Trump wants blacks to gamble on his "what the hell do you have to lose"

In the end, it all gets back to being independent and self-sufficient. Sadly, African Americans especially, have become too dependent on Government for survival. But their not alone, too many Americans are too dependent on Government. God forbid a serious wide scale catastrophe happens in this country. Most cannot sustain themselves.

Most Americans are completely dependent on Government to bail em out. I would advise Americans to get tougher and more self-sufficient. Because the shit is gonna hit the fan at some point. And it wouldn't be wise to wait for Government to come save you. Save yourself.
You've accomplished a bastard birth rate almost 7 times higher than it was 75 years ago. The poverty rate for blacks is 2 1/2 times that of whites. Your educational attainment is lower than whites. Your use of social welfare as a proportion to your race in society is much higher than whites.

You guys damn sure have benefited under Democrats. You must be proud.

I'm sure that you can come up with at least ONE policy concerning the betterment of black citizens that was WHOLLY introduced and enacted by conservatives......Just ONE......Thanks !!!

I'm sure you can find one statistic where blacks are doing equally well or better than other groups having voted Democrat for 50 years. One?

You can't yet you continue to vote for the people that say they help you. Tells me you either want to be lower than others or you're too stupid to realize what's happening. You tell me.

In all fairness, if they voted Republican and got lifted off the bottom rung of the economic and educational ladder, they would lose their "victim" excuse and be expected to actually contribute something to society.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???

Democrats haven't helped blacks, look at Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago, just three cities, we all could name dozens more.

What is to lose? Hillary is strictly for the 1%, she is going to offer crumbs.

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I guess you missed the post about Atlanta .. and how about you explaining exactly what republicans have done to help urban cities .. particularly affected by loss of the auto industry and Reagan's abandonment of American cities.

How about you tell me what republicans have done, not what democrats haven't done .. particularly in light of the fact that republicans didn't do shit for Black people even when the majority of us was voting for them.

The Republican Party is the original and true Civil Rights Party. Just do some basic research and you'll find out what Republicans have done for African Americans.

The Democrats were still running around in their sheets lynching black folks when Republicans were fighting for African American Civil Rights. Democrats are just failed Johnny-Come-Latelys.
too many Americans are too dependent on Government. God forbid a serious wide scale catastrophe happens in this country. Most cannot sustain themselves.

Most Americans are completely dependent on Government to bail em out.

Such typical bullshit......All that you 'self-sufficient" right wingers have really done to feel independent, is arm yourselves with weapons and, as Obama rightfully cited, clutch your Bibles while living your lives without the morals preached in those Bibles.

Here's a tidbit that should make you stop and "think" if you were really capable of doing that objectively.....Blacks make up less than 12% of the U.S. population, yet, blacks make up almost 23% of our armed forces
In all fairness, if they voted Republican and got lifted off the bottom rung of the economic and educational ladder, they would lose their "victim" excuse and be expected to actually contribute something to society.

try as you will, your RACISM somehow always comes through loud and clear...Be "proud" of who is in your ilk, right wingers.
too many Americans are too dependent on Government. God forbid a serious wide scale catastrophe happens in this country. Most cannot sustain themselves.

Most Americans are completely dependent on Government to bail em out.

Such typical bullshit......All that you 'self-sufficient" right wingers have really done to feel independent, is arm yourselves with weapons and, as Obama rightfully cited, clutch your Bibles while living your lives without the morals preached in those Bibles.

Here's a tidbit that should make you stop and "think" if you were really capable of doing that objectively.....Blacks make up less than 12% of the U.S. population, yet, blacks make up almost 23% of our armed forces

AND over half our prison population. And yes BOTH stats tell a story.
You've accomplished a bastard birth rate almost 7 times higher than it was 75 years ago. The poverty rate for blacks is 2 1/2 times that of whites. Your educational attainment is lower than whites. Your use of social welfare as a proportion to your race in society is much higher than whites.

You guys damn sure have benefited under Democrats. You must be proud.

I'm sure that you can come up with at least ONE policy concerning the betterment of black citizens that was WHOLLY introduced and enacted by conservatives......Just ONE......Thanks !!!

