Trump Recieves a Warm and Loving Reception in London

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Socialists, open border lovers and Muslims....he's got the right enemies.

Fascists, Nazis, White supremacists, and right wing evangelical muslims....oops.....i mean CHRISTIANS (what's the difference?)....

He has all the wrong friends.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Not a one of them can vote here.
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.
So Europe wants to be Muslim. All you need is to get 1% of the population making babies like no other percent, and in 2 years, you have 2%, 3 years, 4%, 4 years, 6%, 5 years, 9%, 6 years, 13%, 7 years, 17%, 8 years, 25%, 9 years, 37%, 10 years. 50%. Keep doing the math, these screaming meemies aren't intermarrying with the Brits, their measuring equipment is around the belly Wherever the 20% mark lurks, you have Sharia Law and all its murders of uncooperative baby machines, shaming of barren men and women, and replacements from Arabia where replacements submit to any inanity prescribed by a mullah, and when he walks out in public, you better bow and curtsy Of course, in Britain, people are used to it and don't see what harm it can be.

You think these wolves in sheeps clothing are not racists? Hell no. They intermarry, and only marry outside to someone who is proven submission-friendly, no matter what humiliation that takes.

There is no freedom. And at the end of the road, there are muslim factions, and when they kill all the natives of the country they subdue, they start in on each other and it ain't purdy, if you remember families being hung on the walls of Baghdad under bloody Saddam's military coup.

Go ahead fool yourself. There's no fool like a fool's fool :tinfoil:

London a dying city....its already too late for them.

Multiculturalism is ghey.

There is something in the DNA of Europeans getting off on self-insertion of the bumpy cucumber, the motto being, "Yes invade us please". The culture has been dying a slow death for 40 years!:2up:

The USA is even more multicultural than England, opps.

Something in the DNA of Western Europeans, especially Brits, seems to make them love, love, love, non-Whites.
Absolutely! I already said that Americans will see that America's standing in the world is being diminished by this ignorant lout and all of those who claim to love their country should care.
Our global presence has deteriorated

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did

Obama did build up ISIS, that's true

ISIS was around long before Obama, they used to be called Al Qaeda.

They were a couple of guys sitting around a jail cell in the bush Jr era, heck when they joined Al Qaeda,they kicked them out because they were to radical, Obama ended the war , he created a vacuum and everyone said WTF where did ISIS come from when they started taking over.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Using religious and racial hatred to gain power justifies this. He`s not the first person who`s gained high office talking down to the lowest of the low. They know this in the UK. idiot.....

Anti-Reagan protest draws 115,000 in London

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Using religious and racial hatred to gain power justifies this. He`s not the first person who`s gained high office talking down to the lowest of the low. They know this in the UK. idiot.....

Anti-Reagan protest draws 115,000 in London


Brits can act just like Negroes.

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


London is as far left as New York and look who they both elected as their mayors.

Last edited:
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :

What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:

Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.

And performance art as well. How thoughtful!

And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.
Oh, dear, doll. This Republican became one in 1962-3 because she was sick and tired of the Democrats' racism, in spite of President Kennedy trying to show them the way out. The Democrats were still using KKK tactics to keep out the votes. I remember it, because I got stood up from a date in Mississippi because all the boys in the Democrat community went out to shanty town to "discourage" the black vote so they could keep all the power in their state in the Democrat Party. It was my lucky day, because the next day we hopped back in the wagon to go home to Texas without me getting married off to a murderous racemonger. You can be better damn sure I decided right then and there I'd never be a racist nor a Democrat racist who holds his race card close to the chest these days. :muahaha:

Some of us are old enough to remember the day. Too bad on modern Democrats who think they are the rising sun in race relations. Sorry, I reserve to have my opinion based on real-life experience up close and personal. And I have the freedom to love everybody who loves the American constitution.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.

PLEASE show us how President Donald Trump is destroying the economy and the environment.

