Trump Vs. Mueller: "Let's Get Ready To RUMBLE!"

Obstruction of Justice and especially Abuse of Power. The Nixon crimes.

Apparently you forgot that the use of presidential power can be an Impeachable crime.

This one ^^^^^^^^^^^ is the best you jokers got?
Intelligence Director Says Agencies Agree on Russian Meddling

ASPEN, Colorado — Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said Friday there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election — despite comments by his boss, President Donald Trump, that have seemed to cast some doubt about the unanimity.

Intelligence director says agencies agree on Russian meddling

You libs cannot even come up with what he did, much less explain which law was violated.

if Trump does fire Mueller, "violation of laws" would no longer be the issue......OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE will be the new mantra to send Trump into a WH bunker......
Short list of trump crimes

Among the crimes are bribery, subornation of perjury, criminal obstruction of justice, money laundering, tax evasion, witness tampering, and violations of election laws including campaign finance laws. Other crimes that occurred in the Russia affair are violations of the foreign agent registration laws and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, perjury itself (including lying to federal investigators), plus espionage and even treason. Also emoluments violations.
One would think that 1973-1974 happened eons ago as far as right wingers are concerned.

Going back to the Watergate era, right wingers on here remind me of a conservative Indiana congressman, Earl Landgrebe, who [in]famously said, “Don’t confuse me with facts, I’ve got a closed mind,” vowing to vote against impeachment.
Intelligence Director Says Agencies Agree on Russian Meddling

ASPEN, Colorado — Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said Friday there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election — despite comments by his boss, President Donald Trump, that have seemed to cast some doubt about the unanimity.

Intelligence director says agencies agree on Russian meddling


Read your own link, bonehead. Russian "meddling" and Trump "collusion" aren't even in the same zip code.
If you think McGregor/Mayweather will be a donnybrook, you'll enjoy the next week of Trump/Mueller. Mayweather is heavily favored because boxing is his world and Connor can't use all his tools...indeed, in the heat of battle, he may boot Mayweather in the head and be disqualified. Trump's match with Mueller is similar in that Trump has the power of the presidency while all Mueller has is a mandate from an asst. AG who Trump can fire on a whim. It's like Floyd being able to pull McGregor's boxing license an instant before the opening bell.


Mueller has said he'll go after Trump's business dealings. Trump says that will get him fired. It will be pretty clear to all concerned if Mueller follows through and starts subpoenaing tax returns. Mueller clearly has no intention of conducting a fair and impartial investigation. He's already leaking details of his findings ala his butt-buddy Comey. Trump already has cause to send Meuller into orbit and I predict he will and Boom Boom Mancini, he'll put Mueller away in Round #1.

You probably should watch "All of the Presidents men" to help you refresh your memory of what happened when Richard Nixon fired the Special Prosecutor.
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia

After last night's leak--Jeff Sessions AG certainly can't fire Mueller--LOL
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Apparently the White House is now looking up the legal remedies for PARDONS right now.

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One would think that 1973-1974 happened eons ago as far as right wingers are concerned.

Going back to the Watergate era, right wingers on here remind me of a conservative Indiana congressman, Earl Landgrebe, who [in]famously said, “Don’t confuse me with facts, I’ve got a closed mind,” vowing to vote against impeachment.

Nixon wasn't impeached...CLINTON was.
Read your own link, bonehead. Russian "meddling" and Trump "collusion" aren't even in the same zip code.

Well, collusion was a bit hard to prove on Trump.....BUT, "thanks" to Donnie-baby, its now very much on the table.......LOL
One would think that 1973-1974 happened eons ago as far as right wingers are concerned.

Going back to the Watergate era, right wingers on here remind me of a conservative Indiana congressman, Earl Landgrebe, who [in]famously said, “Don’t confuse me with facts, I’ve got a closed mind,” vowing to vote against impeachment.

Nixon wasn't impeached...CLINTON was.
We don't really want trump Impeached either.

The Nixon solution works best for us.

You probably should watch "All of the Presidents men" to help you refresh your memory of what happened when Richard Nixon fired the Special Prosecutor.
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia

Apparently the White House is now looking up the legal remedies for PARDONS right now.

I should watch a MOVIE to know what happened during Watergate?
Got a legit link to Trump inquiring about pardons? of course you don't. The drive by's are making up this shit as they go along....lazy ***** don't do news anymore.....just agitprop for the DNC.
Nixon wasn't impeached...CLINTON was.

true........and we all know that Clinton finished his SECOND term with high approval ratings......while Nixon..........well, you know.....LOL

Clinton sold our missile telemetry to the Chi Coms for campaign money in 1996. Every chinese ICBM aimed at the US will hit their target thanks to Willy.....yeah, he's a real fucking hero to you zeroes ain't he?
Clinton sold our missile telemetry to the Chi Coms for campaign money in 1996. Every chinese ICBM aimed at the US will hit their target thanks to Willy.....yeah, he's a real fucking hero to you zeroes ain't he?

QUICK, HornyTom........SWITCH the topic to Clinton rather than your own fucking moronic thread's title.......LOL
In other words all you got is your little pecker in your hand. It's always entertaining to see how lousy you twinkies are at lying....the first time you're challenged you jump back into your safe space.
Clinton sold our missile telemetry to the Chi Coms for campaign money in 1996. Every chinese ICBM aimed at the US will hit their target thanks to Willy.....yeah, he's a real fucking hero to you zeroes ain't he?

QUICK, HornyTom........SWITCH the topic to Clinton rather than your own fucking moronic thread's title.......LOL

So you think Clinton's treasonous collusion with China is funny? You are one sick little puppy, missy.
In other words all you got is your little pecker in your hand. It's always entertaining to see how lousy you twinkies are at lying....the first time you're challenged you jump back into your safe space

LAME....very lame......Gee, I hope we didn't hurt your feelings too much......LOL
Intelligence Director Says Agencies Agree on Russian Meddling

ASPEN, Colorado — Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said Friday there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election — despite comments by his boss, President Donald Trump, that have seemed to cast some doubt about the unanimity.

Intelligence director says agencies agree on Russian meddling


Read your own link, bonehead. Russian "meddling" and Trump "collusion" aren't even in the same zip code.
Imbecile, the facts & the link are about Russian both hacking & using fake news to get trump elected. That makes him illegitimate, considering the Electoral College was only 39K vote win in 4 rust belt states.

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