Trump Vs. Mueller: "Let's Get Ready To RUMBLE!"

You probably should watch "All of the Presidents men" to help you refresh your memory of what happened when Richard Nixon fired the Special Prosecutor.
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia

Apparently the White House is now looking up the legal remedies for PARDONS right now.

I should watch a MOVIE to know what happened during Watergate?
Got a legit link to Trump inquiring about pardons? of course you don't. The drive by's are making up this shit as they go along....lazy ***** don't do news anymore.....just agitprop for the DNC.

LOL--It looks like you've got some serious reading to do starting with last night's leak.
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Firing the special prosecutor did not help with Nixon--everyone involved was still prosecuted and some went to jail. Nixon was forced to resign because he was threatened with impeachment, which is what is going to happen to Trump, if he fires Robert Mueller. Trump can't stop his own impeachment--LOL

There has never been a President in this nation's history that was stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The Media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE the more they will write and report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies, by stating that Russia is just a "ruse", the more he implicates himself into a coverup, and the deeper they will dig :dig: The more he insults the DOJ and threatens them with Firing's (Robert Mueller) the more they will leak.

Now you know why the above Washington Post article about Sessions lying again was leaked just last night. Before you call the Washington Post FAKE news--I will remind you that it was two reporters from the Washington Post that brought Nixon down, while all the time back then, no one believed them, and Nixon had a very high National approval rating at that time

And here is your link to PARDONS
WaPo: Trump Lawyers Looking Into President’s Authority To Grant Pardons
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Nixon wasn't impeached...CLINTON was.

true........and we all know that Clinton finished his SECOND term with high approval ratings......while Nixon..........well, you know.....LOL

Clinton sold our missile telemetry to the Chi Coms for campaign money in 1996. Every chinese ICBM aimed at the US will hit their target thanks to Willy.....yeah, he's a real fucking hero to you zeroes ain't he?
Fake News
Imbecile, the facts & the link are about Russian both hacking & using fake news to get trump elected. That makes him illegitimate, considering the Electoral College was only 39K vote win in 4 rust belt states.

How many ballots were changed, shithead? Uh, none. That's where your fairytale runs out of gas and you got to walk a country road to get help. Those roads can get a little spooky at night....creatures out there and you are all alone.
With the sabotage of the media the intelligence agencies and the DOJ it's only a matter of time before our political processes crumble.
So you think Clinton's treasonous collusion with China is funny? You are one sick little puppy, missy.

Well, HornyTom.....the above PREMISE is something that you pulled out of your fat ass....So, YES, I think its funny......LOL
So you think Clinton's treasonous collusion with China is funny? You are one sick little puppy, missy.

Well, HornyTom.....the above PREMISE is something that you pulled out of your fat ass....So, YES, I think its funny......LOL

Poor little natty......too weak to do a pull-up, too homely to ever have a girlfriend....we know why you're a had no choice in the matter.
Poor little natty......too weak to do a pull-up, too homely to ever have a girlfriend....we know why you're a had no choice in the matter.

my feelings are soooooo hurt..........LOL
So he AGREED he had the power....kinda different than him supposedly inquiring whether he did or not, eh, shithead

Yeah.....Trump did not "inquire because he already "knew' that he had the power because his Constitutional Law degree was awarded to him by Trump. U....LOL
Imbecile, the facts & the link are about Russian both hacking & using fake news to get trump elected. That makes him illegitimate, considering the Electoral College was only 39K vote win in 4 rust belt states.

How many ballots were changed, shithead? Uh, none. That's where your fairytale runs out of gas and you got to walk a country road to get help. Those roads can get a little spooky at night....creatures out there and you are all alone.
The evidence is that no ballots were changed by the Russians. To put that in words even a child can understand, the Russian attempts to change the numbers failed. They did try, though.

Only idiots use that conclusion to claim that the voters opinions on which way to vote did not change.

The Russian hacking and fake news occured waaaay before Nov 8th.
So you think Clinton's treasonous collusion with China is funny? You are one sick little puppy, missy.

Well, HornyTom.....the above PREMISE is something that you pulled out of your fat ass....So, YES, I think its funny......LOL

Poor little natty......too weak to do a pull-up, too homely to ever have a girlfriend....we know why you're a had no choice in the matter.
We accept your unconditional surrender
Okay, you wet-brains keep bumping my OP while I find something worth my while to read.

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