Trump/Sessions want to protrect white people from discrimination

It's interesting how little you care about discrimination against white people. In fact, you think it's funny. What does that say about you as a person?

Because white people aren't being discriminated against. They are the most privileged group in America.

Save you SJW bullshit propaganda for the fucking normies. White males are the only legally discriminated groups at the Federal, State, and private levels of society so spare me your bullshit. Because I am white I am not entitled to the same government subsidies including housing and food as minorities in my same tax bracket, I am not governed by the same federal banking regulations for loans as minorities and recent immigrants, I am not entitled to the same government grants for businesses as minorities and recent immigrants, I can be denied employment or access to education in favor of less qualified minorities in order for them to meet racial quotas, etc etc etc

Ok. You're right white males are the most oppressed group of individuals in America. Its so oppressing to have positions of leadership. So oppressive to be at the top of wage scales while women and minorities make less than white men. Very oppressive.

You can't refute a single one of my points, not a fucking one. We are not asking for special treatment we want equal treatment, what you call an equal playing field is actually race based discrimination and government sanctioned publically payed for unfair and unearned advantages being granted to non-whites because "racism" from a bygone era, show me the living slave and former slave owner and I'll support their reparations, until then go fuck yourself and your sense of entitlement. All of your SJW white privilege claims are debunked by the Asian demographic who are thriving despite a past of discrimination.

Because your points are senseless. I'm black, went to university. Government didnt pay a dime for my education. Took me over 6 years to pay off my student loans. I've worked a job where I out qualified some of my white co workers and had more experience but some how I made less than them.

Government gives grants to underprivileged students. White males aren't exempt from it.

Then we aren't in the same income tax bracket, a black in the same income tax bracket as a poor white is entitled to more subsidies and benefits, and not just for college but for SNAP and housing assistance as well, and then we have college admission where blacks are picked over whites with higher GPAs and better SATs in the name of diversity.

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