Trump "NOT HAPPY" About China Trade Deal

I can't believe the amount of horseshit cluttering your head.

Couldn't care less what you're a victim of the government schools and ponytailed professors who hate this country and it's never had a chance.
What a load of bullshit! Chairman Xi and the Chinese are NOT to blame for the flat footed and utterly incompetent response of the White House to this pandemic.

Xi didn't turn down the WHO tests and insist that and understaffed, inexperienced and unprepared CDC create their own tests. The Chinese didn't botch the entire US testing system.

The Chinese didn't restrict travel from China and allow hundreds of thousands of Europeans to fly into international airports in several cities in the USA - New York, Chicago and LA being chief among them. From there, thousands of these people changed planes and travelled throughout the USA all through January, February and early March.

Last but not least, Chairman Xi didn't refuse to issue stay at home orders until the worst had passed. As a result, more people are dying in the USA than any other country on earth. More people are sick in the USA than any other country on earth.

The guy who is responsible for the level of illness and death, and the complete destruction of your economy, is not Chairman Xi. It's the guy who made all of these bad decisions - Donald Trump.

And to think this garbage ^^^^^^^^ only cost the ChiComs $5....canuck commies work cheap.
There was apparently a phone call yesterday evening on the trade agreement and from what Trump said this morning on Fox & Friends, it didn't go well. The President is no longer calling Xi his "good friend", which both men know is not and has never been the case. Trump is always sellng, that's how he became a billionaire. Xi doesn't have to sell...he's president for life of China and has nobody to answer to. So what will happen to the trade deal? Elon Musk said yesterday his China operation for Tesla hasn't had a disruption and believes China is back to full speed.

So what is Trump up to? China is laying back, not ready to commit to buying $250B in product from us until we decide whether or not to sue him/seize assets for sending Corona around the world and murdering almost 80,000 Americans. And ruining our economy if only temporarily. That's understandable. But Xi can't forget what will happen to the soybeans and pork he desperately needs. Or what Trump will do to him with tariffs is China reneges on the deal they agreed the Oval Office. Those are promises you don't break with Trump, especially now that the American public has seen China for what it is....a scheming, lying predator.


Double tariffs on Chinese goods, expand protections of industries against Communist China spying and intellectual property theft. Open up crates of product from large Chinese (especially communist linked companies) products, any product that is found to have illicit poisons that are being shipped into the U.S, restrict or outright ban for a year any more shipments from that location.

Furthermore, allow lawsuits against the Communists and demand publicly, at the UN and elsewhere for global support. Any nation or agency not accepting a hard press against China must be called out and asked why they refuse to do this with so many dead and so much harm to the economy.

Trump can be diplomatic but firm. Keep calling out Xi and China, call out sympathizers for the communists and make Americans know in the most stark terms what's at stake.

Finally, increase payments to Communists you can recruit to spy on China,and/or Chinese dissidents who should be made public to tell their stories to the world.

We can't continue to pretend the expansion of man-made islands in the South China Sea and blatant spying/theft on the U.S is acceptable. This on top of laughing at the worlds misery that they caused.
Sad to say it, it still made there. And Ivanka stuff as well.

Link, liar? and don't bother with the old're BUSTED....not that you'll stop lying.
The Great Douche Family only employes slave Asian workers to make stuff.

China fears tariffs.
If we hit them with significant increased tariffs, China will respond with cyberwarfare attacks against us, the likes of which we've never seen before!
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China fears tariffs.
If we hit them with significant increased tariffs, China will respond with cyberwarfare attacks against us, the likes of which we've never seen before!
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We're pretty good at cyber warfare ourselves as Iran continues to discover. Russia has backed off their crap because they were shown a little taste of our capabilities earlier this year. China is very image-conscious and needs our cooperation to finish stealing the tech they feel they need to defeat us. We need to give their spies posing as students the heave-ho and get them out of our infrastructure plans. We don't need their shit steel in our new bridges and tunnels. We have to play this perfectly and Trump is a clever adversary China never planned on having to face. Put a demented, sold-out, old fraud like Biden in the WH and we're finished....and quick.
China fears tariffs.
If we hit them with significant increased tariffs, China will respond with cyberwarfare attacks against us, the likes of which we've never seen before!
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China just needs to sit back and enjoy the Great Douche use its MAGA Powers.

