Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??

Then you've never had a country, because you've never had walls.
So The Alamo was a myth?

7 Famous Border Walls

Building walls may have allowed civilization to flourish
Are you saying that the Alamo was a border wall? :71:
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??

Then you've never had a country, because you've never had walls.
So The Alamo was a myth?

7 Famous Border Walls

Building walls may have allowed civilization to flourish
Are you saying that the Alamo was a border wall? :71:

You would think Texas would have built a border wall a few hundred more miles south if they wanted to keep Mexico out.....shrugs
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha

What a vacant and limited response, IMO.

So one murder does not matter to you if there are thousands more?
So one rape does not matter to you if their are millions more?

Good to know.

You see limited one, most decent, reasonably intelligent human beings don't like the President (no matter which party he/she is with) overriding security service experts and giving top security clearances to anyone he/she feels like.

We are not talking about clearance to serve lunch in the White House. We are talking about people with access to the most important secrets in the nation.

So, the next time a Dem is the WH and the POTUS grants top security clearance to someone the Reps don't like. I assume we will hear ZERO about it from you...unless you want to be branded a hypocrite on this subject.

Again, good to know.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
Haven't you figured out by now that being a "hypocrite" is a badge of "honor" for CRCs now?

What does CRC mean?

I looked it up - too many answers:

Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.

No they didn't. They got nothing because Hillary wasn't hacked.

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Reportedly? By who? Rush Limbaugh? Cato Institute.

The FBI found no evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
Comey stated different, he said she wouldn't be prosecited because they couldn't prove she intended to do it. But more than likely our enemies got classified information. Translation we won't prosecute her, because if we do. We all will go to jail.
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??

Then you've never had a country, because you've never had walls.
Of course we did guns and free speech where walls
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??
So we haven't had a country for over 200 years?
Free speech was our wall, guns were out wall.. democrats created police states..

There is no such thing as "free speech". There is the legal right to speak out against the government. That's it. Speak out against your employer and you'll be fired, unless you work for the government.
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??
So we haven't had a country for over 200 years?
Free speech was our wall, guns were out wall.. democrats created police states..

There is no such thing as "free speech". There is the legal right to speak out against the government. That's it. Speak out against your employer and you'll be fired, unless you work for the government.
No that’s still free speech you are free to say it.. no free speech is in Canada where you call a transsexual the wrong gender you are put in jail
or write a book like 'Mark Stein' wrote in 'canada' and the gov goes after the book writer DLady .
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Why is this news? Who would care if Obama's half brother who apparently lives in a tree on $18 per month in Africa got a security clearance? Lefties are going to wear out their outrage capability pretty soon.
NEPOTISM is fine , USA was built by close relatives and confidants doing each other favors . Who is better and more trustworthy Ben ??
Actually have laws against nepotism

Jared Kushner And The Anti-Nepotism Statute That Might Keep Him From The White House
Nepotism is NOT fine. It is the anti-thesis of the founders view of meritocracy.

And in the end, it was what did in the Clintons. Hillary as healthcare czar was barely acceptable legally. But in the end the Clintons couldn't perceive a line between their Foundation, that they viewed as their tool to alter what happened in the world, and the Secretary of State's Office, that represents our interests in the world and not just the Clintons'

And there's very little room to argue that Jared didn't get bailed out of 666 by middle eastern despots.
NEPOTISM if fine , i think that Nepotism that i am aware of happens in families andPrivate Business where DAD hires his kids over anyone else and mostly i'm talking about PRIVATE Business Ben .
as i said , as a guess i guess that Nepotism built the USA Ben .
NEPOTISM if fine , i think that Nepotism that i am aware of happens in families andPrivate Business where DAD hires his kids over anyone else and mostly i'm talking about PRIVATE Business Ben .
No it's not. It happens. But Jared should not have bailed out his business by selling favor to the Saudis.
Barry Hussein's wife was a disbarred lawyer. Did she have a top clearance? Who cares? Nobody ever saw Barry's real birth certificate. He probably couldn't even qualify for a passport.
got nothing to do with FOUNDERS when talking about Private Business Ben .

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