Trump to Bypass Mainstream Media, Take Message Direct to the People

Left wing media =
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).
who should be in those positions? losers? that doesn't seem rational.

Well not only did you miss the point entirely, you also assumed facts not in evidence. The points:
  1. Trump lied about draining the swamp of Beltway and Wall St. insiders
  2. Trump has sought out cronies and appointed many of them
  3. Trump's businesses create conflicts of interests and conflict with COTUS (Art I. sec 9, clause 8)
    I voted for him:

    1. He wasn't a murderer
    2. He wasn't a criminal
    3. he never had an email server in his garage
    4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
    5. he wasn't Hitlery
    6. He was a breath of fresh air
    7. The swamp will be drained
    8. The wall will be built
    9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

    LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
    Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

    Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).

    Because if he had appointed not 1%ers, outsiders and civilians, you would be singing his praises and admitting that he was doing what he said he would do.

Wrong. I stand by my comments that the P-e is not qualified to be POTUS. The fact is this month he will be faced with the buck stops at his desk, that should concern everyone of us.

So, you admit that his actions that you complained about are not actually relevant to your reaction.

That makes it a lie.
The next four years, if trump is not impeached, promises to be the same nonsense. Dishonest trump cult followers lamely making excuses and attempting to defend the indefensible lies of their master. Think of it, you guys are trying to defend a basic and accepted lie told by Trump that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11. No rational and reasonable person believes that lie. There would be archived news videos and at the very least some random cell phone videos or even photo's.

Here ya go, ya America-hating shitbird.....

Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

there are lots of them. try google. you might learn something
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
dude, again, why is it you have to have a video? Others confirmed the story. I once got a warning by a cop, no one shot a video of the stop. does that mean it didn't happen?

BTW, it would be there 'are' no videos of Muslims, or there 'is' no video of Muslims.... geez get your grammer correct.
You guys are hilarious. Nobody of repute has ever made a valid confirmation of Trump's story. No one can even provide a name of the non-existant news organization that broadcast the alleged incident. That is because it never happened. Trump was lying about it and only the super dopey still believe that historical lie. You're so beat up from this day long tirade of defending trump that you are jumping on grammar errors and posting funny faces.
Confirmation provided sorry Mac!
Lame response. That video does not even claim to address the lie told by Trump and you about Muslims celebrating in the street on 9/11. Trump said he saw Muslims dancing in the street and celebrating on 9/11. You claim that there is video evidence to prove he told the truth. That is a lie being made directly by you. Put up or shut up and admit you are a foul liar.

there are lots of them. try google. you might learn something
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
dude, again, why is it you have to have a video? Others confirmed the story. I once got a warning by a cop, no one shot a video of the stop. does that mean it didn't happen?

BTW, it would be there 'are' no videos of Muslims, or there 'is' no video of Muslims.... geez get your grammer correct.
You guys are hilarious. Nobody of repute has ever made a valid confirmation of Trump's story. No one can even provide a name of the non-existant news organization that broadcast the alleged incident. That is because it never happened. Trump was lying about it and only the super dopey still believe that historical lie. You're so beat up from this day long tirade of defending trump that you are jumping on grammar errors and posting funny faces.
Confirmation provided sorry Mac!

he ran. its what libs do when faced with the truth. Pathetic losers.
I voted for him:

1. He wasn't a murderer
2. He wasn't a criminal
3. he never had an email server in his garage
4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
5. he wasn't Hitlery
6. He was a breath of fresh air
7. The swamp will be drained
8. The wall will be built
9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).
who should be in those positions? losers? that doesn't seem rational.

Well not only did you miss the point entirely, you also assumed facts not in evidence. The points:
  1. Trump lied about draining the swamp of Beltway and Wall St. insiders
  2. Trump has sought out cronies and appointed many of them
  3. Trump's businesses create conflicts of interests and conflict with COTUS (Art I. sec 9, clause 8)
    I voted for him:

    1. He wasn't a murderer
    2. He wasn't a criminal
    3. he never had an email server in his garage
    4. He didn't partake in partisan corruption
    5. he wasn't Hitlery
    6. He was a breath of fresh air
    7. The swamp will be drained
    8. The wall will be built
    9. Anything you say from now on is irrelevant.

    LOL, you should never be allowed to vote.
    Like I said in number 9, irrelevant

    Wrong again. What he has said matters not, what he has done is consequential. And what he has done is restocked the swamp with 1%ers, the Power Elite and Military General Officers (see pt. #s 1 & 4).

