Trump supporters shout down CNN --LOL

The press does lie, so you are attacking people for telling the truth. What could be more Nazi-like than that?
I've seen your posts on here, and your only argument for anything is you cutting people down. I don't think a proven bully (even if it's just on the internet) like you could even pretend to know what the truth is.

That's just a big fat lie. I don't just call left wingers douche bags. I prove it. Just consider all these sleazy slimy slanders against Trump. The have all been discredited, and I posted the evidence. Anyone who supports them is a lying douche bag. That means you.
That's just a big fat lie. I don't just call left wingers douche bags. I prove it. Just consider all these sleazy slimy slanders against Trump. The have all been discredited, and I posted the evidence. Anyone who supports them is a lying douche bag. That means you.

Few avatars reflect the true personality and IQ than MiddleFingerBoy's.......LOL
NYcarnineer, Crooked Hillary and the MSM are using Nazi tactics you ridiculous, uneducated idiot. Dayem, Crooked Hillary supporter are FUCKTARDED.

Trump and supporters want to end freedom of the press.
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Or you lack any semblance of logic and ability to think. That would be the correct answer.

What topic would you like to debate?
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.
When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.

Wrong. Those who defend a lying media that is obviously nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Dimocrap party are the ones who are behaving like Nazis. A person who finds the horrors of Nazism too terrible to contemplate would be horrified by what the MSM has become. Those douche bags who pretend it's honest, impartial or objective are doing the bidding of totalitarianism.
NYcarnineer, Crooked Hillary and the MSM are using Nazi tactics you ridiculous, uneducated idiot. Dayem, Crooked Hillary supporter are FUCKTARDED.

Trump and supporters want to end freedom of the press.
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Or you lack any semblance of logic and ability to think. That would be the correct answer.

What topic would you like to debate?
Lets start with assigning intent and motives to a group of people you don't even understand.
When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.
Or better yet, how about a discussion on how the use of a particular language.....lets not the equivalent to association with a left wing organization like Nazis.
Trump and supporters want to end freedom of the press.
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Or you lack any semblance of logic and ability to think. That would be the correct answer.

What topic would you like to debate?
Lets start with assigning intent and motives to a group of people you don't even understand.

I think when a political group embraces and begins to use the rhetoric, slogans, even the foreign language of another group,
they are either expressing sympathy and comradery.

Lugenpresse was a much used NAZI perjorative to attack the press, particularly the LIBERAL and JEWISH press.

For Trump supporters and others in the alt right to embrace that terminology cannot be dismissed as meaningless.

Trump's army contains a very small contingent of what one might call full on/all in Nazis,

but it also contains a huge number of followers of what amounts to Nazi Lite.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.
Or better yet, how about a discussion on how the use of a particular language.....lets not the equivalent to association with a left wing organization like Nazis.

The Nazis were not leftwing. Grow up. Hitler hated liberals, he hated the liberal press, he hated the Marxists, he hated the Marxist press, he hated liberal Jews, he hated the Marxist, liberal, Jewish press in all its forms.
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Or you lack any semblance of logic and ability to think. That would be the correct answer.

What topic would you like to debate?
Lets start with assigning intent and motives to a group of people you don't even understand.

I think when a political group embraces and begins to use the rhetoric, slogans, even the foreign language of another group,
they are either expressing sympathy and comradery.

Lugenpresse was a much used NAZI perjorative to attack the press, particularly the LIBERAL and JEWISH press.

For Trump supporters and others in the alt right to embrace that terminology cannot be dismissed as meaningless.

Trump's army contains a very small contingent of what one might call full on/all in Nazis,

but it also contains a huge number of followers of what amounts to Nazi Lite.

No one uses the term "Lugenpresse," so your claim is obvious bullshit.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.

Wrong. Those who defend a lying media that is obviously nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Dimocrap party are the ones who are behaving like Nazis. A person who finds the horrors of Nazism too terrible to contemplate would be horrified by what the MSM has become. Those douche bags who pretend it's honest, impartial or objective are doing the bidding of totalitarianism.

Is that why only about 70% of Jewish-Americans support the Democrats? lol
When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Or you lack any semblance of logic and ability to think. That would be the correct answer.

What topic would you like to debate?
Lets start with assigning intent and motives to a group of people you don't even understand.

I think when a political group embraces and begins to use the rhetoric, slogans, even the foreign language of another group,
they are either expressing sympathy and comradery.

Lugenpresse was a much used NAZI perjorative to attack the press, particularly the LIBERAL and JEWISH press.