I'm sure you can find one statistic where blacks are doing equally well or better than other groups having voted Democrat for 50 years. One?

You can't yet you continue to vote for the people that say they help you. Tells me you either want to be lower than others or you're too stupid to realize what's happening. You tell me.

In all fairness, if they voted Republican and got lifted off the bottom rung of the economic and educational ladder, they would lose their "victim" excuse and be expected to actually contribute something to society.

That's where the two options I stated come in. Either they don't realize it despite all the evidence, the stupid part, or they do and knowing climbing that ladder would involve an effort other than sticking their hands out claiming victim status, the want to option.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???
Blacks had better employment under the previous President. What says you of 8+ years of disturbing levels of black unemployment? You will blame the previous President but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?
What will trump do?

Obama stopped 7,000,000 jobs a month from leaving the country. They were leaving at the end of the bush era.

Great analogy. The bathtub was almost full but bush pulled the plug. Obama put the plug back and slowly the water is rising but for 8 years Republicans keep pouring water out of the tub and saying, " see, things aren't what they used to be

Praise Obama, Bash Bush to gloss over the high unemployment rate among Blacks under Obama.
And ignore that 8 years ago you Republicans were telling uneducated blue collar workers that if they lost their jobs they should go back to school or start their own company.

What we know is that you caused them to lose their jobs and it's because you believed they were overpaid. Now you pretend you want to help them? Fucking liars.
In all fairness, if they voted Republican and got lifted off the bottom rung of the economic and educational ladder, they would lose their "victim" excuse and be expected to actually contribute something to society.

try as you will, your RACISM somehow always comes through loud and clear...Be "proud" of who is in your ilk, right wingers.

It's not racism because you don't like the two options presented.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???
Blacks had better employment under the previous President. What says you of 8+ years of disturbing levels of black unemployment? You will blame the previous President but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?
What will trump do?

Obama stopped 7,000,000 jobs a month from leaving the country. They were leaving at the end of the bush era.

Great analogy. The bathtub was almost full but bush pulled the plug. Obama put the plug back and slowly the water is rising but for 8 years Republicans keep pouring water out of the tub and saying, " see, things aren't what they used to be

Praise Obama, Bash Bush to gloss over the high unemployment rate among Blacks under Obama.
And ignore that 8 years ago you Republicans were telling uneducated blue collar workers that if they lost their jobs they should go back to school or start their own company.

What we know is that you caused them to lose their jobs and it's because you believed they were overpaid. Now you pretend you want to help them? Fucking liars.

Always the victim, huh?
The Republican Party is the original and true Civil Rights Party. Just do some basic research and you'll find out what Republicans have done for African Americans.

The Democrats were still running around in their sheets lynching black folks when Republicans were fighting for African American Civil Rights. Democrats are just failed Johnny-Come-Latelys.

typical and inane bullshit.........Indeed there were a lot of pissed off racists in the southern states who HATED Lincoln a republican for freeing the slaves......So these same racists had no other way to go but join the democrats.

Again, I ask name ONE policy in the last half decade enacted solely by republicans to help the economic status of blacks...
Hopefully one day African Americans will realize that handouts don't = Success and Prosperity.

The Democrats have sold them a very sad bill of goods on that one. The Democrats have enslaved them all over again. They're addicted to the handouts. They've been bamboozled into believing it's 'helping' them. But it's really just about enslaving them and buying their vote.
Blacks just need to stay on the plantation.....its easier and simple to live in shit.......

Thanks .. you help make the argument that the Republican Party is full of racists just like you .. which makes all this whining about who Black people vote for quite silly.

Thanks again.

Sure thing.....keep voting for that and living in Detroit......way to go!

I live in a city that will has hosted 3 Super Bowls, including the 2019 game, multi NCAA Final Fours, both men and women, THE OLYMPICS, multi-NBA All-Star games, multi MLB All Star games, and most major commercial and business conferences in this nation .. AND .. it has black democratic mayors, majority black democratic city councils, majority black residents who are decidedly democrats, and black democratic administrations .. AND, it is a world-class city that's prospering and BOOMING in one of the many poorest states in the country under republican Governors.

