Trump presents a very sensible plan to re-open the country leaving democrats disappointed and bitter


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump presents a very sensible plan to re-open the country leaving democrats disappointed and bitter

17 Apr 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
He did it again. Trump gave them enough rope and they hanged themselves.
Led by the selfish bi-, er, witch Nancy Pelosi, there has been non-stop criticism from democrats when Donald Trump began talking of re-opening the country.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed President Donald Trump during a private call with her caucus Monday, saying he was putting Americans in grave danger if he rushes to reopen the economy at the end of this month.
Pelosi sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, telling Democrats it was “almost sinful” how his administration had failed to live up to promises to make testing available to all Americans and quickly address the mask, gown and glove supply shortage in hospitals across the country.
Intentionally left off the criticism is the fact that Trump has been abiding by the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.

Keep that in mind
Yesterday Trump unveiled a plan to re-open the country in three phases, carefully and slowly.
In acting calmly and sensibly, Trump has made them eat their words and it has to taste pretty crappy. Being pissed at Trump for doing the right thing is pretty brain dead. Then again, the best interest of the country is not forefront in the liberal mind.

The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of opening up, so the president is on the right side of this issue. Meanwhile Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their bought Media desperately WANT and NEED the country to stay closed. Their platform is snake oil for despair. Better if they have real despair to use. They are very, very happy that the corona virus happened.
There's no constructive criticism from the PMS/DSA Democrats all they can do is fill proposals with their pork and say that Orange Man bad.... All the Democrats have to offer is a senile, doddering old man who, obviously, is past his mental prime and resistance to any decisions Trump proposes and incorporates.
Trump presents a very sensible plan to re-open the country leaving democrats disappointed and bitter

17 Apr 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
He did it again. Trump gave them enough rope and they hanged themselves.
Led by the selfish bi-, er, witch Nancy Pelosi, there has been non-stop criticism from democrats when Donald Trump began talking of re-opening the country.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed President Donald Trump during a private call with her caucus Monday, saying he was putting Americans in grave danger if he rushes to reopen the economy at the end of this month.
Pelosi sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, telling Democrats it was “almost sinful” how his administration had failed to live up to promises to make testing available to all Americans and quickly address the mask, gown and glove supply shortage in hospitals across the country.
Intentionally left off the criticism is the fact that Trump has been abiding by the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.

Keep that in mind
Yesterday Trump unveiled a plan to re-open the country in three phases, carefully and slowly.
In acting calmly and sensibly, Trump has made them eat their words and it has to taste pretty crappy. Being pissed at Trump for doing the right thing is pretty brain dead. Then again, the best interest of the country is not forefront in the liberal mind.

The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of opening up, so the president is on the right side of this issue. Meanwhile Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their bought Media desperately WANT and NEED the country to stay closed. Their platform is snake oil for despair. Better if they have real despair to use. They are very, very happy that the corona virus happened.
There's no constructive criticism from the PMS/DSA Democrats all they can do is fill proposals with their pork and say that Orange Man bad.... All the Democrats have to offer is a senile, doddering old man who, obviously, is past his mental prime and resistance to any decisions Trump proposes and incorporates.

Trump can "suggest" all he wants. It's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders to decide when to re-open things. Again, red states better be careful here. There already looks to be flaring up of the virus in some red states that didn't issue stricter stay at home orders.
Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders
Trump can "suggest" all he wants. It's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders to decide when to re-open things. Again, red states better be careful here. There already looks to be flaring up of the virus in some red states that didn't issue stricter stay at home orders. Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders
I am sure they will all carefully consider your warning.

Or not. Those governors and local leaders are getting pressure from their citizens to move faster than Trump SUGGESTS.
If he re-opens everything too soon, it won't have the desired affect in the November elections.

Trump must be stopped.


That's why he wants to do it incrementally in at least 4 phases.
That's too fast for the powerless Dems. They want the economy to be at Venezuela levels come 2nd Tuesday in November. It's the only chance they have.

Trump presents a very sensible plan to re-open the country leaving democrats disappointed and bitter

17 Apr 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
He did it again. Trump gave them enough rope and they hanged themselves.
Led by the selfish bi-, er, witch Nancy Pelosi, there has been non-stop criticism from democrats when Donald Trump began talking of re-opening the country.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed President Donald Trump during a private call with her caucus Monday, saying he was putting Americans in grave danger if he rushes to reopen the economy at the end of this month.
Pelosi sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, telling Democrats it was “almost sinful” how his administration had failed to live up to promises to make testing available to all Americans and quickly address the mask, gown and glove supply shortage in hospitals across the country.
Intentionally left off the criticism is the fact that Trump has been abiding by the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.

Keep that in mind
Yesterday Trump unveiled a plan to re-open the country in three phases, carefully and slowly.
In acting calmly and sensibly, Trump has made them eat their words and it has to taste pretty crappy. Being pissed at Trump for doing the right thing is pretty brain dead. Then again, the best interest of the country is not forefront in the liberal mind.

The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of opening up, so the president is on the right side of this issue. Meanwhile Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their bought Media desperately WANT and NEED the country to stay closed. Their platform is snake oil for despair. Better if they have real despair to use. They are very, very happy that the corona virus happened.
There's no constructive criticism from the PMS/DSA Democrats all they can do is fill proposals with their pork and say that Orange Man bad.... All the Democrats have to offer is a senile, doddering old man who, obviously, is past his mental prime and resistance to any decisions Trump proposes and incorporates.

