Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

We were doing nothing to hinder Russia in Syria and we had no winning hand and winning side to choose.

You people do not seem to understand the strategical importance of Syria to Russia, they would be willing to start WWIII over it...we are not thus we were wasting our time and money and lives being there.

You know I am no fan of Trump, but this was the right move, without question
I wonder why those Russians attacked us in Syria.

Yea they did. About 400 got their asses smoked too
America has no business putting it's troops into a sovereign country that does not want them there AND is not at war with America.

And ISIS no longer has a meaningful presence in there is no need to have US troops stationed there - risking their necks - for nothing.
Normally I might agree. There is a right way and wrong way. Taking you allies and your own military and intelligence units by surprise is not generally a good thing. When your enemies are elated, one may wish to ponder why.
You’re a fucking moron, our presence over there is doing no one any good especially our troops
Listen Boy, the issue is not the withdrawal of troops but how Trump is going about it. You do not undercut your allies, you do not strengthen your enemies, you do destroy your credibility, you do not make fools of your military and intelligence officials, and you don't blindside your own political allies. Trump has done all that today. In one day. Think before you call anyone a moron because you look like a fool.
Good..........most of ISIS is dead...........Syria is a shithole anyway........let them have the place............It's cursed anyway...........

Great news............
America has no business putting it's troops into a sovereign country that does not want them there AND is not at war with America.

And ISIS no longer has a meaningful presence in there is no need to have US troops stationed there - risking their necks - for nothing.
Normally I might agree. There is a right way and wrong way. Taking you allies and your own military and intelligence units by surprise is not generally a good thing. When your enemies are elated, one may wish to ponder why.
You’re a fucking moron, our presence over there is doing no one any good especially our troops
Listen Boy, the issue is not the withdrawal of troops but how Trump is going about it. You do not undercut your allies, you do not strengthen your enemies, you do destroy your credibility, you do not make fools of your military and intelligence officials, and you don't blindside your own political allies. Trump has done all that today. In one day. Think before you call anyone a moron because you look like a fool.
Which political allies would that be and what are they doing for us.

Isis is no longer effective in Syria. Did you think the mission somehow expanded to taking that Russian navy base and driving Russia out of Syria? What did you think was the end game in Syria?
America has no business putting it's troops into a sovereign country that does not want them there AND is not at war with America.

And ISIS no longer has a meaningful presence in there is no need to have US troops stationed there - risking their necks - for nothing.
Normally I might agree. There is a right way and wrong way. Taking you allies and your own military and intelligence units by surprise is not generally a good thing. When your enemies are elated, one may wish to ponder why.
You’re a fucking moron, our presence over there is doing no one any good especially our troops
Listen Boy, the issue is not the withdrawal of troops but how Trump is going about it. You do not undercut your allies, you do not strengthen your enemies, you do destroy your credibility, you do not make fools of your military and intelligence officials, and you don't blindside your own political allies. Trump has done all that today. In one day. Think before you call anyone a moron because you look like a fool.
No progress will ever be made over there in the Middle East them fuckers live for fighting and killing each other and everyone else they disagree with… Let them fuckers kill each other off then let Russia bomb the fucking shit out them fuckers
Listen Boy, the issue is not the withdrawal of troops but how Trump is going about it. You do not undercut your allies, you do not strengthen your enemies, you do destroy your credibility, you do not make fools of your military and intelligence officials, and you don't blindside your own political allies. Trump has done all that today. In one day. Think before you call anyone a moron because you look like a fool
Undermined allies? who?....we are done in Syria....why should we continue to die and expend our wealth for that stink hole?....the pro war Dems and GOP swampers will cry foul but we really are done with them don't you agree?....and isn't it about time to end it?....I bet if Obama were still the commander and chief you would be in support of this.....
Us leaving Syria is not gonna hurt nobody except for fucking Muslims...
It’s a win, win for us
This is also a slap in the face of the GOP house for not getting him the wall....or anything else he asked for....Trump will just bring the troops home....get an economist to show how much we are saving...and he will take that savings and build the wall....LOL just a prediction....
Most of them are dead........if what's left of Syrian forces and Russian troops can't beat them then they deserve to be beaten...........

Suddenly some on the left here become we want more War dumb asses.........Like this idiot right here.

Other than oil, and terrorism I could care less about the middle east at all...........Let them kill each other........who cares.

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War

The Syrian government has eradicated ISIS from every part of the country that they control. There is only a tiny portion (the dark gray area in the southern part of the country) that is currently occupied by US-backed Kurds.
If the Kurds would just let the Syrian Government back into what it there territory - it is obvious that the final, small ISIS pocket would be eradicated in Syria.

America has no business having troops inside a sovereign nation that does not want them there that they have no state of war with.
This is also a slap in the face of the GOP house for not getting him the wall....or anything else he asked for....Trump will just bring the troops home....get an economist to show how much we are saving...and he will take that savings and build the wall....LOL just a prediction....
We are just going to have to live with a wide open southern border, Diseased fucking illegal aliens are going to be the norm.
Because political correctness dictates the federal government
I was referring to Trump's fellow Republicans who he kept out of the loop.

Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria a 'huge' mistake, senator says

I could care less about Graham and other pubs, but if you're going to make a major policy announcement you may wish to coordinate it with your party as well as your international allies. That would be politics 101.
Your a fucking moron There nothing more incompetent than the federal government/career politician/deep state
I was referring to Trump's fellow Republicans who he kept out of the loop.

Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria a 'huge' mistake, senator says

I could care less about Graham and other pubs, but if you're going to make a major policy announcement you may wish to coordinate it with your party as well as your international allies. That would be politics 101.
You don't tell someone you are going to punch them before you do it.....they have been as big of Trump RESIT as the dems...nice goodbye gift for Ryan....
I was referring to Trump's fellow Republicans who he kept out of the loop.

Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria a 'huge' mistake, senator says

I could care less about Graham and other pubs, but if you're going to make a major policy announcement you may wish to coordinate it with your party as well as your international allies. That would be politics 101.
Politicians are the dumb asses that cause us to lose wars..............they aren't the CNC............if they are upset that the endless War and money spent on weapons there let them cry to their mommy's...........
Good..........most of ISIS is dead...........Syria is a shithole anyway........let them have the place............It's cursed anyway...........

Great news............
Actually they're supposed to have 20 to 30 thousand fighters still and that's the number they had when they started in 2014. Here we go again... On the other hand how are are power and intelligence are staying
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