Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Western nations have no right to remain in a sovereign nation. It's that simple.
Russia's staying though huh?

The payoff begins
Islam Is Not Too Big to Fail. But Then Again, Neither Are We.

Iran is Russia's rival for Assad's affections. This is the perfect opportunity to play the Putin card and get Iran out of that arc in its encirclement of Mecca. Yemen, as anyone who can figure out anything on his own knows, is the most important arc of the encirclement. The ignorant and shallow Senate just helped hand over Mecca and all Islam to Iran.

End our volunteer Army and send the 18-year-old sons of the elitist politburo off to war. Having skin in the game is the only way we can force our lazy, shallow, and stupid leaders to do due diligence on foreign policy.
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory and there are many, many upset officials.
I was referring to Trump's fellow Republicans who he kept out of the loop.

Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria a 'huge' mistake, senator says

I could care less about Graham and other pubs, but if you're going to make a major policy announcement you may wish to coordinate it with your party as well as your international allies. That would be politics 101.
Your a fucking moron There nothing more incompetent than the federal government/career politician/deep state
If the 'Deep State' are so incompetent why are you worried about them?
Because they are above the law
But they're incompetent...nothing to worry about there eh?
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
I was referring to Trump's fellow Republicans who he kept out of the loop.

Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria a 'huge' mistake, senator says

I could care less about Graham and other pubs, but if you're going to make a major policy announcement you may wish to coordinate it with your party as well as your international allies. That would be politics 101.
Your a fucking moron There nothing more incompetent than the federal government/career politician/deep state
If the 'Deep State' are so incompetent why are you worried about them?
Because they are above the law
But they're incompetent...nothing to worry about there eh?
Except they are ruining American life... have for decades
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
The only one's who give a damn what Putin thinks are TDS morons...........

If you like Syria so much move there.......probably have cheap land there now. LOL
I was referring to Trump's fellow Republicans who he kept out of the loop.

Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria a 'huge' mistake, senator says

I could care less about Graham and other pubs, but if you're going to make a major policy announcement you may wish to coordinate it with your party as well as your international allies. That would be politics 101.
Your a fucking moron There nothing more incompetent than the federal government/career politician/deep state
If the 'Deep State' are so incompetent why are you worried about them?
Because they are above the law
But they're incompetent...nothing to worry about there eh?
Except they are ruining American life... have for decades
Is that what they've been trying to do?
Hell I think we are only talking about a few thousand troops and support personnel....get em out of there...
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
Your a fucking moron There nothing more incompetent than the federal government/career politician/deep state
If the 'Deep State' are so incompetent why are you worried about them?
Because they are above the law
But they're incompetent...nothing to worry about there eh?
Except they are ruining American life... have for decades
Is that what they've been trying to do?
Of course, Political correctness has FUBAR’ed this country
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
It is the best way, let Europe fuck around over there
What the hell does the dumbass hypocrite left really want? They are desperate to pull Troops out of harms way but they criticize the President of the United States for doing it.
Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
I think the chaos is coming from the pro war paper tigers in Congress that get elected for good economies in their weapons and military base states....its time to get out...its time to get out of Afghanistan as well...If you ask me...
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Trump surrenders to ISIS.

Trump has ordered his staff to execute the "full" and "rapid" withdrawal of US military from Syria, declaring that the US has defeated ISIS.

The announcement came in the form of a tweet and lacked the formality of previous Presidential declarations that removes troops from war zones. The White House was caught off guard. It did not schedule any Presidential remarks nor provide any concrete details of the decision. Trump's tweet simply said, "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."

It was a spur of the moment thing.

Trump consulted no one about this decision, not Defense Secretary James Mattis, not the state department, not the Pentagon, and not our Allies. However, he did consult the Israeli leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

The lack of professionalism on the part of this President is breathtaking.

The "military genius" knows nothing about the enemy, an extremely dangerous fault on the part of our ingenuous and unknowing Commander-in-Chief. Trump apparently took note of the Pentagon's report that ISIS controls only one percent of the territory they once held.