Trump can "suggest" all he wants. It's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders to decide when to re-open things. Again, red states better be careful here. There already looks to be flaring up of the virus in some red states that didn't issue stricter stay at home orders.
Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders

Surely those least affected States and will go along with Trumps recommendations, however the resistant Blue State Governors and Mayors will adhere to the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist edicts and try to hurt the economy and ultimately their own citizenry.
BTW, on Friday workers will be removing counter tops and replacing them with quartz countertops on the 24th of April in my home. Progress and time wait for no one....
Trump's criteria are only recommended guidelines to help states avoid new breakouts.
There is a new medicine from Gilead "remdesivir" which may be the magic bullet we're looking for?

As more time goes by, more drugs and eventually a vaccine will be developed to get us back to near normal.
Trump presents a very sensible plan to re-open the country leaving democrats disappointed and bitter

17 Apr 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
He did it again. Trump gave them enough rope and they hanged themselves.
Led by the selfish bi-, er, witch Nancy Pelosi, there has been non-stop criticism from democrats when Donald Trump began talking of re-opening the country.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed President Donald Trump during a private call with her caucus Monday, saying he was putting Americans in grave danger if he rushes to reopen the economy at the end of this month.
Pelosi sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, telling Democrats it was “almost sinful” how his administration had failed to live up to promises to make testing available to all Americans and quickly address the mask, gown and glove supply shortage in hospitals across the country.
Intentionally left off the criticism is the fact that Trump has been abiding by the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.

Keep that in mind
Yesterday Trump unveiled a plan to re-open the country in three phases, carefully and slowly.
In acting calmly and sensibly, Trump has made them eat their words and it has to taste pretty crappy. Being pissed at Trump for doing the right thing is pretty brain dead. Then again, the best interest of the country is not forefront in the liberal mind.

The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of opening up, so the president is on the right side of this issue. Meanwhile Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their bought Media desperately WANT and NEED the country to stay closed. Their platform is snake oil for despair. Better if they have real despair to use. They are very, very happy that the corona virus happened.
There's no constructive criticism from the PMS/DSA Democrats all they can do is fill proposals with their pork and say that Orange Man bad.... All the Democrats have to offer is a senile, doddering old man who, obviously, is past his mental prime and resistance to any decisions Trump proposes and incorporates.

It's a great plan that allows for state rights. Cuomo and other Democratic governors apparently don't have the ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome without sucking on the federal governments tit.
Naturally libs are against LAWA-Let America Work Again
Also as I feared the lunkards around DC are chickenshitting all over the place with “we are not ready”. I feared Trump leaving it to them was too piecemeal and they don’t want to take the first steps. This whole thing is an experiment so let's experiment some more and open up and if it goes bad then recalculate. Unfortunately courage is lacking in our governors and mayors, they are far more concerned about avoiding bad than pursuing good.
Trump abdicated leadership in Coronavirus a long time ago when governors realized he had no idea what was happening.
Why you sound like a Republican! Citizens interaction with government should start at local level and work up through the states. Coumo is a political opportunist and a goddamn crybaby.

Cuomo could have shut down New York at any time.

Trump travel ban was January 31.

Fuckhead DeBlasio rode the subway March 5th.
Trump presents a very sensible plan to re-open the country leaving democrats disappointed and bitter

17 Apr 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
He did it again. Trump gave them enough rope and they hanged themselves.
Led by the selfish bi-, er, witch Nancy Pelosi, there has been non-stop criticism from democrats when Donald Trump began talking of re-opening the country.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi lashed President Donald Trump during a private call with her caucus Monday, saying he was putting Americans in grave danger if he rushes to reopen the economy at the end of this month.
Pelosi sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, telling Democrats it was “almost sinful” how his administration had failed to live up to promises to make testing available to all Americans and quickly address the mask, gown and glove supply shortage in hospitals across the country.
Intentionally left off the criticism is the fact that Trump has been abiding by the advice of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.

Keep that in mind
Yesterday Trump unveiled a plan to re-open the country in three phases, carefully and slowly.
In acting calmly and sensibly, Trump has made them eat their words and it has to taste pretty crappy. Being pissed at Trump for doing the right thing is pretty brain dead. Then again, the best interest of the country is not forefront in the liberal mind.

The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of opening up, so the president is on the right side of this issue. Meanwhile Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their bought Media desperately WANT and NEED the country to stay closed. Their platform is snake oil for despair. Better if they have real despair to use. They are very, very happy that the corona virus happened.
There's no constructive criticism from the PMS/DSA Democrats all they can do is fill proposals with their pork and say that Orange Man bad.... All the Democrats have to offer is a senile, doddering old man who, obviously, is past his mental prime and resistance to any decisions Trump proposes and incorporates.

Trump can "suggest" all he wants. It's up to governors, mayors, and business leaders to decide when to re-open things. Again, red states better be careful here. There already looks to be flaring up of the virus in some red states that didn't issue stricter stay at home orders.
Heartland hotspots: A sudden rise in coronavirus cases is hitting rural states without stay-at-home orders

Trump can invoke the commerce clause and do what is needed. Governors do not have the legal recourse to stop him.

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