How many American cities have that resume?

Next time some asshole asks you why black people vote for democrats .. educate that motherfucker just like I just educated you.

Blacks vote Democrat because it's easier to play the victim than to make an effort on your own. Next time someone ask you why blacks vote Democrat, tell them the truth you black motherfucker. Quit lying.
In all fairness, if they voted Republican and got lifted off the bottom rung of the economic and educational ladder, they would lose their "victim" excuse and be expected to actually contribute something to society.

try as you will, your RACISM somehow always comes through loud and clear...Be "proud" of who is in your ilk, right wingers.

It's not racism because you don't like the two options presented.

Oh, yes it is RACISM in all its putrid symbolism........The moron who wrote the post is basically stating that blacks do not want to lose their "victim" status........If your other half of your brain was functioning, what exactly would you call THAT ???
The Republican Party is the original and true Civil Rights Party. Just do some basic research and you'll find out what Republicans have done for African Americans.

The Democrats were still running around in their sheets lynching black folks when Republicans were fighting for African American Civil Rights. Democrats are just failed Johnny-Come-Latelys.

typical and inane bullshit.........Indeed there were a lot of pissed off racists in the southern states who HATED Lincoln a republican for freeing the slaves......So these same racists had no other way to go but join the democrats.

Again, I ask name ONE policy in the last half decade enacted solely by republicans to help the economic status of blacks...

Your premise is false because you think Lincoln freed the slaves.
Blacks vote Democrat because it's easier to play the victim than to make an effort on your own. Next time someone ask you why blacks vote Democrat, tell them the truth you black motherfucker. Quit lying.

Again, right wingers "wonder" why blacks will NEVER vote for conservative racists???
In all fairness, if they voted Republican and got lifted off the bottom rung of the economic and educational ladder, they would lose their "victim" excuse and be expected to actually contribute something to society.

try as you will, your RACISM somehow always comes through loud and clear...Be "proud" of who is in your ilk, right wingers.

It's not racism because you don't like the two options presented.

Oh, yes it is RACISM in all its putrid symbolism........The moron who wrote the post is basically stating that blacks do not want to lose their "victim" status........If your other half of your brain was functioning, what exactly would you call THAT ???

The options are stay with the Democrat plantation playing victim, which is easy, or get off it and make an effort to better yourself, which is harder. Since blacks choose to stay, they choose to play the victim. If they wanted to lose it, they'd leave.
What a moronic way for Trump to solicit support from blacks.....

Blacks MUST always remember not to trust this orange moron who actually FUNDED the birther movement insinuating that a half-black man could NOT legitimately be sitting in the oval office.

...and blacks MUST always remember that Trump called for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York following a horrific rape case in which five black teenagers were wrongly convicted.

So, my fellow citizen who are black......would you "gamble" that Trump is your would-be "savior"???
Blacks had better employment under the previous President. What says you of 8+ years of disturbing levels of black unemployment? You will blame the previous President but what specific steps and/or milestones has the current President done?
What will trump do?

Obama stopped 7,000,000 jobs a month from leaving the country. They were leaving at the end of the bush era.

Great analogy. The bathtub was almost full but bush pulled the plug. Obama put the plug back and slowly the water is rising but for 8 years Republicans keep pouring water out of the tub and saying, " see, things aren't what they used to be

Praise Obama, Bash Bush to gloss over the high unemployment rate among Blacks under Obama.
And ignore that 8 years ago you Republicans were telling uneducated blue collar workers that if they lost their jobs they should go back to school or start their own company.

What we know is that you caused them to lose their jobs and it's because you believed they were overpaid. Now you pretend you want to help them? Fucking liars.

Always the victim, huh?
That's the best come back you got? You republicans are lame. So obvious what you are trying to do.
Blacks vote Democrat because it's easier to play the victim than to make an effort on your own. Next time someone ask you why blacks vote Democrat, tell them the truth you black motherfucker. Quit lying.

Again, right wingers "wonder" why blacks will NEVER vote for conservative racists???

Yet nothing about the black MF that stated the very same thing related to whites and Republicans. Typical hypocrite. You've earned it.

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