Trump paid for lavish wellness routine and said her weight was 'not unacceptable' as Miss Universe

Try to spin this, but Trump helped her keep her crown. This will end up to back fire on Clinton. Looks like Trump may have the Teflon that Bill had.

Trump bullied her, shamed her and insulted her. And he's doing it again. Trump defines the word "pig", and his treatment of Machada since the debate is proof of what a thin-skinned asshole he is.
Trump helped her keep her title when she was fixing to lose it. Hillary should've researched this one before she started it. Also where is your outrage at the hateful things Rosie said about her. Your not caring about that proved you are a hypocrite.

What part of TRUMP BULLIED HER, do you not understand. She wasn't given a choice about losing the weight, she was told to do it. Trump then called a press conference and made a huge deal about it, further shaming her.

As for advertizing the so-called "sex tape", that just proves what a slime Trump is. He was outraged when nude photos of Melania surfaced, except it showed off his "hot" wife. He's not fit to be a human being, much less President.

Who is Rosie? Other than Rosie O'Donnell, who Trump has regularly slagged, I have no idea what you mean. Trumps remarks about Rosie O'Donnell are also disgusting. Trump, who is obese, regularly calls other people "fat" and "pigs". He should try looking in a mirror.
The Clintons has been lying to you since the beginning of their career, and you still blindly believe them.

The Republicans have been lying to you about the Clintons since the beginning of Bill's career. 16 investigations have proved the Republicans lies, and you still blindly believe them.
I remember Clinton wagging his finger to all Americans and saying I didn't have sexual relations with that woman. Which proves he is a liar and you believe everything they say. You make Gruber proud. Get used to saying president Trump for the next eight years!

I didn't realize Bill was running for President.
Half this country is fat...I mean fat.

Doctors say it is bad.

But Trump saying it....well......

The PC police, like Kotex, can go f**k themselves.

She signed a swimsuit contract and the pageant officials were going to dump her unless she lost 27 pounds. They were going to give the title to the runner up.

And Trump helped her keep her title and she repays him with this bullshit with Clinton?

Lying bitch from hell.

Exactly. They sign a contract to maintain themselves. Its a BUSINESS, and they have an obligation to represent that business in the best possible light. Liberals want a world without rules -- unless they're in control.
Exactly. They sign a contract to maintain themselves. Its a BUSINESS, and they have an obligation to represent that business in the best possible light. Liberals want a world without rules -- unless they're in control.

Then you hold a meeting with her, outline her options, and let her decide what to do.

Trump hired the people to oversee her weight loss, held a press conference, and then forced her to do his program, while denigrating her and insulting her. He didn't give her a choice. That's hardly a decent or humane thing to do. It makes him a BULLY.

And it still makes him a huge PIG.
Payback is a bitch. Not just talking about it but getting out the message that Miss Universe is a lying bitch from hell and the best part of all of this is that the Clinton campaign is going to get nailed with putting a liar out there.

And to mock the media for not vetting Clinton's bitch and get caught with their pants down.
But if the MSM never reports this, did it really happen? Talk radio and the web is where this stuff will be refuted. Hillary will never be shamed by her lies
Try to spin this, but Trump helped her keep her crown. This will end up to back fire on Clinton. Looks like Trump may have the Teflon that Bill had.

Trump bullied her, shamed her and insulted her. And he's doing it again. Trump defines the word "pig", and his treatment of Machada since the debate is proof of what a thin-skinned asshole he is.
So when Hillary called 10 of millions of Americans deplorable and unredeemable that makes her 10s of millions time worse.

Either that or you are a dimwitted lying propagandizer.
Has the Donald come out and denied that he berated her in private, calling her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeper?

NOT A PEEP from your beloved Donald on denial from him at all....? None, zip, zilch. nada, niente, nothing from the Donald claiming that he never called her those things in private....

don't be so easily fooled!

The issue is how he called her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeping, behind the scenes,

NOT how he marketed the issue of her weight in PUBLIC.
The issue is how he called her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeping

Oh boo hoo.... LOL

The Clintons has been lying to you since the beginning of their career, and you still blindly believe them.

The Republicans have been lying to you about the Clintons since the beginning of Bill's career. 16 investigations have proved the Republicans lies, and you still blindly believe them.
I remember Clinton wagging his finger to all Americans and saying I didn't have sexual relations with that woman. Which proves he is a liar and you believe everything they say. You make Gruber proud. Get used to saying president Trump for the next eight years!

I didn't realize Bill was running for President.
He represents his wife, that he cheated on repeatedly.
The issue is how he called her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeping

Oh boo hoo.... LOL

View attachment 91722
This one issue is small, I agree....and my mama taught me that sticks and stones may break my bones, but NAMES will never hurt me....and my daddy taught me if someone punches me, make certain when I punch back, I hit them square in the nose, to give them a nose bleed!) :eek:

The main point that I believe they are trying to make, is that with the Donald, this tends to happen and be more prevalent, and it emphasizes his repeated belittling of women with nasty names, saying things like "vagina is expensive", or calling female reporters shit and c*nts, a woman flat chested can't be a ten, or little innuendo's like Miss Housekeeping or Miss Piggy, (who I adored), and so so so many other things...where up until the primaries, the Donald did and said towards mostly women alone!

