Trump supporter are lefties. And they don't even know it.

If I knew, so would you.
Not an answer
It could just be an ego thing. Who knows? Maybe Trump thought he was going to be a bigger swamp creature than them, and they're proving him wrong.
But Trump's not going to expose the real corruption in DC because he wants to be the leader of it.

That's only a guess. Because guessing is all we can do. But there are signs.

FFS, he wouldn't even release the JFK files that were supposed to be released back in 2017. Nor would he pardon Assange and Snowden.
Unforced errors are a product of him being a political novice and taking shitty advice from people put in place to kneecap him....That only makes him inept, not a malefactor nor collaborator.
The real Mafia doesn't pretend that they're doing things for your best benefits or condescend to you about the cheeeeeeldrennnnn.

Riiiiight....And they're only playing enemies right now, as they try to ruin his life to this very day.

LMAO.. The real mafia pretends to be protecting you from other mafia's. So, yeah they do pretend to do things in your best interest.

I was glad that Trump came in and was trying to take over the DC mob. I honestly thought he was going to expose the whole racket and bring some sanity back to the party and the government. I was fooled.
The only difference is I admit it. Once FISA, the patriot act and the NDAA was reauthorized, I knew Trump was just another swamp creature.
Those are things that Trump reauthorized that they're using to make his life seem miserable. Trump even complained that Hillary and Obama were spying on his campaign (using FISA). But once elected, he had no problem reauthorizing it, even with section 702. (warrantless spying on Americans)
Not an answer

Unforced errors are a product of him being a political novice and taking shitty advice from people put in place to kneecap him....That only makes him inept, not a malefactor nor collaborator.

Ok, so add "inept" to his left leaning flaws. And what does that leave you with? Someone no better than Mitt Romney.
So fucking what?

You still refuse to get it through your thick skull that not taking any shit off these overstuffed assholes was and is a big part of why his voters get behind him....Why is that?

His voters completely overlook how far left he was taking them. They're too busy defending him to take notice of important things that actually affect their own lives.

Like how all that spending helped to create the high inflation we're in now. Or how his deal with Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies (to reduce production) in April of 2020 (months before the election) help set off the oil bust cycle that helped to create the HUGE fuel prices.
BTW, I'm not giving Biden a pass on his part. Biden played his part too. With what Trump and Biden both did, helped to give the US oil companies record profits this year. Had it not been for those two, oil demand being extremely low, there would've been no reason for them to make hundreds of billions in profits. Biden just gave them an excuse and someone to blame. And they thanked him all the way to the bank.
While we got screwed without lube.
Fiscal and constitutional conservatives don't support Trump. Your definition of "conservative" is the one that's been used by the party and the media long enough for it to have stuck. What's the saying, "If you repeat a lie long enough, becomes true." Or something like that. That's what's happened. And your definition is extremely skewed.

BTW, we don't have an open border with Mexico. Our border patrol is catching illegals day in and day out.
Anybody who say we don't have an open border with Mexico, when over 2 million illegal aliens have been admitted here in less than 2 years, is not to be taken seriously.

When Obama was president, he had a policy of "catch & release". It didn't matter if you were "caught". Caught under Obama, simply meant you were issued a summons (which the Obama administration laughably defined as a "deportation"), and then you ignored it, and went on your merry way living in the US.

Trump abolished "Catch & Release", and the border was more secure than at any time since Eisenhower was president. Then along came Biden, opened the border even more than Obama by restarting catch & release again, and expanded it to assisting the aliens by flying them to cites around the country, and even using US tax $$$ to put them up in hotels & apartments. Anybody know if we were paying for private room service in those hotels too ?

Anybody who say we don't have an open border with Mexico, when over 2 million illegal aliens have been admitted here in less than 2 years, is not to be taken seriously.

When Obama was president, he had a policy of "catch & release". It didn't matter if you were "caught". Caught under Obama, simply meant you were issued a summons (which the Obama administration laughably defined as a "deportation"), and then you ignored it, and went on your merry way living in the US.

Trump abolished "Catch & Release", and the border was more secure than at any time since Eisenhower was president. Then along came Biden, opened the border even more than Obama by restarting catch & release again, and expanded it to assisting the aliens by flying them to cites around the country, and even using US tax $$$ to put them up in hotels & apartments. Anybody know if we were paying for private room service in those hotels too ?

Deportations lower under Trump administration than Obama: report
His voters completely overlook how far left he was taking them. They're too busy defending him to take notice of important things that actually affect their own lives.

