Trump orders millions of illegals arrested and deported - On the radio Just Now

I was holding out for a government bounty for turning in illegal aliens.
Fastest way....make it more profitable to turn them in rather than hire them.

Best way is to pass law anybody caught here illegally is subject to a minimum sentence of five years in prison. You won't need any additional border patrol, you won't need the wall, and you won't have to go looking for them. Most will self-deport and we won't ever have this problem in the future.
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

Thanks for the month old article!

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You almost ran here, huh?

View attachment 268857

No need, Trump already pussed out on this.
South Florida is damn near Cuba / Mexico now. About like California or getting there in a hurry.
Go to'll be pressed to find an English speaking business anymore.

It's working it's way North. Fort Lauderdale is quickly becoming Hispanic.

Although most Cubans are NOT for open borders.

Woman tells Florida fast food manager to ‘go back to Mexico’ after speaking Spanish to employee

you must be so proud of her, a kindred spirit.
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

Thanks for the month old article!

Sent from my iPhone using

You almost ran here, huh?

View attachment 268857

No need, Trump already pussed out on this.



But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

another bullshit order comes out of Trumps fat ass, and he hasn't got a fucking dime from Congress to pay for it.

and his dimbass drones believe him -



ICE is already funded by our Congress, long before this came up. They are powerless to Trump's orders.

rounding up, and deporting millions of people wont exceed ICE's budget ?

yeah good fucking luck with that ...
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

Thanks for the month old article!

Sent from my iPhone using

You almost ran here, huh?

View attachment 268857

No need, Trump already pussed out on this.




Trump delays ICE deportation raids hours after defending them
But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

Thanks for the month old article!

Sent from my iPhone using

You almost ran here, huh?

View attachment 268857

No need, Trump already pussed out on this.




Trump delays ICE deportation raids hours after defending them

there was a thread on this last week - my reply then was

But don't celebrate could be a scare tactic.....

Trump Says ICE Will Start Removing “Millions of Illegal Aliens.” Here’s What’s Actually Happening.

Trump says ICE will start removing "millions of illegal aliens." Here's what's actually happening.

I will VOLUNTEER to assist. Anyone with me?

No problem with LEGAL immigration. But the lawlessness HAS TO END

another bullshit order comes out of Trumps fat ass, and he hasn't got a fucking dime from Congress to pay for it.

and his dimbass drones believe him -



ICE is already funded by our Congress, long before this came up. They are powerless to Trump's orders.

rounding up, and deporting millions of people wont exceed ICE's budget ?

yeah good fucking luck with that ...

No it won't. Why should it? You are paying ICE agents anyway; paying for their vehicles, paying for their benefits. They are just going to do a different mission is all.
South Florida is damn near Cuba / Mexico now. About like California or getting there in a hurry.
Go to'll be pressed to find an English speaking business anymore.

It's working it's way North. Fort Lauderdale is quickly becoming Hispanic.

Although most Cubans are NOT for open borders.

Woman tells Florida fast food manager to ‘go back to Mexico’ after speaking Spanish to employee

you must be so proud of her, a kindred spirit.

Actually yes I am. One of the most irritating things about these invaders is they are changing our language against our will, and it sounds to me like this woman just got fed up is all.
"Trump's not taking a victory lap. he calls me in the morning, he calls me at night, he's exhausting" - Sen Perdue
Trump has a magnificent ability to multitask. He handles 10 problems (5 of them caused by the DNC or press) simultaneously better than anyone in the Democratic party ever could. To replace him with one of those Democratic pretenders at this time would be national suicide. Viva Trump
Actually yes I am. One of the most irritating things about these invaders is they are changing our language against our will, and it sounds to me like this woman just got fed up is all.

The Globalist controlled corporations and big banks are helping.....

"Para Espanol.......marque el número UNO...."
"for 2"

That said, some say it will be easier to find the illegals when the time comes (if it does) if they don't speak English.
Bout damned time. Hope they arrest and boot them all back to Mexico.

You know, I still suspect it's ALL a big "good cop / bad cop" game played by the Elites and Globalists who pretty much control things now.
They artfully play Americans against each as to keep us disjointed and at each others throats to keep the focus OFF of themselves as they rape us all.

And by God, We The People are the perfect willing Pawns to be played apparently.

so many conservatives who want to kill......


so we know you want to kill illegals and gays....
and blacks and browns.....
and liberals and atheists and democrats......

so please tell me again how "ALL LIFE IS PRECIOUS and ABORTION IS MURDER"......

I love the irony....
Mind blowing...all the filthy fucks in this thread that are somehow able to pretend that wetbacks are good for America is fascinating...I gotta believe many are filthy wetbacks
Mind blowing...all the filthy fucks in this thread that are somehow able to pretend that wetbacks are good for America is fascinating...I gotta believe many are filthy wetbacks

I have no problem with rounding up and processing (deporting?) illegals. I'm all for it!

I just can't agree with you conservatives that beating them, [putting them in cages or killing them is the AMERICAN THING TO DO!

Sounds awfully UNAmerican, if you ask me.

And if you do manage to kill so many families simply because they were here illegally please stop calling yourselves the GREATEST FREEST nation in the world.

Because you won't be.

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