candidates. Clinton's disapproval was around 59 and Trump was around 62. Clinton won the Democrat nomination with 54% but the turnout was low. Trump won the Republican nomination with only 44% of the vote. The result was that 25% voted against the other candidate. A poll showed that Obama had a 10 point lead over Trump and Romney had a 9 point lead over Clinton. If you took the same number of votes Romney got in 2012, Romney would have gotten 261 electoral votes.

The fact is that Republicans have become the party of hate. They hate everyone who is not a white mail. They don't care about hunger in this country, the fact that housing is becoming increasingly expensive, they want dirty air and water, they are all in on helping the rich and not so much the little guy and now they want to risk people's lives to exercise their right to vote.

Voters will take out Trump in November. That is why they don't want to make it easier for Americans to vote.

As Un-American as democrats are, as hated filled and violent as they have been proven to be, as the big liars as they have been shown to be, what's not to hate about your kind? Are we supposed to like criminal traitors?
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.

Neither was any that followed if America had just elected dukakis. No clintons not bushes
Odd that a post so full of trite clichés and regurgitated propaganda could also be so correct; Trump was not supposed to happen, shouldn't have happened, is too much of a joke to have happened. Still, there he is.
The reasons?
Well, the foremost is simple lack of reason. Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives to this person commonly considered a clown. It felt that its power was so preeminent that it had only to run its usual suspects and the populace would swallow. The duopoly did not reason well.
Then, the lack of reasoning power on the part of the electorate led to sheep-like acceptance of the motley offerings. Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote, but that is hardly protest.
Now, we have the sycophants and 'true believers' that laud the slightest jest of the 45th President and the mindless critics that can't let a word go by without hyperbolic verbiage. Has he done everything correctly? Not by a long shot. Has he done everything incorrectly? Not at all.
Is he the person that the greatest power the earth has ever seen should have at its head? Certainly not.
What is the alternative at this time?
Good question.

Sorry, but you simply missed the main reasons Trump won.
1. He is not Hillary.
2. He promised to bring jobs back to the US, and is keeping his promises. For decades BOTH "duopolies" have sucked in K-Street shekels and moved factories and jobs to China. Trump is the first Presidential candidate to actually work to keep jobs here in the US.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing magnificent jobs of managing the US economy.
Odd that a post so full of trite clichés and regurgitated propaganda could also be so correct; Trump was not supposed to happen, shouldn't have happened, is too much of a joke to have happened. Still, there he is.
The reasons?
Well, the foremost is simple lack of reason. Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives to this person commonly considered a clown. It felt that its power was so preeminent that it had only to run its usual suspects and the populace would swallow. The duopoly did not reason well.
Then, the lack of reasoning power on the part of the electorate led to sheep-like acceptance of the motley offerings. Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote, but that is hardly protest.
Now, we have the sycophants and 'true believers' that laud the slightest jest of the 45th President and the mindless critics that can't let a word go by without hyperbolic verbiage. Has he done everything correctly? Not by a long shot. Has he done everything incorrectly? Not at all.
Is he the person that the greatest power the earth has ever seen should have at its head? Certainly not.
What is the alternative at this time?
Good question.

Sorry, but you simply missed the main reasons Trump won.
1. He is not Hillary.
2. He promised to bring jobs back to the US, and is keeping his promises. For decades BOTH "duopolies" have sucked in K-Street shekels and moved factories and jobs to China. Trump is the first Presidential candidate to actually work to keep jobs here in the US.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing magnificent jobs of managing the US economy.
"Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives ..." #1 covered.
There is only one duopoly.
As for promises, well, he's made lots so someone is going to find something that corresponds.
Trump didn't win, everyone else just lost.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.

2016 was not totally surprising as there was no blueprint for what happened. Voters hated both candidates. Clinton's disapproval was around 59 and Trump was around 62. Clinton won the Democrat nomination with 54% but the turnout was low. Trump won the Republican nomination with only 44% of the vote. The result was that 25% voted against the other candidate. A poll showed that Obama had a 10 point lead over Trump and Romney had a 9 point lead over Clinton. If you took the same number of votes Romney got in 2012, Romney would have gotten 261 electoral votes.