The MAGA Powers have given America so much. 14.7% Unemployed. 12 Trillion added to National debt.
Over 3.3 years in office that fully will be added by 2025 this 12T.
And for ignoring and lying about COVID-19 from Dec/Jan.

We will have spending depicts in the 4-6 Trillion for years. Best they cut Military spending by 80%.
MAGA 16' has given TOO MUCH TO US!

China just needs to sit back and enjoy the Great Douche use its MAGA Powers.

The MAGA Powers have given America so much. 14.7% Unemployed. 12Trillion added to National debt.
And for ignoring and lying about COVID-19 from Dec/Jan.

We will have spend depicts id the 4-6 Trillion you years. Best they cut Military spending by 80%

Another commie puppet cutting his own legs off......hey, whatever shithole you're posting from.....GET LOST.
China just needs to sit back and enjoy the Great Douche use its MAGA Powers.

The MAGA Powers have given America so much. 14.7% Unemployed. 12Trillion added to National debt.
And for ignoring and lying about COVID-19 from Dec/Jan.

We will have spend depicts id the 4-6 Trillion you years. Best they cut Military spending by 80%

Another commie puppet cutting his own legs off......hey, whatever shithole you're posting from.....GET LOST.
True thang seems to bother you.

As a MAGA MORON FRUAD. ,Did you take your check?



Btw: Guess funding for the Great Douche wall will have to go.
All MAGA Trumpeters should give their check money to fund
the Great Douche wall.
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I can't believe the amount of horseshit cluttering your head.

Couldn't care less what you're a victim of the government schools and ponytailed professors who hate this country and it's never had a chance.
Do you use salt when eating crow?

Trump is always sellng, that's how he became a billionaire.
Not exactly. He got his money by bilking his Dad's estate, swindling investors, cheating contractors, cheating on his taxes, and selling his "brand" to whoever would pay money for Russians who needed their money laundered.
Isn't that the American way?
China fears tariffs.
If we hit them with significant increased tariffs, China will respond with cyberwarfare attacks against us, the likes of which we've never seen before!
Bookmark this.

We're pretty good at cyber warfare ourselves as Iran continues to discover. Russia has backed off their crap because they were shown a little taste of our capabilities earlier this year. China is very image-conscious and needs our cooperation to finish stealing the tech they feel they need to defeat us. We need to give their spies posing as students the heave-ho and get them out of our infrastructure plans. We don't need their shit steel in our new bridges and tunnels. We have to play this perfectly and Trump is a clever adversary China never planned on having to face. Put a demented, sold-out, old fraud like Biden in the WH and we're finished....and quick.

You make a valid point about China still needing the tech. Especially since one of their main military strategies in this century is to eventually take out our satellites.
Their other two military strategies to gain dominance this century is biowarfare and cyberwarfare. They want to avoid conventional warfare.
You make a valid point about China still needing the tech. Especially since one of their main military strategies in this century is to eventually take out our satellites.
Their other two military strategies to gain dominance this century is biowarfare and cyberwarfare. They want to avoid conventional warfare.

Yep, army size invasions are pretty much a thing of the past......same with nukes.....everybody dies from the fallout. We just discovered how nasty germ warfare can be and of course cyber where you disable a power-grid and starve a country to death. This is why Trump keeps saying to have dialog with everybody who can do us harm....even Iran and N.Korea....keep the dogs of war well fed and hope for the best. I'm glad I'm deep in my 4th quarter....if I were facing the future the millennials are facing I'd be pretty discouraged too.
You make a valid point about China still needing the tech. Especially since one of their main military strategies in this century is to eventually take out our satellites.
Their other two military strategies to gain dominance this century is biowarfare and cyberwarfare. They want to avoid conventional warfare.

