Trump put something in Republicans' drink and now he's date raping us


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
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Trump is a very bad person and he can't be trusted to follow through on any of his insane ideas, and if he did follow through it would be even worse.

Where will we put all the concentration camps we will need to round up millions of illegal aliens?

What will China and Mexico do when Trump violates our free trade agreements with them?

What will happen when Trump reveals secrets about 9/11 that were probably kept secret for a good reason?

What will Trump do when he needs something from the Pope like something only the Pope can do?

How will Trump know who is a Muslim trying to enter our country? Passports don't have that kind of information.

Or will Trump say we will stop people from "Muslim countries" from entering, because in that case he will have to stop people from Great Britain and France as well since both nations have a large Muslim population.

Who will Trump work with in Congress now that he's pissed off almost everyone in both parties?

What will Trump do when he finds out there are consequences to being a braying jackass?
What will Trump do when he needs something from the Pope like something only the Pope can do?
Who made the first comment? The Pope. Trump is absolutely right in his response. Who appointed the Pope to the position of Judge? Every time Trump responds to an attack by someone you guys act like he started it. He hasn't attacked anyone who didn't attack him first. Do you think he should not be allowed to defend himself or something?
the pope needs to keep his nose out of our Politics and lives. He is not our President, or the leader of our country. Go run down Mexico or something
The trump monster was created by liberals. Without all their bullshit trump would be at 1%.
Well, the Pope can say what he wants, when he wants, and there is no way angry Trump supporters can stop him.

Trump comes off to me as a person who isn't even slightly interested in being a good Christian so why should he be offended when the Pope calls him on it?

The problem with Trump is he can dish it out, but he can't take it. He is the classic example of the bully in the playground who cries when someone starts to fight back.

Trump is an entertainer and that's what he's good at. When this is over, he will go back to his reality TV show and make more money because he ran for President.

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