Trump tells the Clintons to bring it

what we know about him is he is a lying cheating fraud.

Who gave us 8 years of peace and prosperity. Assuming (correctly) that almost all of the politicians running today are frauds of some degree (from Rubio's spending of money that wasn't his to Christie's bridge closing to Clinton's sniper fire, to Trump's basically every other word), I'm pretty sure most would take the fraud with 8 years of P&P and leave the points.

But keep trying to trash the's paid off so well for you guys so far and it's incredibly hilarious to watch failure after failure...

Clinton's sniper fire (your words) is a good start in the trashing department. My I add Benghazi was caused by a video? We may be on a roll here. It is good to finally have you on board.

Again, if you guys want to take on the Clintons and try to make everyone forget the 8 years of Peace and Prosperity and supply your own narrative...go right ahead. It hasn't worked in 30 years. Outlook not so good that the Clintons will forget how to wipe the floor with the GOP.

I will thank the Dotcom boom and Newt Gingrich for dragging Clinton to a balanced budget for the prosperity if it is all the same to you. We have already pointed out the so called peace was an illusion.

he he he.....of course. This is why you guys lose elections where you have to convince independents to vote for you. You do not give credit where it is warranted and you take all the credit when anything positive happens.

Clinton had to submit 5 budgets one year before he got it through the Congress, each one less spending than the previous one. And then he took credit for balancing the budget. But you gave him credit I am sure.
what we know about him is he is a lying cheating fraud.

Who gave us 8 years of peace and prosperity. Assuming (correctly) that almost all of the politicians running today are frauds of some degree (from Rubio's spending of money that wasn't his to Christie's bridge closing to Clinton's sniper fire, to Trump's basically every other word), I'm pretty sure most would take the fraud with 8 years of P&P and leave the points.

But keep trying to trash the's paid off so well for you guys so far and it's incredibly hilarious to watch failure after failure...

Clinton's sniper fire (your words) is a good start in the trashing department. My I add Benghazi was caused by a video? We may be on a roll here. It is good to finally have you on board.

Again, if you guys want to take on the Clintons and try to make everyone forget the 8 years of Peace and Prosperity and supply your own narrative...go right ahead. It hasn't worked in 30 years. Outlook not so good that the Clintons will forget how to wipe the floor with the GOP.

I would rather talk about the four years that Hillary did such a great job at state. The reset with Russia rally worked well don't you agree? Taking out Qadaffi in Libya was a huge success. I will mention more of her successes later.

She did do a great job at State. So much so that the GOP Senators running for President voted for her....except for Cruz I think.

"Voted for her" to do what? What did she accomplish while she was SOS?

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