So, he declared that they were defeated not knowing the Pentagon also has reported that there are approximately 30,000 ISIS soldiers in Syria. The "military genius" also does not know that ISIS is a guerilla force, and, as such, holding territory is a disadvantage, an albatross on a force that prefers to hit and then go into hiding. Hit and hide, not stand in one place defending territory.

Our generals know that, but not our militarily naive President.

Powerful members of Trump own party -- Senators Graham, Rubio, Cornyn, Sasse, Gardner, and Representative Ed Royce --- voiced strong opposition to Trump's decision, but Trump did not seem to care. There were other matters on his agenda.

There were two reasons why he announced this today.

One, to take the heat off him for backing down on his wall and agreeing to a C.R. that says nothing about funding a border wall.

Two, to provide still another benefit to his mentor, Vladimir Putin. Russia will fill the void in Syria caused by Trump's withdrawal and her port and airbase will be secure.

"A milestone story which might evolve from this decision is a real prospect for a political solution. Hope emerges that this location on the Syrian map will follow the example of Aleppo and other Syrian towns and villages which begin getting back to peaceful life. Once Americans were there, there was no such hope." The Russian foreign ministry.
Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement has made any type of engagement worthless
Does anyone have any fucking clue what the fucking losers on the left like the fucking pathetic OP stand for?

Fucking isis created after their negro messiah pulled out of Iraq after Bush enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed.

They cheered when clinton signed it, bitched when Bush enforced it, cheered when their negro messiah pulled out and created isis, bitched like the losers they are when Trump sent troops to Syria and now bitch when he pulls them out.

Talk about dishonesty. W. and his invasion of Iraq that you and your ilk pushed for and lied about, and are still lying about, created this mess in the middle east. All your distortion of history does not change that fact.
There Are No Marathon Warriors, Only Marathon Joggers

Iran is trying to re-create its ancient Persian Empire. Then they will want more.
Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

Trump surrenders to ISIS.

Trump has ordered his staff to execute the "full" and "rapid" withdrawal of US military from Syria, declaring that the US has defeated ISIS.

The announcement came in the form of a tweet and lacked the formality of previous Presidential declarations that removes troops from war zones. The White House was caught off guard. It did not schedule any Presidential remarks nor provide any concrete details of the decision. Trump's tweet simply said, "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."

It was a spur of the moment thing.

Trump consulted no one about this decision, not Defense Secretary James Mattis, not the state department, not the Pentagon, and not our Allies. However, he did consult the Israeli leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

The lack of professionalism on the part of this President is breathtaking.

The "military genius" knows nothing about the enemy, an extremely dangerous fault on the part of our ingenuous and unknowing Commander-in-Chief. Trump apparently took note of the Pentagon's report that ISIS controls only one percent of the territory they once held.

So, he declared that they were defeated not knowing the Pentagon also has reported that there are approximately 30,000 ISIS soldiers in Syria. The "military genius" also does not know that ISIS is a guerilla force, and, as such, holding territory is a disadvantage, an albatross on a force that prefers to hit and then go into hiding. Hit and hide, not stand in one place defending territory.

Our generals know that, but not our militarily naive President.

Powerful members of Trump own party -- Senators Graham, Rubio, Cornyn, Sasse, Gardner, and Representative Ed Royce --- voiced strong opposition to Trump's decision, but Trump did not seem to care. There were other matters on his agenda.

There were two reasons why he announced this today.

One, to take the heat off him for backing down on his wall and agreeing to a C.R. that says nothing about funding a border wall.

Two, to provide still another benefit to his mentor, Vladimir Putin. Russia will fill the void in Syria caused by Trump's withdrawal and her port and airbase will be secure.

"A milestone story which might evolve from this decision is a real prospect for a political solution. Hope emerges that this location on the Syrian map will follow the example of Aleppo and other Syrian towns and villages which begin getting back to peaceful life. Once Americans were there, there was no such hope." The Russian foreign ministry.
Na, not really
We’re serving no good purpose over there whatsoever
Like I said not let them fuckers fight each other instead of fighting us

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