Trump to go after RINO Senators

Trump himself is the literal definition of a RINO.

He's gettin shit done. That's what folks want. It's not his fault feckless GOP leadership has forced him to reach out to the other side to get shit done. Ryan and McConnell need to be fired as soon as possible. Period, end of story.

He's a RINO and the second he is disgraced and out of office you'll be one of the first to claim you never supported him and he's a RINO.

Nah, i'm a proud Trump-supporter. He's dealing with the Swamp he inherited. Ryan and McConnell are either outright sabotaging him, or they're just that lazy & incompetent. Either way, he's gotta deal with the Swamp Creatures, both Republican and Democrat. It ain't easy. He's a dude that gets things done. That's who he is. It's not his fault GOP leadership has become so feckless. He's a man of action. It is what it is.

aside from whine about the media 24/7, and tweet like a teenage girl, what the fuck has Cumbreath Trump got done as far as passing any major legislation?

Well, he just gotta a Debt deal done with Democrats. He's shown he's willing to work with the other side to get things done. If the GOP leadership continues to be so feckless, he'll do more of that in the future. He gets things done. That's who he is. He's already proven to me, that he's more than up to the task in battling the Swamp Creatures in both Parties. Good on em. :thup:

he didnt do shit ... :lmao::lmao:
And I don’t doubt for a second that he’ll do exactly as he says he will.

Bannon is reportedly getting ready to challenge Alabama Sen. Luther Strange, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker.

We should point out that right now this is all speculation, based on a few meetings between Bannon associates and potential primary challenges.

The Trump administration has taken no official stance on primaries, though Trump hasn’t been afraid to attack these senators on Twitter.

I wish they would go after McConnel as well.

Story @ Breaking: Trump Announces RINO Senators He's Taking Down
This is the next battle folks. Remove the imposters from our ranks; and elect into office those who will push forward the agenda we voted on. Its time.
This is the next battle folks. Remove the imposters from our ranks; and elect into office those who will push forward the agenda we voted on. Its time.
So...your idea of removing imposters is to elect a lying huckster who sold you forgeries. The biggest poser of all time.

Have any of you dumb shits even read Ryan's six reforms? They are textbook conservative blueprints.

Of course you haven't read them. They are way longer than a fucking tweet. And you've been too busy listening to a fat bag of hot air with tiny empty hands.
Trump has a different plan now....that may be Bannon's plan, but Trump just wants to accomplish something while he was president that was legislated and he could actually sign that's not some dictatorial executive order or something that is just taking back what Obama did.

I think starting with his move to strike a deal with Schumer and Pelosi, then having this dinner with both Republicans and vulnerable Democrats coming from States where Trump overwhelmingly won, and with all of the inner fighting and difference withing the Republican factions in congress, Trump has decided to become more bipartisan, to get things accomplished and is looking to pass things, by getting democratic and republican support... if the tea party types can't agree with their counterparts in the get things done and passed.

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