Trump to announce withdrawal of additional troops from Afghanistan & Iraq in coming days

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
As expected, and as I predicted, Trump is planning to withdraw some troops from Afghanistan (and Iraq) in the run-up to the election. The Democratic rank and file should support these moves, but it is likely some DNC leaders will stupidly oppose them simply because Trump is initiating them. Of course even after these troop draw-downs Trump’s bellicose attitude and support for a strong military overseas will mean these “endless wars” continue, and these troops will probably just be moved to Asia and the South China Sea. The overall troop presence in the greater Middle East, however — even after these withdrawals — will almost certainly remain at the same high (or higher) levels as when Trump first took office.

“US President Donald Trump is poised to announce the pullout of more American troops from Iraq on Wednesday, and from Afghanistan in the coming days, a US official reportedly told the media on board Air Force One....

“The expected drawdown goes in line with Trump’s previous pledge to reduce the number of troops in both war-torn countries. Last month, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper revealed that the number of US troops stationed in Afghanistan would be slashed to less than 5,000 in the coming months. Trump himself used to say that he wants to cap the US contingent on the ground in Afghanistan to no more than 4,000 troops....

“While Trump has ramped up his anti-war rhetoric in recent months, with the US presidential elections inching closer, he has yet to deliver on his 2016 campaign promise to pull the plug on ‘endless wars.’”

Trump to announce withdrawal of additional troops from Afghanistan & Iraq in coming days
As expected, and as I predicted, Trump is planning to withdraw some troops from Afghanistan (and Iraq) in the run-up to the election. The Democratic rank and file should support these moves, but it is likely some DNC leaders will stupidly oppose them simply because Trump is initiating them. Of course even after these troop draw-downs Trump’s bellicose attitude and support for a strong military overseas will mean these “endless wars” continue, and these troops will probably just be moved to Asia and the South China Sea. The overall troop presence in the greater Middle East, however — even after these withdrawals — will almost certainly remain at the same high (or higher) levels as when Trump first took office.

“US President Donald Trump is poised to announce the pullout of more American troops from Iraq on Wednesday, and from Afghanistan in the coming days, a US official reportedly told the media on board Air Force One....

“The expected drawdown goes in line with Trump’s previous pledge to reduce the number of troops in both war-torn countries. Last month, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper revealed that the number of US troops stationed in Afghanistan would be slashed to less than 5,000 in the coming months. Trump himself used to say that he wants to cap the US contingent on the ground in Afghanistan to no more than 4,000 troops....

“While Trump has ramped up his anti-war rhetoric in recent months, with the US presidential elections inching closer, he has yet to deliver on his 2016 campaign promise to pull the plug on ‘endless wars.’”

Trump to announce withdrawal of additional troops from Afghanistan & Iraq in coming days
Sounds good to me. I haven't lost anything over there but friends and comrades in arms and haven't gained a damn thing over there.
Haste makes waste, remember that, I want the wars to end right now, what did he do for the first 3, almost 4 years of his presidency. Hasty decisions based on politics and re-election are never good.
Haste makes waste, remember that, I want the wars to end right now, what did he do for the first 3, almost 4 years of his presidency. Hasty decisions based on politics and re-election are never good.

He has been screaming about winding down our global military presence for 4 years. He tried to stop the waste of money on showing off to NK with military exercises every year. The left hated that. He talked about bringing troops home from Europe. The left hated that too. He has repeatedly made efforts to bring troops home from the ME and even for that effort the left cannot find a good thing to say.
Haste makes waste, remember that, I want the wars to end right now, what did he do for the first 3, almost 4 years of his presidency. Hasty decisions based on politics and re-election are never good.

He has been screaming about winding down our global military presence for 4 years. He tried to stop the waste of money on showing off to NK with military exercises every year. The left hated that. He talked about bringing troops home from Europe. The left hated that too. He has repeatedly made efforts to bring troops home from the ME and even for that effort the left cannot find a good thing to say.

All talk and in time for the election, how convenient. Can you find me an article stating what you assume?
All talk and in time for the election, how convenient. Can you find me an article stating what you assume?

He has been talking about it since 2016 and has gotten very little support from either side.

The announcement is closely tied to the plan to increase the U.S. troop presence in Poland, a shift long-desired by Warsaw and Polish President Andrzej Duda. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss plans not yet announced, said the moves will cost “billions” and require construction at bases in the U.S. to accommodate the additional forces. The officials said that in the future other troops would rotate in and out of Europe.

Members of Trump’s own political party have criticized the troop move as a gift to Russia and a threat to U.S. national security. Twenty-two Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee fired back with a letter to Trump saying a reduced U.S. commitment to Europe’s defense would encourage Russian aggression and opportunism.
All talk and in time for the election, how convenient. Can you find me an article stating what you assume?

He has been talking about it since 2016 and has gotten very little support from either side.

The announcement is closely tied to the plan to increase the U.S. troop presence in Poland, a shift long-desired by Warsaw and Polish President Andrzej Duda. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss plans not yet announced, said the moves will cost “billions” and require construction at bases in the U.S. to accommodate the additional forces. The officials said that in the future other troops would rotate in and out of Europe.

Members of Trump’s own political party have criticized the troop move as a gift to Russia and a threat to U.S. national security. Twenty-two Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee fired back with a letter to Trump saying a reduced U.S. commitment to Europe’s defense would encourage Russian aggression and opportunism.

Russia's GDP routinely falls below that of the city of Tokyo. Only an idiot thinks Russia could wage war on the EU with any kind of success.