The fact is that Republicans have become the party of hate. They hate everyone who is not a white mail. They don't care about hunger in this country, the fact that housing is becoming increasingly expensive, they want dirty air and water, they are all in on helping the rich and not so much the little guy and now they want to risk people's lives to exercise their right to vote.

Voters will take out Trump in November. That is why they don't want to make it easier for Americans to vote.

As Un-American as democrats are, as hated filled and violent as they have been proven to be, as the big liars as they have been shown to be, what's not to hate about your kind? Are we supposed to like criminal traitors?

Trump is the king of the liars. What we are seeing is right wing fascists attempting to terrorize the country. Mike DeWine who is the REPUBLICAN Governor of Ohio sees these terrorists for what they are and admits these thugs are Republicans.
How is defaming those who voted for Clinton a defense of Trump? This doubly amuses those of us who voted for neither.

The fact is that Republicans have become the party of hate. They hate everyone who is not a white mail. They don't care about hunger in this country, the fact that housing is becoming increasingly expensive, they want dirty air and water, they are all in on helping the rich and not so much the little guy and now they want to risk people's lives to exercise their right to vote.

Voters will take out Trump in November. That is why they don't want to make it easier for Americans to vote.

Odd that a post so full of trite clichés and regurgitated propaganda could also be so correct; Trump was not supposed to happen, shouldn't have happened, is too much of a joke to have happened. Still, there he is.
The reasons?
Well, the foremost is simple lack of reason. Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives to this person commonly considered a clown. It felt that its power was so preeminent that it had only to run its usual suspects and the populace would swallow. The duopoly did not reason well.
Then, the lack of reasoning power on the part of the electorate led to sheep-like acceptance of the motley offerings. Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote, but that is hardly protest.
Now, we have the sycophants and 'true believers' that laud the slightest jest of the 45th President and the mindless critics that can't let a word go by without hyperbolic verbiage. Has he done everything correctly? Not by a long shot. Has he done everything incorrectly? Not at all.
Is he the person that the greatest power the earth has ever seen should have at its head? Certainly not.
What is the alternative at this time?
Good question.
Odd that a post so full of trite clichés and regurgitated propaganda could also be so correct; Trump was not supposed to happen, shouldn't have happened, is too much of a joke to have happened. Still, there he is.
The reasons?
Well, the foremost is simple lack of reason. Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives to this person commonly considered a clown. It felt that its power was so preeminent that it had only to run its usual suspects and the populace would swallow. The duopoly did not reason well.
Then, the lack of reasoning power on the part of the electorate led to sheep-like acceptance of the motley offerings. Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote, but that is hardly protest.
Now, we have the sycophants and 'true believers' that laud the slightest jest of the 45th President and the mindless critics that can't let a word go by without hyperbolic verbiage. Has he done everything correctly? Not by a long shot. Has he done everything incorrectly? Not at all.
Is he the person that the greatest power the earth has ever seen should have at its head? Certainly not.
What is the alternative at this time?
Good question.

Sorry, but you simply missed the main reasons Trump won.
1. He is not Hillary.
2. He promised to bring jobs back to the US, and is keeping his promises. For decades BOTH "duopolies" have sucked in K-Street shekels and moved factories and jobs to China. Trump is the first Presidential candidate to actually work to keep jobs here in the US.
Navarro and Lightheizer are doing magnificent jobs of managing the US economy.
"Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives ..." #1 covered.
There is only one duopoly.
As for promises, well, he's made lots so someone is going to find something that corresponds.
Trump didn't win, everyone else just lost.
I'll give you two examples:
1. The wall that Mexico is not paying for. Mexico could actually pay for the wall (and ICE) if Congress passed a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US. The wall is happening, and illegal entry is slowing. See the red FY2020 line below compared to the "illegal caravans" from 2019.

2. Drug overdose deaths had been climbing for decades until Trump started cracking down on drugs and gangs like MS-13. There is much more work to do, the drug deaths are not dropping but are plateauing.

