Trump to Veto Defense Auth. Act Unless Sec230 is Killed


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.
A veto override in the waning days of President Trump's administration would be rather embarrassing.
In no way is it any more embarrassing than every veto ever signed by a Dermocrat.

It's always a bit of an embarrassment to be overridden. A veto override in your lame duck period adds a little more to it in my opinion.

not sure how this is related to each other but for far too long we've been putting add ons to bills simply to force them through.

S230 needs to go and social media needs new rules but not sure I like it done this way.

Trump walked into the hornet nest in DC government and wasn't prepared to exterminate it. In the end that's how Xi stole the election: more people in our government loyal to Xi than to America
With libs everything is inside politics

they dont care what happens as long as they win

trump is standing up for a principle
in the overall scheme of things, pork is old school and simply how it's done anymore.

sec 230 needs to go and new rules need to match the times. but the domination will sooner or later be addressed by the DOJ.
Vengeance is mine said the little man, if one could call him a man. More like an little child crybaby.
Definitely should veto it. When Big Tech as well the media starts deciding who has a voice in this country and who doesn't, that's censorship. That makes them just as much of an enemy to the American people, just as any foreign entity. I would go so far as to call what they're doing "digital terrorism." By the definition of "terrorism", intimidation is used against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

That's what they're doing, isn't it? Veto away, President Trump.
A veto override in the waning days of President Trump's administration would be rather embarrassing.
Oh lord, just stop.

you and so many others never talk the issues, just hate the people.
There isn’t any hate in my post. I simply shared my opinion and for some reason you got you all pissy about it.
because i'm tired of people attacking trump instead of issues. i'd rather talk about Sec 230, merits, should it go, should it go this way, should it be replaced and so on.

far too many people in here (both sides yes) hear a name and have a pavlovs dog reaction and attack the person and totally ignore the actual topic.
With libs everything is inside politics

they dont care what happens as long as they win

trump is standing up for a principle
in the overall scheme of things, pork is old school and simply how it's done anymore.

sec 230 needs to go and new rules need to match the times. but the domination will sooner or later be addressed by the DOJ.
This is an direct attack on American history and an indirect attack on our present and future

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