Regardless, the EU has (theoretically) over 1.5 million personnel, nearly 7,700 tanks, 2,450 aircraft (including helicopters), and nearly 550 warships and submarines on call.

The EU could defeat Russia on its own.
All talk and in time for the election, how convenient. Can you find me an article stating what you assume?

He has been talking about it since 2016 and has gotten very little support from either side.

The announcement is closely tied to the plan to increase the U.S. troop presence in Poland, a shift long-desired by Warsaw and Polish President Andrzej Duda. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss plans not yet announced, said the moves will cost “billions” and require construction at bases in the U.S. to accommodate the additional forces. The officials said that in the future other troops would rotate in and out of Europe.

Members of Trump’s own political party have criticized the troop move as a gift to Russia and a threat to U.S. national security. Twenty-two Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee fired back with a letter to Trump saying a reduced U.S. commitment to Europe’s defense would encourage Russian aggression and opportunism.

Russia's GDP routinely falls below that of the city of Tokyo. Only an idiot thinks Russia could wage war on the EU with any kind of success.

Regardless, the EU has (theoretically) over 1.5 million personnel, nearly 7,700 tanks, 2,450 aircraft (including helicopters), and nearly 550 warships and submarines on call.

The EU could defeat Russia on its own.
you're speaking to someone who feels facts are useless so she makes up her own in her own world.

fucking trolls.
Great decision by President Trump and one that is sure to piss off the Neocons!

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In the wake of the reductions being announced by Trump in Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s worth reviewing his real record on “Endless Wars,” and the likelihood of changes in future foreign policy should he win (or lose) re-election. Here are excerpts from a fairly comprehensive & balanced assessment written by George Szamuely, published in May in RT:

“Trump failed to prove he’s a true anti-interventionist.
If he wins again, we might see MORE wars

“President Donald Trump, if he is re-elected in November and no longer fearing desertion of his anti-interventionist supporters, may well shed his remaining inhibitions against embarking on new military adventures.

“A Trump second term, particularly if it is hamstrung by Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, is likely to be defined by an appetite for military intervention....

“Trump has given very little evidence that he is wedded to any anti-interventionist principles. The same of course is true of ... former VP Joe Biden ... For countries that have been in the US crosshairs for years ... the outlook following the November election isn’t a happy one. One possibility is they will be confronting an emboldened Trump who, freed from the constraint of having to worry about losing supporters, will give full vent to his interventionist instincts. The other equally unappealing possibility is they will be confronting a Biden administration that will be filled with Obama retreads, committed to Samantha Power-style ‘humanitarian intervention’ and to avenging 2016 by seeking out confrontation with Russia.”

Trump failed to prove he’s a true anti-interventionist. If he wins again, we might see MORE wars
In the wake of the reductions being announced by Trump in Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s worth reviewing his real record on “Endless Wars,” and the likelihood of changes in future foreign policy should he win (or lose) re-election. Here are excerpts from a fairly comprehensive & balanced assessment written by George Szamuely, published in May in RT:

“Trump failed to prove he’s a true anti-interventionist.
If he wins again, we might see MORE wars

“President Donald Trump, if he is re-elected in November and no longer fearing desertion of his anti-interventionist supporters, may well shed his remaining inhibitions against embarking on new military adventures.

“A Trump second term, particularly if it is hamstrung by Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, is likely to be defined by an appetite for military intervention....

“Trump has given very little evidence that he is wedded to any anti-interventionist principles. The same of course is true of ... former VP Joe Biden ... For countries that have been in the US crosshairs for years ... the outlook following the November election isn’t a happy one. One possibility is they will be confronting an emboldened Trump who, freed from the constraint of having to worry about losing supporters, will give full vent to his interventionist instincts. The other equally unappealing possibility is they will be confronting a Biden administration that will be filled with Obama retreads, committed to Samantha Power-style ‘humanitarian intervention’ and to avenging 2016 by seeking out confrontation with Russia.”

Trump failed to prove he’s a true anti-interventionist. If he wins again, we might see MORE wars
/----/ The stench of desperation is in the air over at LiberalPropagandaville. Trump ran on stopping the endless wars, and democrats fight him every step of the way. Stop posting the BS.
liar liar.jpg
As expected, and as I predicted, Trump is planning to withdraw some troops from Afghanistan (and Iraq) in the run-up to the election. The Democratic rank and file should support these moves, but it is likely some DNC leaders will stupidly oppose them simply because Trump is initiating them. Of course even after these troop draw-downs Trump’s bellicose attitude and support for a strong military overseas will mean these “endless wars” continue, and these troops will probably just be moved to Asia and the South China Sea. The overall troop presence in the greater Middle East, however — even after these withdrawals — will almost certainly remain at the same high (or higher) levels as when Trump first took office.

Trump to announce withdrawal of additional troops from Afghanistan & Iraq in coming days

Thanks, good news. Get them home. I'm a Vietnam era vet myself, volunteered.
I believe Trump is sincere in wanting to bring all the troops home and have feeling the generals have been warning him of consequences.
What is often overlooked is that the military industrial production does not have to stop in peacetime. New weapons, airplanes, vehicles, rockets, munitions, uniforms, protective gear, defensive equipment, medical techniques, etc. ad infinitum can be research and produced.

Many people, especially those that have served in combat, want to end the insane wars that we have embedded ourselves in with no real intention of aggressively winning and ending it (as opposed to WWI and WWII when our freedom depended on defeat of the enemies).

Here's what war-monger Joe Biden will face from now until election day: (Be sure to read the captions of the audio.)

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