MEASURING PERFORMANCE: New Data Shows Absolute Economic Destruction During Obama Years
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost

/——/ Yeah the filth of the world acts that way when the US won’t bend over and take it up the azz. Thanks for sharing the democRATs base.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
/——/ Sure he did Spanky, sure he did. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Rahm said he didn't want any help.


More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.
I bet if 10 blacks that lives in Chicago asked trump for help, he’s probably have the military come in.. but they won’t, you vote for democrat you pay the price

I bet there hasn't been a dumber post on this forum.
If you voted democrat you get what you voted for

The same can be said of you Trump Humpers.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.'re a softee! We know your type....rather jump off a 40 foot hi-rise than offend somebody.:gay:

This coming from a bitch ass Trump Humper who needs a gun for a 160lb teenager. :abgg2q.jpg:

The k00k left in England always comes out when a non-progressive American president goes over as far back as Reagan! Doy.....only the hyper-haters call it a current event.

Oh....and on the "racist" strategy....hows that workin' out for ya?:113::113:

Dont be such a softee:bye1:

Says the Internet Tough Guy. :clap2:
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
You have no evidence he is a racist or misogynist which makes you a liar.

The economy is doing well as is the environment making you a total fool

He may have insulted the mayor.of London but that guy is fascist piece of Muslim feces

Your petty and ignorant partisan hatred is a bunch if knee jerk brainwashed crap
I'm a liar? You are out of touch with reality and a total Trump ass licker.
Rahm said he didn't want any help.


More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.
I bet if 10 blacks that lives in Chicago asked trump for help, he’s probably have the military come in.. but they won’t, you vote for democrat you pay the price

I bet there hasn't been a dumber post on this forum.
If you voted democrat you get what you voted for

The same can be said of you Trump Humpers.
What’s not to be happy
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Using religious and racial hatred to gain power justifies this. He`s not the first person who`s gained high office talking down to the lowest of the low. They know this in the UK. idiot.....

Anti-Reagan protest draws 115,000 in London


Brits can act just like Negroes.

Here is a clown with the mindset of the sheetwearers. Why do folks keep trying to help JB Stoner make a come back.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :

What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:

Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.

And performance art as well. How thoughtful!

And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :

What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:

Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.

And performance art as well. How thoughtful!

And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Not a one of them can vote here.
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.
So Europe wants to be Muslim. All you need is to get 1% of the population making babies like no other percent, and in 2 years, you have 2%, 3 years, 4%, 4 years, 6%, 5 years, 9%, 6 years, 13%, 7 years, 17%, 8 years, 25%, 9 years, 37%, 10 years. 50%. Keep doing the math, these screaming meemies aren't intermarrying with the Brits, their measuring equipment is around the belly Wherever the 20% mark lurks, you have Sharia Law and all its murders of uncooperative baby machines, shaming of barren men and women, and replacements from Arabia where replacements submit to any inanity prescribed by a mullah, and when he walks out in public, you better bow and curtsy Of course, in Britain, people are used to it and don't see what harm it can be.

You think these wolves in sheeps clothing are not racists? Hell no. They intermarry, and only marry outside to someone who is proven submission-friendly, no matter what humiliation that takes.

There is no freedom. And at the end of the road, there are muslim factions, and when they kill all the natives of the country they subdue, they start in on each other and it ain't purdy, if you remember families being hung on the walls of Baghdad under bloody Saddam's military coup.

Go ahead fool yourself. There's no fool like a fool's fool :tinfoil:

London a dying city....its already too late for them.

Multiculturalism is ghey.

There is something in the DNA of Europeans getting off on self-insertion of the bumpy cucumber, the motto being, "Yes invade us please". The culture has been dying a slow death for 40 years!:2up:

With President Trump as a role model, the British people will come out okay. They just don't know who they're dealing with nor what to do about it.

I have great faith in the British Empire facing the facts.

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