Trump replaces US Attorney in Atlanta


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Donald doesn't believe in allowing the natural order of succession take place. Everything MUST be controlled by him. Well, he's got 14 more days to do more damage to the country. Say your prayers or knock on wood - Whatever works. :icon_rolleyes:

President Donald Trump has replaced the top federal prosecutor in Atlanta with another Trump-appointed prosecutor from southern Georgia, bypassing a top career prosecutor.​
Trump’s move came after the U.S. attorney in Atlanta, Byung “B.J.” Pak, abruptly resigned Monday. Justice Department officials have declined to say whether Pak resigned voluntarily or was asked to do so.​
In tapping Christine, Trump bypassed the prosecutor who would normally take over on an acting basis in the event of an emergency or sudden vacancy, First Assistant U.S. Attorney Kurt Erskine.​
A White House spokesperson referred questions about the shuffle back to the Department of Justice.​
U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Georgia Bobby Christine said on his office’s website that he was named as the acting U.S. attorney in Atlanta on Monday “by written order of the President.” Christine, a former state prosecutor and magistrate, has served as the senate-confirmed U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia, which includes the cities of Savannah and Augusta.​
Trump’s installation of a new leader in the U.S. attorney’s office in Georgia’s largest city comes as he continues to rail against the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for failing to move aggressively against what he has baselessly alleged was rampant fraud in the November election in Georgia and in other swing states.​

IMO, the only thing that will save his ass, would be replacing Gina Haspel, and he could never get a confirmation through the Senate in time, and he knows that.

This is too little, too late.

The DNC has him in check-mate, and he knows it.
For some reason, Trump appointed judges do not support his wild claims
Bill Clinton's A.G. Janet Reno (remember her?) fired every U.S. attorney. Barry Obama fired all Bush appointed federal attorneys and his own A.G. and nobody seemed to mind. Lefties only whine when Trump does it.
And righties will whine when Biden's DOJ appoints new U.S attorneys..Righties only whine a democrat does it..
Bill Clinton's A.G. Janet Reno (remember her?) fired every U.S. attorney. Barry Obama fired all Bush appointed federal attorneys and his own A.G. and nobody seemed to mind. Lefties only whine when Trump does it.

This thread is not about firing AGs. Start your own please.

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