Trump Says 'That's the Way It Works' after National Guard Suppresses Kenosha Protests


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Looks like Kenosha calmed down once Antifa got the chance to face troops and federal law enforcement....

President Donald Trump has said federal agents have quelled tensions in Kenosha, and suggested that their deployment could also ease unrest in Portland.

The Wisconsin city became the latest flashpoint in protests over police brutality and racism following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in front of his three children on Sunday, with widespread looting and arson taking place.

While an initial offer of federal help was rejected, Democratic governor Tony Evers accepted the assistance following the shooting deaths of two protesters. Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, has been charged with their murders.

Around 1,000 National Guard and 200 federal law enforcement personnel were deployed following an appeal from the state's Democratic Governor Tony Evers, the White House said.

A 7 p.m. curfew has been put in place in Kenosha's which will remain in effect until Sunday. City of Kenosha police chief Dan Miskinis said it had been a busy week for law enforcement, with around 50 people arrested, although things had started to get quieter, Fox 11 reported.
Looks like Kenosha calmed down once Antifa got the chance to face troops and federal law enforcement....

President Donald Trump has said federal agents have quelled tensions in Kenosha, and suggested that their deployment could also ease unrest in Portland.

The Wisconsin city became the latest flashpoint in protests over police brutality and racism following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in front of his three children on Sunday, with widespread looting and arson taking place.

While an initial offer of federal help was rejected, Democratic governor Tony Evers accepted the assistance following the shooting deaths of two protesters. Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, has been charged with their murders.

Around 1,000 National Guard and 200 federal law enforcement personnel were deployed following an appeal from the state's Democratic Governor Tony Evers, the White House said.

A 7 p.m. curfew has been put in place in Kenosha's which will remain in effect until Sunday. City of Kenosha police chief Dan Miskinis said it had been a busy week for law enforcement, with around 50 people arrested, although things had started to get quieter, Fox 11 reported.
They should not rest until the unqualified mayor's and governor's (if were involved in resisting help badly needed), are then marched like the sic traitor's that they are, out of their buildings or offices in disgrace, and ordered by a federal judge to never participate in any official capacity again.

Then we will be getting somewhere again. They should be lucky that they don't have to pay for any of the damages that they allowed to happen or worse be charged in wrongful death suits in which they caused by their ridiculous thinking that the protestor's were just these peaceful hippie generational types that were just looking for a summer of love bunch of bullcrap.
Kenosha Rioters Deliberately Targeted Minority Neighborhoods For Destruction In A Naked Act Of Harm Directed At The Minority Community. Such Harmful Acts Deliberately Directed Against Protected Classes Are Forbidden By Law.


Black Lives Matter engaging in acts of vandalism, looting, and arson, according to a new report on the extent of the damage, the riots disproportionately harmed minority-owned businesses, ravaging the very black community the activists meant to defend. They need to be hit with disparate impact lawsuits and actions.

While Kenosha’s population is 79.5% white and 11.5% Black, according to census data, the Uptown neighborhood is one of the city’s areas with a majority of minority-owned businesses,” The Wall Street Journal‘s Erin Ailworth reported. The riots damaged or destroyed at least 56 businesses and the mayor estimated a grand total of $50 million in damage. Policies that result in disparate impact can hold the organization responsible for disparate impact.\

Jan Michalski, the Kenosha alderman who represents Uptown, told the Journal that the riots “put us a generation back. After the unrest and rioting, half the buildings in the Uptown area are either badly damaged or completely unusable.” The Millionaires and Billionaires who fund and organize BLM and Antifa need to pay reparations.

‘Like a Scene Out of Hell’: Armed BLM Rioters Loot, Pillage, and Burn Kenosha.

Rioters and their allies in antifa and Black Lives Matter justify looting and arson by claiming that businesses have insurance, not every business does have insurance and many insurance plans do not cover the entire extent of the damage. Even when insurance does cover the damage, such claims often increase insurance premiums in the area, driving up the cost of business. We need legislation, right now, allowing the insurance carriers to subrogate against Antifa/BLM so that these losses do not result in impossible increases in insurance premiums for the Antifa/BLM victims. It looks like it's time for an asset search of anyone and everyone connected to Antifa/BLM.

Insurance also cannot address the psychological damage of looting, arson, and wanton destruction. Business owners put years of care and effort into their establishments, and rioters set a torch to all their hard work. Residents see their neighborhoods on fire. Some observers described the riot-plagued Kenosha as “a scene out of hell,” for good reason.

Maybe Lindsey Graham, rather than launching into a rant, can propose some actual legislation that will allow insurance carriers to attach the assets of those who are connected to Antifa/BLM in order to make their victims whole.
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Kenosha Rioters Deliberately Targeted Minority Neighborhoods For Destruction In A Naked Act Of Harm Directed At The Minority Community. Such Harmful Acts Deliberately Directed Against Protected Classes Are Forbidden By Law.

Black Lives Matter engaging in acts of vandalism, looting, and arson, according to a new report on the extent of the damage, the riots disproportionately harmed minority-owned businesses, ravaging the very black community the activists meant to defend. They need to be hit with disparate impact lawsuits and actions.

While Kenosha’s population is 79.5% white and 11.5% Black, according to census data, the Uptown neighborhood is one of the city’s areas with a majority of minority-owned businesses,” The Wall Street Journal‘s Erin Ailworth reported. The riots damaged or destroyed at least 56 businesses and the mayor estimated a grand total of $50 million in damage. Policies that result in disparate impact can hold the organization responsible for disparate impact.\

Jan Michalski, the Kenosha alderman who represents Uptown, told the Journal that the riots “put us a generation back. After the unrest and rioting, half the buildings in the Uptown area are either badly damaged or completely unusable.” The Millionaires and Billionaires who fund and organize BLM and Antifa need to pay reparations.

‘Like a Scene Out of Hell’: Armed BLM Rioters Loot, Pillage, and Burn Kenosha.

Rioters and their allies in antifa and Black Lives Matter justify looting and arson by claiming that businesses have insurance, not every business does have insurance and many insurance plans do not cover the entire extent of the damage. Even when insurance does cover the damage, such claims often increase insurance premiums in the area, driving up the cost of business. We need legislation, right now, allowing the insurance carriers to subrogate against Antifa/BLM so that these losses do not result in impossible increases in insurance premiums for the Antifa/BLM victims. It looks like it's time for an asset search of anyone and everyone connected to Antifa/BLM.

Insurance also cannot address the psychological damage of looting, arson, and wanton destruction. Business owners put years of care and effort into their establishments, and rioters set a torch to all their hard work. Residents see their neighborhoods on fire. Some observers described the riot-plagued Kenosha as “a scene out of hell,” for good reason.

Maybe Lindsey Graham, rather than launching into a rant, can propose some actual legislation that will allow insurance carriers to attach the assets of those who are connected to Antifa/BLM in order to make their victims whole.
If they aren't sued it will be a derilection of duty for any political official that shields them from their responsibility to make right what they have broken. Ok the police are being held for charges for what they have alledgedly done, and BLM/Antifa shouldn't be above the law either.

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