Yep, army size invasions are pretty much a thing of the past......same with nukes.....everybody dies from the fallout. We just discovered how nasty germ warfare can be and of course cyber where you disable a power-grid and starve a country to death. This is why Trump keeps saying to have dialog with everybody who can do us harm....even Iran and N.Korea....keep the dogs of war well fed and hope for the best. I'm glad I'm deep in my 4th quarter....if I were facing the future the millennials are facing I'd be pretty discouraged too.

10-4 this!!!
Great... Could you show us the evidence of what China did?

Sorry but I am not taking Trump's word on it..

They banned flights from Wuhan into the rest of China but not to the rest of the world....pretty simple, even to dummies like you and Coyote.

Actually if you get the facts, China banned all Chinese citizens from Wuhan from traveling anywhere both internally and externally...

China didn't ban foreign nationals from leaving the country. Now if China banned and detained US citizens in Wuhan and refused to let them leave... Could you please give us your response?

China let them leave and let US figure the best way to repatriate them.

So what are you accusing China
We have to play this perfectly and Trump is a clever adversary China never planned on having to face.
Oh gosh. I think you actually believe that. Here's what you need to understand. Trump's spat with China is being conducted for the sake of political expediency. He could care less about the national security implications. He will ramp up or cool off relations according to what he thinks will advantage him with respect to domestic politics.

Just remember.............his policy priority is himself............everything else comes in second place.
Bite the bullet and BAN American manufacturing in China. Short term pain, long term gain.

FUCK CHINA and any American company that puts profits ahead of our national security

I agree completely. But I don't see the Chinese allowing American companies to pull their equipment and warehoused product out of the country. They'll seize it and likely stop shipping us the antibiotics we need. This has to be handled perfectly and I surely don't know how to do that....that's delicate stuff and the Chinks don't understand delicate. They'll overreact to anything we do to uncouple with maybe invade Taiwan or even Australia. They're afraid of Trump but Xi knows he could catch a bullet in the head if his army thinks he's lost face.

China understands delicate. Trump does not.

China has been systematically and delicately it's trade, it's connections and it's influence around the world while we have been pulling back.

At some point it's going to be to late to reverse.
You look so stupid sometimes...
Great... Could you show us the evidence of what China did?

Sorry but I am not taking Trump's word on it..

They banned flights from Wuhan into the rest of China but not to the rest of the world....pretty simple, even to dummies like you and Coyote.

Ya pretty simple...since a little bit of research would show you that is wrong.

Flight records show China did block international commercial flights out of Wuhan after Jan. 23, according to Flightradar24, a global flight tracking service.

The 6 day lag was crucial but everyone lagged all over the world after that as well so, while its impact is massive, it is hard to judge them harshly on that lag. They, however, directly LIED about the size of the outbreak and actively covered it up. That is an entirely different story and is not excusable particularly considering they knew it was a massive problem. They are still controlling the information now and what comes out of China does not match the data that we have from other sources. To this day they are lying about the impact.

There is enough happening in China on the human rights front to cut all ties with them and turn them into the next NK if they do not change even without this. The pandemic is just another straw on the camels back - hopefully the one that breaks it.

"During this period, teams of experts dispatched to Wuhan by Beijing said they failed to find clear signs of danger and human-to-human transmission.

“China has many years of disease control, there’s absolutely no chance that this will spread widely because of Spring Festival travel,” the head of the first expert team, Xu Jianguo, told Takungpao, a Hong Kong paper, on Jan. 6. He added there was “no evidence of human-to-human transmission” and that the threat from the virus was low.

The second expert team, dispatched on Jan. 8, similarly failed to unearth any clear signs of human-to-human transmission. Yet during their stay, more than half a dozen doctors and nurses had already fallen ill with the virus, a retrospective China CDC study published in the New England Journal of Medicine would later show."
They were actively punishing doctors that reported human to human transmission. That is the major problem, they knew it was transmissable and pretended it was not whilst taking actions to mitigate it in China.

Then, of course, there is the claims that it was an American military operation that released the pandemic in China...

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