Trump Sneaks Ahead Of Biden In Rasmussen Poll For First Time Since September


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
They say timing is everything, so for this poll to come out as we are actually voting is great.

Trump Sneaks Ahead Of Biden In Rasmussen Poll For First Time Since September

President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch poll.

Trump, with 48%, snuck past Biden, who garnered 47%, in the latest poll among likely U.S. voters. Monday’s poll marks a difference from just last week, where Wednesday saw Biden ahead 49% to 46%, Rasmussen reported.

Monday marks the first time Trump has notched a lead since mid-September, according to the report. The president has 84% support with Republicans and Biden has 77% of support from Democrats. The president is also ahead by seven points with voters who don’t identify as Republican or Democrat, according to the survey.
The MSM is still helping Biden, but are NOT predicting a Biden "blue wave" like in 2016 when they said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Lets hope 2020 is another election night like 2016, in spite of Biden's "voter fraud organization".

They say timing is everything, so for this poll to come out as we are actually voting is great.

Trump Sneaks Ahead Of Biden In Rasmussen Poll For First Time Since September

President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch poll.

Trump, with 48%, snuck past Biden, who garnered 47%, in the latest poll among likely U.S. voters. Monday’s poll marks a difference from just last week, where Wednesday saw Biden ahead 49% to 46%, Rasmussen reported.

Monday marks the first time Trump has notched a lead since mid-September, according to the report. The president has 84% support with Republicans and Biden has 77% of support from Democrats. The president is also ahead by seven points with voters who don’t identify as Republican or Democrat, according to the survey.

A fake poll. Rasmussen was the only poll that got the midterms wrong. They had Republicans up by 1 and they lost by 8. That is a 9 point difference. Subtrat a +9 for Democrats from a +2 for Trump and you get a +7 for Biden. Rasmussen clearly shows Biden is ahead. Look up the word outlier in polling and this is what you have.
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They say timing is everything, so for this poll to come out as we are actually voting is great.

Trump Sneaks Ahead Of Biden In Rasmussen Poll For First Time Since September

President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch poll.

Trump, with 48%, snuck past Biden, who garnered 47%, in the latest poll among likely U.S. voters. Monday’s poll marks a difference from just last week, where Wednesday saw Biden ahead 49% to 46%, Rasmussen reported.

Monday marks the first time Trump has notched a lead since mid-September, according to the report. The president has 84% support with Republicans and Biden has 77% of support from Democrats. The president is also ahead by seven points with voters who don’t identify as Republican or Democrat, according to the survey.
Presto chango Tramp is LOSING again!!!
General Election: Trump vs. Biden
Rasmussen Reports

Biden +2
Trump is sprinting for home like in 2016 while Biden is hiding in his basement for fear he'd have more gaffes, or have to face questions about Hunter's pay-to-play schemes.

True. The important thing about this poll is that it had to be trending at east a few days before it was released, and it is happening while we are all voting!
Trump is sprinting for home like in 2016 while Biden is hiding in his basement for fear he'd have more gaffes, or have to face questions about Hunter's pay-to-play schemes.
Why do you people keep saying this basement shit when you can clearly see Biden is campaigning?
They say timing is everything, so for this poll to come out as we are actually voting is great.

Trump Sneaks Ahead Of Biden In Rasmussen Poll For First Time Since September

President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch poll.

Trump, with 48%, snuck past Biden, who garnered 47%, in the latest poll among likely U.S. voters. Monday’s poll marks a difference from just last week, where Wednesday saw Biden ahead 49% to 46%, Rasmussen reported.

Monday marks the first time Trump has notched a lead since mid-September, according to the report. The president has 84% support with Republicans and Biden has 77% of support from Democrats. The president is also ahead by seven points with voters who don’t identify as Republican or Democrat, according to the survey.

Never a believer in polls. This happens all the time. They show the Democrat killing the Republican because that's what they want people to believe, and then as it nears Election Day, they narrow almost to a tie. Why is that? Because they want to maintain credibility.
They say timing is everything, so for this poll to come out as we are actually voting is great.

Trump Sneaks Ahead Of Biden In Rasmussen Poll For First Time Since September

President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch poll.

Trump, with 48%, snuck past Biden, who garnered 47%, in the latest poll among likely U.S. voters. Monday’s poll marks a difference from just last week, where Wednesday saw Biden ahead 49% to 46%, Rasmussen reported.

Monday marks the first time Trump has notched a lead since mid-September, according to the report. The president has 84% support with Republicans and Biden has 77% of support from Democrats. The president is also ahead by seven points with voters who don’t identify as Republican or Democrat, according to the survey.

Never a believer in polls. This happens all the time. They show the Democrat killing the Republican because that's what they want people to believe, and then as it nears Election Day, they narrow almost to a tie. Why is that? Because they want to maintain credibility.
Historically, polls have been pretty accurate. Even in 2016, the NATIONAL polls were not far off. Hillary still won the popular vote. The polls that were wrong in 2016 were key swing state polls. That’s where the surprise win for Trump came from. Since then, the polls were accurate in 2018 that predicted the democrats would win the House.
Polls have become next to useless. How do they contact these people anyway?

The 10% of people that still have land lines??

Phone rings, 12 year old girl answers and yells: "Dad, it's somebody that wants to ask some poll questions!"

Dad, "I'm busy!! You take it!"
12 year old girl, "Okay, Dad."
"Hello, this is Mrs Smith, can I take the poll instead?"

Plus, a lot of Conservatives, I mean really a lot, will bullshit the poll taker just to bust their balls. And even more, especially the women, are literally afraid to tell anybody how they'll vote. They fear backlash at work and in social circles Just like I won't put a Trump/Biden sign in my yard because I don't want my car or my house vandalized.

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