Putin's formula for achieving absolute power in Russia was by using and controlling the Oligarchs. The power (through money) was in their hands and he found that way to organize that power and control it.
One of the reasons that people crave money is that it gives its owner power – to do whatever they choose, to buy freedom, loyalty and a range of other desirables.
Nonetheless, that in an of itself does not mean you can control a nation. For that, you need to control other things
1) the currency - Trump trying to control crypto
2) control the constitution with its checks and balances - Trump trying to do that through Project 2025
3) control the running of the government itself - Trump getting loyalists for the Cabinet posts
4) control the rich - getting Musk on his side (the richest American) and him working with and for Trump
5) destroying the Justice system - Trump doing that by electing the members of the Supreme Court
This is Putin's formula and Trump is following to a tee.
How Putin Conquered Russia's Oligarchy
In the summer of 2000, 21 of the richest men in Russia exited their bulletproof limousines and entered the Kremlin for a historic meeting. In the previous decade, these men had risen seemingly out of nowhere, amassing spectacular fortunes as the country around them descended into chaos. Through shady deals, outright corruption, and even murder, these rapacious "oligarchs" — as Russians had come to derisively call them — had seized control of much of Russia's economy, and, increasingly, its fledgling democracy. But now, their nation's newly elected president, Vladimir Putin, wanted to tell them, face to face, who was really in charge.
"I want to draw your attention to the fact that you built this state yourself, to a great degree, through the political or semi-political structures under your control,'' Putin reportedly said in the closed-door meeting. ''So there is no point in blaming the reflection in the mirror. So let us get down to the point and be open and do what is necessary to do to make our relationship in this field work to our benefit.''
One of the reasons that people crave money is that it gives its owner power – to do whatever they choose, to buy freedom, loyalty and a range of other desirables.
Nonetheless, that in an of itself does not mean you can control a nation. For that, you need to control other things
1) the currency - Trump trying to control crypto
2) control the constitution with its checks and balances - Trump trying to do that through Project 2025
3) control the running of the government itself - Trump getting loyalists for the Cabinet posts
4) control the rich - getting Musk on his side (the richest American) and him working with and for Trump
5) destroying the Justice system - Trump doing that by electing the members of the Supreme Court
This is Putin's formula and Trump is following to a tee.