Trump Recieves a Warm and Loving Reception in London

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"

Rahm said he didn't want any help.

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Khan insulted Trump way before this trip when, last year, Khan approved the "Trump baby balloon' to fly over London. Trump was correct to call him out as he was the first to breach normal political etiquette.

Khan has stated, in the past:

"Before Khan was elected mayor, he told The Washington Post’s Karla Adam that Trump was seeking “to divide communities rather than unite them.” Khan repeatedly said in jest that his Muslim faith could pose problems during future U.S. visits."

"Ahead of the trip, Khan upped the stakes when he compared Trump’s rhetoric to that used by “fascists of the 20th century.”

“Donald Trump is just one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat,” Khan wrote in the Observer newspaper."

Did you know this PP? I bet not 'cause you have to give up your seething hatred for the U.S. and our President and at least consider truth. Thank God Trump doesn't stand for some fucking foreigner insulting a U.S. President.
The hate came out.. god bless the greatest president ever.. real world leader

"The hate came out."

so you are saying that YOUR nazi fascist hatred for gays, atheists, liberals, muslims is GOOD but our hatred for NAZIS and FASCISTS is BAD?
Not a one of them can vote here.
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.

Do you believe any American takes into consideration what the Brits think before voting for president?

Honest question

Absolutely! I already said that Americans will see that America's standing in the world is being diminished by this ignorant lout and all of those who claim to love their country should care.
Our global presence has deteriorated

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

What does that have to do with protest against Trump in England? Your trying to change the subject won't make him any less of an embarrassing pig.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"
Democrats told him
Not to come. Just give money.. slave owners protecting there property

Any excuse will do, the dude is all mouth and no action.
The hate came out.. god bless the greatest president ever.. real world leader

"The hate came out."

so you are saying that YOUR nazi fascist hatred for gays, atheists, liberals, muslims is GOOD but our hatred for NAZIS and FASCISTS is BAD?
Do you even know what any of those words mean? Lol they all mean 2020 democrat candidates .
All the gay racial economic oppression cries are only coming from towns run by Democrats
Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"
Democrats told him
Not to come. Just give money.. slave owners protecting there property

Any excuse will do, the dude is all mouth and no action.
Let the mayor let him in.. you don’t care about these people
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Not a one of them can vote here.
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.

10,000 out of a city of 8.1 million? Not that impressive. Far short of the 100,000 expected and even that wouldn't have been impressive in a city of 8.1 million.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"

Rahm said he didn't want any help.


More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.
The protest signs seem to be misplaced or recycled I saw many saying "No Trump No War" "Stop Trump's Nuclear War Plans" "End Trump's War."

It looks like George Soros hired a crowd source company who didn't know what the complaint was.

I doubt that. I'm pretty sure those are just the same people who have protested his visits there so many times before and they might have used the same signs. Most people there hated him from the start, and he hasn't done much to become more likable. Trump is destroying our standing in the world.
Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"

Rahm said he didn't want any help.


More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.
I bet if 10 blacks that lives in Chicago asked trump for help, he’s probably have the military come in.. but they won’t, you vote for democrat you pay the price
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost

Let me repost your favorite part of it.

yard penis.jpg
Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"

Rahm said he didn't want any help.


More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

So you forgot the entire story and was just fixated on one side?

I know how embarrassed Rahm was at the entire thing and so do you.

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