3. Trump scored the biggest political upset in US history. Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. To this day the MSM still shows outrageous bias against Trump. The Harvard study proved that the MSM coverage of Trump is still 95% negative, but it doesn't matter to voters.
Odd that a post so full of trite clichés and regurgitated propaganda could also be so correct; Trump was not supposed to happen, shouldn't have happened, is too much of a joke to have happened. Still, there he is.
The reasons?
Well, the foremost is simple lack of reason. Neither party of the ruling duopoly offered viable alternatives to this person commonly considered a clown. It felt that its power was so preeminent that it had only to run its usual suspects and the populace would swallow. The duopoly did not reason well.
Then, the lack of reasoning power on the part of the electorate led to sheep-like acceptance of the motley offerings. Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote, but that is hardly protest.
Now, we have the sycophants and 'true believers' that laud the slightest jest of the 45th President and the mindless critics that can't let a word go by without hyperbolic verbiage. Has he done everything correctly? Not by a long shot. Has he done everything incorrectly? Not at all.
Is he the person that the greatest power the earth has ever seen should have at its head? Certainly not.
What is the alternative at this time?
Good question.

Oh, there was a massive lack of turnout to vote,

Show your math.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.
No shit. The sheeple in this country were all supposed to lay down and take it in the ass. Only trouble was there were still too many left in the country that doesn't like it in the ass and they said not only no but hell no and go fuck yourselves we're not gonna take that shit. If anybody's gonna fuck anybody, we'll be fucking you from now on.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President.
The swamp dwellers were licking their chops when Big Fat Don got elected. They knew the most corrupt admin in our history would follow. They were right.
Over 40% of eligible voters didn't participate in 2016; massive lack of turnout and zero enthusiasm for the candidates, one of whom is the present occupant of the White House.
The swamp dwellers were gob-smacked when Trump was elected President. They assumed that Hillary would be elected and it would be 'business as usual'....fleecing the American people with higher taxes, denigrating the 'rich' (which they define on a sliding scale while insulating themselves as 'rich' but somehow deserving), keeping blacks on the welfare "Plantation", apologizing for America around the world (like their puppet Obama did), and reaping billions of dollars for the leftist elite establishment from the American people for government give-away programs to people who are either useless drug addicts or illegal aliens....or both.

Then along came Trump.....Their little Socialist fiefdom came crashing down with Trump's common sense economic programs that did not promote useless or illegal people. That is the Democrat voting base and their foundation of power. They are doing everything they can to take him out. I only hope they don't hire an assassin.

2016 was not totally surprising as there was no blueprint for what happened. Voters hated both candidates. Clinton's disapproval was around 59 and Trump was around 62. Clinton won the Democrat nomination with 54% but the turnout was low. Trump won the Republican nomination with only 44% of the vote. The result was that 25% voted against the other candidate. A poll showed that Obama had a 10 point lead over Trump and Romney had a 9 point lead over Clinton. If you took the same number of votes Romney got in 2012, Romney would have gotten 261 electoral votes.

The fact is that Republicans have become the party of hate. They hate everyone who is not a white mail. They don't care about hunger in this country, the fact that housing is becoming increasingly expensive, they want dirty air and water, they are all in on helping the rich and not so much the little guy and now they want to risk people's lives to exercise their right to vote.

Voters will take out Trump in November. That is why they don't want to make it easier for Americans to vote.
The "fix" is in with Progs. 95% of the media/entertainers are given free propaganda agendas to bloviate to the citizens every day. While you hate the Christians and their Bible they are minor league compared to the globalist doctrines you promote.

The fact is that Republicans have become the party of hate. They hate everyone who is not a white mail. They don't care about hunger in this country, the fact that housing is becoming increasingly expensive, they want dirty air and water, they are all in on helping the rich and not so much the little guy and now they want to risk people's lives to exercise their right to vote.

Voters will take out Trump in November. That is why they don't want to make it easier for Americans to vote.

He is going to lose. We see the right wing fascist Republicans in action. They will be rejected.

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