Like how all that spending helped to create the high inflation we're in now. Or how his deal with Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies (to reduce production) in April of 2020 (months before the election) help set off the oil bust cycle that helped to create the HUGE fuel prices.
BTW, I'm not giving Biden a pass on his part. Biden played his part too. With what Trump and Biden both did, helped to give the US oil companies record profits this year. Had it not been for those two, oil demand being extremely low, there would've been no reason for them to make hundreds of billions in profits. Biden just gave them an excuse and someone to blame. And they thanked him all the way to the bank.
While we got screwed without lube.
If Trump was the one who got oil companies to reduce production (therby increasing prices) then how is it that through the Trump years oil production was astronomical compared to Biden ?... and if one extrapolates Trump's EIA curve to now (December 2022), it's easy to see the production going to a whopping 580 Million Barrels/month, while Bidens highest ever being hundreds of barrels/month less.

Trump topped that Biden monthly maximum NINE TIMES.

Last edited:
4 minutes before this Post (# 108) was posted, it was refuted by my Post # 107 which stated >>>

"When Obama was president, he had a policy of "catch & release". It didn't matter if you were "caught". Caught under Obama, simply meant you were issued a summons (which the Obama administration laughably defined as a "deportation"), and then you ignored it, and went on your merry way living in the US.

Trump abolished "Catch & Release", and the border was more secure than at any time since Eisenhower was president."

This is what happens when you get your "information" from the likes of the Washington Post. Ho Hum.
4 minutes before this Post (# 108) was posted, it was refuted by my Post # 107 which stated >>>

"When Obama was president, he had a policy of "catch & release". It didn't matter if you were "caught". Caught under Obama, simply meant you were issued a summons (which the Obama administration laughably defined as a "deportation"), and then you ignored it, and went on your merry way living in the US.

Trump abolished "Catch & Release", and the border was more secure than at any time since Eisenhower was president."

This is what happens when you get your "information" from the likes of the Washington Post. Ho Hum.

It's not from the Post. It's from the government.
All he could do is sit around his bedroom at night calling people names on Twitter until even that was taken from him and he could do little.
This is pure CNN, MSNBC, PBS, MSM.

Here's what they, and you, call "little" >>>

1. RECORD positive numbers on the economy, record highs in stock market, despite Covid shutdowns
2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.
3. holding China accountable for cyber theft,
4. taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration,
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate in US history for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest in US history
12. highest median wage in US history .
13. Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE,
14. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in US history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases,
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
16. Signed Right-To-Try legislation,
17. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most in US history),
18. Signed VA Accountability Act,
19. expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself),
20. United States was a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957,
21. withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord,
22. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016,
23. made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces, first in US history.
24. withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, 25. moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,
25. protected Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court,
26. issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay,
27. MCA deal,
28. reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports
29. greatest number of heavily attended rallies in US history
30. net exports increased $59 Billion in 2018, largest 1 yr increase in US history.
31. improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement,
32. we were BUILDING THE WALL, first in US history
33. provided quality detention centers for migrant children in Southwest Key Programs
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities.
35. Got Israel/UAE/Bahrain agreement (the Abraham Accord), establishing Middle East peace
36. Defeated ISIS and killed their leaders incl. # 1 al Baghdadi.
37. Killed Iranian terrorist leader Sulemani.
38. Stopped domestic terrorist mobs by sending federal troops & National Guard
39. regulations cut at level the most in US history, further boosting the economy
40. opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, and increased drilling, thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that),
41. rebuilt the US military to a $721 Billion/yr budget
42. increased wages for military personnel
43. Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that the president has done.
44. Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
45. the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA.
46. the stimulus checks,
47. The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
48. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
49. federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
50. travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
51. Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
52. fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
53. Created & signed the MISSION ACT, replacing the failed Obama Choice Act
54. Presided over the largest GDP growth (35.2%) in US history.
55. Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.

It's not from the Post. It's from the government.
Here are the first 2 sentences from your link >>>

"The Trump administration has deported fewer overall people than were deported under former President Obama despite the ongoing crackdown on immigrants without legal status, according to the Washington Post."

While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under Trump, according to the Post.

And here's where it all came from >>>

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4 minutes before this Post (# 108) was posted, it was refuted by my Post # 107 which stated >>>

"When Obama was president, he had a policy of "catch & release". It didn't matter if you were "caught". Caught under Obama, simply meant you were issued a summons (which the Obama administration laughably defined as a "deportation"), and then you ignored it, and went on your merry way living in the US.

Trump abolished "Catch & Release", and the border was more secure than at any time since Eisenhower was president."

This is what happens when you get your "information" from the likes of the Washington Post. Ho Hum.

The Post reported on it.

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