For Trump supporters and others in the alt right to embrace that terminology cannot be dismissed as meaningless.

Trump's army contains a very small contingent of what one might call full on/all in Nazis,

but it also contains a huge number of followers of what amounts to Nazi Lite.

No one uses the term "Lugenpresse," so your claim is obvious bullshit.

Since I posted a link where Trump supporters are in fact using it, you're an idiot.
Nazis were leftist socialists, it says so right there in the name. Fascism is simply another branch of leftist ideology.

As for using Nazi slogans that has already been explained. Tactics aren't objectives. For example, fighting an enemy using similar tactics doesn't make you just like the enemy. You are different because your objectives are different.
NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.
Or better yet, how about a discussion on how the use of a particular language.....lets not the equivalent to association with a left wing organization like Nazis.

The Nazis were not leftwing. Grow up. Hitler hated liberals, he hated the liberal press, he hated the Marxists, he hated the Marxist press, he hated liberal Jews, he hated the Marxist, liberal, Jewish press in all its forms.

That Nazis were socialist, so they were leftwing. Douche bags like you hate conservative radio, FOX news, and conservative websites. You hate conservatives, christians and white males. You seem to be the epitome of what you're whining about.

BTW, in Europe a "liberal" is someone who believes in capitalism.
NYcarnineer, Crooked Hillary and the MSM are using Nazi tactics you ridiculous, uneducated idiot. Dayem, Crooked Hillary supporter are FUCKTARDED.

Trump and supporters want to end freedom of the press.
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

So, you could express your own opinion on why Trump supporters are relishing the opportunity to take up Nazi style rhetoric - directly, intentionally, and explicitly - in order to attack the media,

or you could go on crying about me.

You have a video of two ignoramuses, and you use it to accuse half the voters in the country of being Nazis.

That's a classic Nazi tactic.
NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.

Nazi comparisons are perfectly legitimate, when they are legitimate.

After all, the Trump supporters yelling out lugenpresse! are comparing themselves to Nazis. Happily.

Wrong. Those who defend a lying media that is obviously nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Dimocrap party are the ones who are behaving like Nazis. A person who finds the horrors of Nazism too terrible to contemplate would be horrified by what the MSM has become. Those douche bags who pretend it's honest, impartial or objective are doing the bidding of totalitarianism.

Is that why only about 70% of Jewish-Americans support the Democrats? lol

I can't explain their idiocy. Most of the antisemites in this country are Democrats.
I think when a political group embraces and begins to use the rhetoric, slogans, even the foreign language of another group,
they are either expressing sympathy and comradery.

Lugenpresse was a much used NAZI perjorative to attack the press, particularly the LIBERAL and JEWISH press.

For Trump supporters and others in the alt right to embrace that terminology cannot be dismissed as meaningless.

Trump's army contains a very small contingent of what one might call full on/all in Nazis,

but it also contains a huge number of followers of what amounts to Nazi Lite.

To underscore your assertion, let me offer the following:

Italian and German fascism shared a strong commitment to the notion of national rebirth. Mussolini and Hitler encouraged their supporters to believe in lost (or stolen) greatness, in a glorious past. That could be long ago, as with the Roman Empire, which Mussolini liked to invoke, or only a couple of decades prior, as with the German Reich that was, according to Hitler, “stabbed in the back” in 1918. Trump makes this appeal to a golden age the centerpiece of his campaign, assuring audiences that only he can “make America great again.”

John McNeill, professor of history at Georgetown University.
I'm not supporting or voting for Trump and I still call...


When you start attacking the press with Nazi rhetoric, you're either sympathetic to the Nazi view and treatment of the press,

or you're just being a blustering fuckwit.

Take your pick.
Will you stop with the Nazi rhetoric?

I'm sick of hearing this Nazi bullshit.

Blustering fuckwit?

I'd like to think I had respect for you since I've been here. Keep proving it wrong.

And since you decided to go that route, here is one for you.

NYCarbineer never gave anyone a reason to respect her. Feel free to blast away.

I would be alarmed if Nazi sympathizers showed respect for me.

Lack of any real intelligence is quite easily determined. Nazi comparisons are for the truly weak minded.
If you were to carry out that train of thought in a logical, linear manner you would necessarily conclude that as Nazi's we are your enemies. Having concluded that we are an enemy of that magnitude you would be forced (in the interest of patriotism and national survival) to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country.
Not comparing anyone to Nazi's, but in America, elections replace the need to "to pick up a weapon and "defend" your Country." Germans had that option too but failed to use their elections to keep the Nazi's out of government.

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