Trump Supporters - How will you react if the Deep State Succeeds in removing him?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
The butt-hurt losers on the Left can go suck dingleberries......I don't care what you think....

I want to know how those who SUPPORT Trump will react if through all this nefarious under-handed bullshit they succeed in getting Trump removed from office, which is their goal. I wouldn't be so over-confident as to preclude it's could not happen. Step by step they are building their case of lies and distortion.
The Establishment and Deep State is VERY powerful VERY corrupt.

We all know this is total horseshit and that the Left will stop at nothing to squash any voice that doesn't represent THEIR brainwashed POV....

But will Conservative, Right wing America just give in and give up if they succeed?

Seriously, they are going to try to do just that.....would it be allowed? Seriously?
I believe that the Deep State knows there would be a massive civil war which would give our enemies a perfect opportunity to blindside us and attack the USA with a limited nuclear strike, invasion by land, by air and by sea.... and bring America to its knees putting our people once and for all into the chains of Communist slavery. Clinton, Obama, Jarrett and co. are not fighting against China and Russia (and their allies in NK, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua....) They are the very people paving the way for their success in defeating us. They are working for them. Not against them. Communists are not known for sharing power once they take over a nation. The first people that will be lined up against a brick wall - firing squad will be those liberals who worked so hard to help them. Starting with the leadership.... Look at the history of Communist takeovers and let it be your lesson.

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I don't believe that there is a current mass exodus underway to the Canadian border by Muslim families who have lived in the USA for years on end. Clearly they know something we don't which is why their reasons for leaving have been so vague. I've listened to the Canadian reporters interviewing them and they can't get a straight answer out of them about why they are leaving. At a single entry point over 500 people a day are crossing over. There are dozens of such entry points and then there are the 5,000 miles of unprotected border between Canada and the US. Enough to drive a herd of elephant over undetected.... Something is up.
If Trump is removed from office by hook or by crook, there will never be another legitimate Dem president.
The last one wasn't legitimate. The one who ran and lost wasn't legitimate either (according to our laws - she was disqualified) so we are already there........
If Trump is removed from office, his supporters will show up in force.

All 23 of them.
Cancer has a higher approval rating than The Orange Menace
The butt-hurt losers on the Left can go suck dingleberries......I don't care what you think....

I want to know how those who SUPPORT Trump will react if through all this nefarious under-handed bullshit they succeed in getting Trump removed from office, which is their goal. I wouldn't be so over-confident as to preclude it's could not happen. Step by step they are building their case of lies and distortion.
The Establishment and Deep State is VERY powerful VERY corrupt.

We all know this is total horseshit and that the Left will stop at nothing to squash any voice that doesn't represent THEIR brainwashed POV....

But will Conservative, Right wing America just give in and give up if they succeed?

Seriously, they are going to try to do just that.....would it be allowed? Seriously?
How do you know...really know...."this is total horseshit"?
How do you know...really know...."this is total horseshit"?
OK, total butthurt shit. We know this.
How do you know that? What is the evidence that draws you to that firm conclusion?
Seriously?! You don't think you're acutely butt hurt and full of shit?

Sorry sister, things are what they are.
Why would I be "butt hurt and full of shit"? Just because you say so? Circular thinking there.....Where are the facts? Where is the evidence that the investigations against trump are just horseshit?
Only Congress has the ability to remove a President.

Now if you really believe the Deep State controls the levers, can I interest you in a fine line of survival gear for the coming apocalypse?
OK, this thread is going waaay too slow. I'm always glad to be helpful to my friends.

Trump butthurt snowflake supporters w/o their fearless leader


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