Trump Rally

Hundreds have been thrown in jail. In fact the guy who tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland was given a muti-year sentence. You must not have access to the news. Or more likely you just remain willfully ignorant.

And you'll sit there and do nothing, coward.
I admit I gave up on Portland news because it took over a year for the guy to be arrested.
You know, poster Mac58, I was tickled by that Twitter capture you posted.....up in post #54.
Folks like her are always a form of no cost entertainment, if not the vein of --'Glad I ain't them'.

And it made me recall another similar telling expressed in a New York Times story on the Bugaloo Bois.

In it the reporter, L.Sottile, noted one of the more imaginative MAGA-Q conspiracy theories I had read or seen.

Observing the TrumpQ's rallying cry -- #WWG1WGA.....meaning "where we go one, we go all." Sottile notes:

" QAnon, the conspiracy theory that at its most basic ceners on a Democrat-run child-sex-trafficking ring; and at it's most elaborate involves the belief that the pope and Joe Biden have been executed in secret and replace with hologams."

See? Is that merde' entertaining, or what?
Blithely unaware MAGA-Q's wearing the "Kick Me" sign on their backs.

I love this bar.

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