Trump to go after RINO Senators


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
And I don’t doubt for a second that he’ll do exactly as he says he will.

Bannon is reportedly getting ready to challenge Alabama Sen. Luther Strange, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker.

We should point out that right now this is all speculation, based on a few meetings between Bannon associates and potential primary challenges.

The Trump administration has taken no official stance on primaries, though Trump hasn’t been afraid to attack these senators on Twitter.

I wish they would go after McConnel as well.

Story @ Breaking: Trump Announces RINO Senators He's Taking Down
The Swamp Creatures from both Parties are fighting back. Trump's in a real bind. Ryan and McConnell are either sabotaging him, or they really are just that lazy & incompetent. Trump doesn't stand for laziness and incompetence. If the GOP was smart, it would fire Ryan and McConnell as soon as possible.
Trump to go after RINO Senators



Best idea Trump can EVER have would be to piss in the face of Congress after he shits on their shoes.

BRILLIANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans have only a two vote margin in the Senate

By all means go after Republicans

Go after all Swamp Creatures, both Republican and Democrat. Trump's proven with this latest Debt deal with Democrats, that he's gonna get the job done. If GOP leadership continues to be so feckless, he'll be willing to work with Democrats. The man don't play. He's about getting it done.
Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.

He's a RINO and the second he is disgraced and out of office you'll be one of the first to claim you never supported him and he's a RINO.
Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.

He's a RINO and the second he is disgraced and out of office you'll be one of the first to claim you never supported him and he's a RINO.

Nah, i'm a proud Trump-supporter. He's dealing with the Swamp he inherited. Ryan and McConnell are either outright sabotaging him, or they're just that lazy & incompetent. Either way, he's gotta deal with the Swamp Creatures, both Republican and Democrat. It ain't easy. He's a dude that gets things done. That's who he is. It's not his fault GOP leadership has become so feckless. He's a man of action. It is what it is.
And I don’t doubt for a second that he’ll do exactly as he says he will.

Bannon is reportedly getting ready to challenge Alabama Sen. Luther Strange, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker.

We should point out that right now this is all speculation, based on a few meetings between Bannon associates and potential primary challenges.

The Trump administration has taken no official stance on primaries, though Trump hasn’t been afraid to attack these senators on Twitter.

I wish they would go after McConnel as well.

Story @ Breaking: Trump Announces RINO Senators He's Taking Down
It always cracks me up to hear someone who supports the pro-choice, impeach Bush, pro AWB, pro socialized medicine, cut-and-run New York Democrat Trump call someone else a RINO.

It really does.

I get a huge belly laugh every time. :lol:

Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.

He's a RINO and the second he is disgraced and out of office you'll be one of the first to claim you never supported him and he's a RINO.

Nah, i'm a proud Trump-supporter. He's dealing with the Swamp he inherited. Ryan and McConnell are either outright sabotaging him, or they're just that lazy & incompetent. Either way, he's gotta deal with the Swamp Creatures, both Republican and Democrat. It ain't easy. He's a dude that gets things done. That's who he is. It's not his fault GOP leadership has become so feckless. He's a man of action. It is what it is.

aside from whine about the media 24/7, hand out ball caps, and tweet like a teenage girl, what the fuck has Cumbreath Trump got done as far as passing any major legislation?
Russian ambassador to the United States, Donald Trump, bowed and scraped to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Meanwhile, he insults Republicans.

Gee, that sounds just like what a New York Democrat would do.

With Trump, you have fiscal conservatives labeled Rinos. It boggles the imagination.

Trump may succeed in flipping Nev and even Ariz dem.

Miss should be amusing. The likely challenger to Wicker has a racist pass, and the blacks actually moved over to vote for Cochran in our open gop primary
Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.

He's a RINO and the second he is disgraced and out of office you'll be one of the first to claim you never supported him and he's a RINO.

Nah, i'm a proud Trump-supporter. He's dealing with the Swamp he inherited. Ryan and McConnell are either outright sabotaging him, or they're just that lazy & incompetent. Either way, he's gotta deal with the Swamp Creatures, both Republican and Democrat. It ain't easy. He's a dude that gets things done. That's who he is. It's not his fault GOP leadership has become so feckless. He's a man of action. It is what it is.

aside from whine about the media 24/7, and tweet like a teenage girl, what the fuck has Cumbreath Trump got done as far as passing any major legislation?

Well, he just gotta a Debt deal done with Democrats. He's shown he's willing to work with the other side to get things done. If the GOP leadership continues to be so feckless, he'll do more of that in the future. He gets things done. That's who he is. He's already proven to me, that he's more than up to the task in battling the Swamp Creatures in both Parties. Good on em. :thup:
With Trump, you have fiscal conservatives labeled Rinos. It boggles the imagination.

Trump may succeed in flipping Nev and even Ariz dem.

Miss should be amusing. The likely challenger to Wicker has a racist pass, and the blacks actually moved over to vote for Cochran in our open gop primary

I've heard these brazen Democrat predictions many times in the past. The reality is, Democrats now hold just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. And they've been absolutely decimated in state-wide elections all across the nation in recent years. So, be very careful boasting about all those coming Democrat victories. It may not happen.
Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.

He's a RINO and the second he is disgraced and out of office you'll be one of the first to claim you never supported him and he's a RINO.

Trump will serve his entire term, pray that he decides not to run for a 2nd term.
With Trump, you have fiscal conservatives labeled Rinos. It boggles the imagination.

Trump may succeed in flipping Nev and even Ariz dem.

Miss should be amusing. The likely challenger to Wicker has a racist pass, and the blacks actually moved over to vote for Cochran in our open gop primary

I've heard these brazen Democrat predictions many times in the past. The reality is, Democrats now hold just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. And they've been absolutely decimated in state-wide elections all across the nation in recent years. So, be very careful boasting about all those coming Democrat victories. It may not happen.
yeah, it worked so well for the gop in 2012

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