    Because if he had appointed not 1%ers, outsiders and civilians, you would be singing his praises and admitting that he was doing what he said he would do.

Wrong. I stand by my comments that the P-e is not qualified to be POTUS. The fact is this month he will be faced with the buck stops at his desk, that should concern everyone of us.
what are the qualifications to be president that he is unqualified to do? Can you name them? Or, are you just projecting cause that's what you usually do?

Please, please, list the details that makes him unqualified. BTW, do you know what the qualifications even are?

You'd be amazed and surprised at the same time. But please pray tel show us his lack of qualification.
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
dude, again, why is it you have to have a video? Others confirmed the story. I once got a warning by a cop, no one shot a video of the stop. does that mean it didn't happen?

BTW, it would be there 'are' no videos of Muslims, or there 'is' no video of Muslims.... geez get your grammer correct.
You guys are hilarious. Nobody of repute has ever made a valid confirmation of Trump's story. No one can even provide a name of the non-existant news organization that broadcast the alleged incident. That is because it never happened. Trump was lying about it and only the super dopey still believe that historical lie. You're so beat up from this day long tirade of defending trump that you are jumping on grammar errors and posting funny faces.
Confirmation provided sorry Mac!

he ran. its what libs do when faced with the truth. Pathetic losers.
Nobody ran. I keep seeing posts that a video has been provided yet no video is provided. You guys are posting after 9/11 material. The lie Trump told was that he saw a broadcast of the Muslim celebrations by "thousands" in the streets of New Jersey of 9/11. No such evidence exist and you have not provided anything close to that. You spent the whole day yesterday trying to bullshit your way through the argument that Trump did not lie about what he claimed he saw on TV on 9/11. I keep telling you to put up or shut up and you don't put up and you won't shut up. Makes little difference. The world community accepts that that is a big Trump lie and that he is a serial pathological liar. Only the hardcore brainwashed cultist think otherwise.

Let me know when you get the video of the 9/11 TV video of thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey.

Key components have to be 9/11, TV broadcast, New Jersey, and thousand of celebrating Muslims, but I will settle for hundreds. If those components are not included, you fail to prove your claim, Trump is a liar and so are you.
There is no videos of Muslims celebrating in the streets on 9/11 in your link. Trump told a lie and you can not show that what he claims he saw ever occurred His claim is that he saw a celebration.of thousands of Muslims celebrating and you keep posting unrelated videos or unsubstantiated claims by his supporters with no evidence or proof. What the heck is wrong with you? There was never a broadcast like the one Trump claims he saw. Period. You are unable to provide a link to the video Trump claims he saw.
dude, again, why is it you have to have a video? Others confirmed the story. I once got a warning by a cop, no one shot a video of the stop. does that mean it didn't happen?

BTW, it would be there 'are' no videos of Muslims, or there 'is' no video of Muslims.... geez get your grammer correct.
You guys are hilarious. Nobody of repute has ever made a valid confirmation of Trump's story. No one can even provide a name of the non-existant news organization that broadcast the alleged incident. That is because it never happened. Trump was lying about it and only the super dopey still believe that historical lie. You're so beat up from this day long tirade of defending trump that you are jumping on grammar errors and posting funny faces.
Confirmation provided sorry Mac!

he ran. its what libs do when faced with the truth. Pathetic losers.
Nobody ran. I keep seeing posts that a video has been provided yet no video is provided. You guys are posting after 9/11 material. The lie Trump told was that he saw a broadcast of the Muslim celebrations by "thousands" in the streets of New Jersey of 9/11. No such evidence exist and you have not provided anything close to that. You spent the whole day yesterday trying to bullshit your way through the argument that Trump did not lie about what he claimed he saw on TV on 9/11. I keep telling you to put up or shut up and you don't put up and you won't shut up. Makes little difference. The world community accepts that that is a big Trump lie and that he is a serial pathological liar. Only the hardcore brainwashed cultist think otherwise.

Let me know when you get the video of the 9/11 TV video of thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey.

Key components have to be 9/11, TV broadcast, New Jersey, and thousand of celebrating Muslims, but I will settle for hundreds. If those components are not included, you fail to prove your claim, Trump is a liar and so are you.

"thousands" was an exaggeration. But it did happen.

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