The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just seems to support the Democratic contention.
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The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.
The Clintons has been lying to you since the beginning of their career, and you still blindly believe them.

The Republicans have been lying to you about the Clintons since the beginning of Bill's career. 16 investigations have proved the Republicans lies, and you still blindly believe them.
I remember Clinton wagging his finger to all Americans and saying I didn't have sexual relations with that woman. Which proves he is a liar and you believe everything they say. You make Gruber proud. Get used to saying president Trump for the next eight years!

I didn't realize Bill was running for President.
He represents his wife, that he cheated on repeatedly.

That doesn't explain why you wanted Trump to call Hillary out because her husband cheated on her. Maybe we should call Trump out on why he cheated on his wives. Does that sound like something he might want to talk about?
The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.
The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.
Who has voted for him because of the birther issue, which he no longer believes. You're just pulling shit out of your nasty ass to fling around. You can't even vote for the miserable Democrat nominee yet here you are.
The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.
Who has voted for him because of the birther issue, which he no longer believes. You're just pulling shit out of your nasty ass to fling around. You can't even vote for the miserable Democrat nominee yet here you are.
Plenty of people on this board alone supported him on the birther issue, and voted for him in the primary....and the birthers on this board, still believe in birtherism and they believe the Donald just said the issue is over even though he does not believe it is over...

search our forums, the threads and posts are out there....
The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.
Who has voted for him because of the birther issue, which he no longer believes. You're just pulling shit out of your nasty ass to fling around. You can't even vote for the miserable Democrat nominee yet here you are.
Plenty of people on this board alone supported him on the birther issue, and voted for him in the primary....and the birthers on this board, still believe in birtherism and they believe the Donald just said the issue is over even though he does not believe it is over...

search our forums, the threads and posts are out there....
I never read a post from someone that said they support him for that. No, I'm not doing your research for you. And I'm still waiting for you to back up your allegation of Trump weighing 280 pounds.
The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.
Who has voted for him because of the birther issue, which he no longer believes. You're just pulling shit out of your nasty ass to fling around. You can't even vote for the miserable Democrat nominee yet here you are.
Plenty of people on this board alone supported him on the birther issue, and voted for him in the primary....and the birthers on this board, still believe in birtherism and they believe the Donald just said the issue is over even though he does not believe it is over...

search our forums, the threads and posts are out there....
I never read a post from someone that said they support him for that. No, I'm not doing your research for you. And I'm still waiting for you to back up your allegation of Trump weighing 280 pounds.
I just have a husband who is 6'3'' and know what he looks like when at his very heaviest of 230lbs, Trump has a good 50lbs more! He's been gaining weight since he came down that escalator a year and a half ago and he appears even bigger now than he was even 2 weeks ago! Not knocking him on it, other than health's been a long, hard race with near all meals outside of the home...eating restaurant/ fast food all the time makes everyone gain weight!
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.
Who has voted for him because of the birther issue, which he no longer believes. You're just pulling shit out of your nasty ass to fling around. You can't even vote for the miserable Democrat nominee yet here you are.
Plenty of people on this board alone supported him on the birther issue, and voted for him in the primary....and the birthers on this board, still believe in birtherism and they believe the Donald just said the issue is over even though he does not believe it is over...

search our forums, the threads and posts are out there....
I never read a post from someone that said they support him for that. No, I'm not doing your research for you. And I'm still waiting for you to back up your allegation of Trump weighing 280 pounds.
I just have a husband who is 6'3'' and know what he looks like when at his very heaviest of 230lbs, Trump has a good 50lbs more! He's been gaining weight since he came down that escalator a year and a half ago and he appears even bigger now than he was even 2 weeks ago! Not knocking him on it, other than health's been a long, hard race with near all meals outside of the home...eating restaurant/ fast food all the time makes everyone gain weight!
You don't know what Trump eats daily, a photo doesn't tell a life's story. The doctor weighed him so that means more than what your hubby looks like to you.
Clint Eastwood was talking about this in a roundabout way a month ago........talking about how America now has a pussy generation. You have these progressives whose heads explode when words are spoken......they've been conditioned to be highly soft.

Meanwhile, the threats that Hilda did back in the 90's, which is "behavior" is not at all acknowledged by progressives. Words vs Behavior??:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Eastwood is spot on......these are the meatheads who take seriously shit like "micro-aggressions"......fond of saying, "DID YOU HEAR WHAT HE SAID!!!"

Fucking fags.........:spinner::spinner:
The Donald has no control over his foot in mouth disease...that's the overall point...unfit to serve us, and our the message being driven....and Trump's continued tweets just supports the Democratic contention.
After obama anyone will be a vast improvement. He can't help being a smug prick and talking down to people. Trump is where he is because of obama so your opinion of who is fit or not is laughable.

You mean Trump is where he is because he lied about Obama's birth certificate for 5 years. He rode that birther thing like Republicans have ridden Benghazi. And to the same effect. You all made fools of yourselves and your party by selling lies to the American public. That's what Republicans do.

sweetie..........nobody cares about the birther issue.:2up: Holt is the only bozo who would actually be so stoopid as to ask that ? in a debate. Nobody cares.

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