Senators learn the hard way about the fallout from turning on Trump

The people who put Trump into office spoke loudly and clearly on election day, but some Washington Establishment GOP thought they knew better and ignored those voices... and now it's starting to come back to bite them in the ass...

Senators learn the hard way about the fallout from turning on Trump

"Republican senators who have been a thorn in President Trump's side are beginning to see the political consequences of opposing the White House as pro-Trump activists start to mobilize.

Just this week, it was
revealed that conservative billionaire and Trump benefactor Robert Mercer would be contributing $300,000 to a super PAC supporting a primary challenger to Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake. The Republican lawmaker has sparred with Trump on immigration and is promoting a book that argues the GOP is in “denial” about the president.

Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller – who gave only tepid support to Trump’s presidential bid and the subsequent push to repeal and replace ObamaCare – also learned this week he would face a primary challenge from a Trump backer who has run unsuccessfully for Senate before.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, too, is feeling the heat from Trump and his base as the president vents about the Kentucky Republican’s inability to get health care legislation passed...."

I guess Republicans want to turn over more Senate seats to Democrats. Trump lost Nevada and his margin of victory in Arizona was smaller than Romney's was in 2012.

Yeah Dem's recent electoral wins scare us...oh wait there have been no wins :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Is it mean that I drive the knife into libs backs daily and twist it? :muahaha:

Dems added a senate seat in this last election.

Lots of Dems stayed home and now regret it. GOP is going to have their hands full.

Trump whooped your ass, then you lost 4 more elections in a row and you talk smack :laugh:

Sure. In deep red states . We'll see what happens the next round .

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