Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Most leftists are women because women think with emotion over reason. Which is why men didnt want them to vote at one time. I think they were right. Cry a river if you disagree. Facts back my outlook.

Is that why most white women voted Trump? Because it was an emotional decision for idiotic, mental weaklings?

Maybe you have a point.
Nope..they voted with their husband's preference in mind, you man purse wearing, Hillary voting beta cuck.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

I used to ignore the Trump is like Hitler remarks... but the more I see his supporters say the same comments over and over and over it does remind me of the mindless brainwashing that Hitler was able to create over Germany.
As a distraction, to take everyone's mind off of what really matters. It's just like Hitler blaming the poor German economy on the Jews as a way to distract people from his true intention to take over the world.

Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
A) Call Sign Chaos is General Mattis's call sign, it's an omage.

B) I suggest you look into the Whiskey Rebellion and how Washington crushed it, it then look into Frie and Shay's rebellions as well before you spout off about something which you clearly know nothing about.
1) My call sign (among several over the years) was "Divine Wind". I retired after 21 years of service. You?

2) As a retired military officer, I'm quite familiar with many aspects of American history, including the controversial "Whiskey Rebellion". You're assertions are not a denial you'd make a great Tory and are now a solid authoritarian.
Confusing Grammar Intentionally Causes Confusing Thought

And it's not "Shay's Rebellion," it's Shays's Rebellion. Also, following the academics' fad of calling it "Shays' Rebellion" is dysfunctional for the very reason that, when pronounced, it sounds like his name was Shay, not Shays. That's what caused CSC's apostrophe catastrophe. QED.
A) Call Sign Chaos is General Mattis's call sign, it's an omage.

B) I suggest you look into the Whiskey Rebellion and how Washington crushed it, it then look into Frie and Shay's rebellions as well before you spout off about something which you clearly know nothing about.
1) My call sign (among several over the years) was "Divine Wind". I retired after 21 years of service. You?

2) As a retired military officer, I'm quite familiar with many aspects of American history, including the controversial "Whiskey Rebellion". You're assertions are not a denial you'd make a great Tory and are now a solid authoritarian.
Confusing Grammar Intentionally Causes Confusing Thought

And it's not "Shay's Rebellion," it's Shays's Rebellion. Also, following the academics' fad of calling it "Shays' Rebellion" is dysfunctional for the very reason that, when pronounced, it sounds like his name was Shay, not Shays. That's what caused CSC's apostrophe catastrophe. QED.

No you're using the call sign of people who killed thousands of US soldiers. I didn't steal anything, that's like saying if my avatar was Old Iron Sides I'm stealing from Paton, give me a fucking break.
Chaos has killed millions of human beings throughout history so your complaints are hypocritical.

It's an omage to General Mattis, a hero and patriot, yours is an omage to Imperial Japan, genocidal war criminals on par with the Third Reich and enemies of the United States.

You already admitted you stole the name from General Mattis whereas mine was awarded by fellow squadronmates.

...Call Sign Chaos is General Mattis's call sign.....

Ya way to take the "as an omage," out of the quote you fucking liar through omission.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The Washington Post and the New York Times are nothing more than Fake NEws sites that regurgitate Establishment lies in service to the Global Corporate Elties.

They arent worth pissing on.
Look, shithead, when you get a job and contribute to this nation, tell me your opinion. Until then, I see you as no different from the inner city dwellers that are dependent on welfare.

A free press is part of the foundations of this nation. Any attempt to make it less free must be met with the strongest opposition.
We have plenty of free press. It's not like the word won't get out now. But show us where the Constitution demands that tabloid papers have access to the president?
I enjoy prog eggheads getting all huffy (pun) about WaPo getting played with while saying nothing about Obozo's DOJ trying to get James Rosen at Fox indicted for ESPIONAGE. Whole lot of chickens, whole lot of roosts to come home to. :eusa_eh:
It's an omage to General Mattis, a hero and patriot, yours is an omage to Imperial Japan, genocidal war criminals on par with the Third Reich and enemies of the United States.....
Regardless, you're a non-serving thief and I earned my from my peers on deployment. Bitch away all you want, slacker. You're just a loud-mouthed coward riding on someone elses honor IMO.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

I used to ignore the Trump is like Hitler remarks... but the more I see his supporters say the same comments over and over and over it does remind me of the mindless brainwashing that Hitler was able to create over Germany.
As a distraction, to take everyone's mind off of what really matters. It's just like Hitler blaming the poor German economy on the Jews as a way to distract people from his true intention to take over the world.

Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
According to the shown above, you were not.
Silly misinformation thread. Old news. Title reads like this is a current event. It is not. It is old and outdated. Should read "revoked" past tense.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

I used to ignore the Trump is like Hitler remarks... but the more I see his supporters say the same comments over and over and over it does remind me of the mindless brainwashing that Hitler was able to create over Germany.
As a distraction, to take everyone's mind off of what really matters. It's just like Hitler blaming the poor German economy on the Jews as a way to distract people from his true intention to take over the world.

Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
According to the shown above, you were not.

Did I say that my position changed with that post? No I said I was very against using that comparison... but that changed with the more things does that Hitler did.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

I used to ignore the Trump is like Hitler remarks... but the more I see his supporters say the same comments over and over and over it does remind me of the mindless brainwashing that Hitler was able to create over Germany.
As a distraction, to take everyone's mind off of what really matters. It's just like Hitler blaming the poor German economy on the Jews as a way to distract people from his true intention to take over the world.

Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
According to the shown above, you were not.

Did I say that my position changed with that post? No I said I was very against using that comparison... but that changed with the more things does that Hitler did.

No hon, your position hasn't changed, you just needed an excuse to spit it out.
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.
The Washington Post is an unabashed bastion of liberal orthodoxy and left wing bias...why do you believe they are well respected outside of their own kind, and fox has far greater respect from conservatives than any media outlet does.
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But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.
Tell ya what, don't be so generous by using fox, use another member of the white house press corp and ask the same question the same way...I'll be happy to answer it.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

I used to ignore the Trump is like Hitler remarks... but the more I see his supporters say the same comments over and over and over it does remind me of the mindless brainwashing that Hitler was able to create over Germany.
As a distraction, to take everyone's mind off of what really matters. It's just like Hitler blaming the poor German economy on the Jews as a way to distract people from his true intention to take over the world.

Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
According to the shown above, you were not.

Did I say that my position changed with that post? No I said I was very against using that comparison... but that changed with the more things does that Hitler did.

No hon, your position hasn't changed, you just needed an excuse to spit it out.

No hon, it has... I'm sorry you don't get to speak for me.
If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
According to the shown above, you were not.

Did I say that my position changed with that post? No I said I was very against using that comparison... but that changed with the more things does that Hitler did.

No hon, your position hasn't changed, you just needed an excuse to spit it out.

No hon, it has... I'm sorry you don't get to speak for me.

I don't want and I don't need to speak for you, your quotes are self evident.
Yes, I used to be against it. What part of that do you not understand?
According to the shown above, you were not.

Did I say that my position changed with that post? No I said I was very against using that comparison... but that changed with the more things does that Hitler did.

No hon, your position hasn't changed, you just needed an excuse to spit it out.

No hon, it has... I'm sorry you don't get to speak for me.

I don't want and I don't need to speak for you, your quotes are self evident.

No, you're making assumptions. Assumptions you can't back. Did I say that I had changed my position before THAT quote? No... I did not. End of story. Go troll someone else, HON.

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