it's the "E" in DEI that conservatives are against .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
when it comes to DEI the average American that isn't a left-winger has no problem with diversity or inclusion ..its the E so called "equity" part of DEI they have a problem .. many believe the E represents equal outcomes .. many believe equity is a re branding of modern day Marxism .

Here's a "Conservative" thought. I think that every form of human evaluation should be devoid of demographic information. None of it disclosed...race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual irregularities...none of it. College applications, performance reviews, promotion evaluations, job applications, all of it.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion will take care of themselves. Or not. It doesn't matter.
To left wing homos including homO, "equity" means homos have an "equal right" to homo rape your kids....
The demoquacks thought DEI would replace Affirmative Action.

Turns out... not
when it comes to DEI the average American that isn't a left-winger has no problem with diversity or inclusion

EQUITY is Marxism.
DIVERSITY is OK so long as it happens naturally and not just blindly for its own sake.
INCLUSION is a great thing if really real, problem is that the Left's form of "inclusion" turned out to really be a form of EXCLUSION.

---inclusion for themselves but exclusion of anything they didn't agree with.
Here's a "Conservative" thought. I think that every form of human evaluation should be devoid of demographic information. None of it disclosed...race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual irregularities...none of it. College applications, performance reviews, promotion evaluations, job applications, all of it.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion will take care of themselves. Or not. It doesn't matter.
That’s right.
Diversity happens.
I don't care whether a person applying for a job is black, white, Asian, or Latino, so diversity is fine. I also don't care who I worked alongside of, regardless of race. To me, if a person is Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Shinto, Christian, Wiccan or Animist, it's irrelevant.
What does matter is if the persons in any job, can meet all of the qualifications necessary to do the job and does successfully meet expectations. That eliminates equity as just because someone wants a particular job, doesn't mean they can be hired to do the job.
A good example of that is the hearing on the Secret Service's performance at the attempt on Trump's life. Former Secret Service trainer, Dan Bongino, sat before the committee and informed them that even though candidates were failing to meet the basic standards in training, the powers that be, told him to pass them anyway because of DEI. Hence you had the assassination attempt that almost succeeded because of poor quality DEI hires.
when it comes to DEI the average American that isn't a left-winger has no problem with diversity or inclusion ..its the E so called "equity" part of DEI they have a problem .. many believe the E represents equal outcomes .. many believe equity is a re branding of modern day Marxism .

Equity mens fairness. And white men need to really shut up about outcomes since America has engineered outcomes to benefit white males for 248 years.
DEI was never anything but a racist commie dogwhistle to 'Kill Whitey!!!'. That's why it's such a failure. It's beloved by black racists no end. Guess who illegal aliens are really replacing; it ain't white people ....
when it comes to DEI the average American that isn't a left-winger has no problem with diversity or inclusion ..its the E so called "equity" part of DEI they have a problem .. many believe the E represents equal outcomes .. many believe equity is a re branding of modern day Marxism .

Well when the Democrat candidate for President is on the record as saying we all don't start from the same place but we should all wind up at the same place, how else are we to see the E in DEI?

DEI was never anything but a racist commie dogwhistle to 'Kill Whitey!!!'. That's why it's such a failure. It's beloved by black racists no end. Guess who illegal aliens are really replacing; it ain't white people ....
DEI was created to stop the whitey only policy in hring and promotions. IIlegal immigrants aren't replacing anyone. Man, you guys are really stupid.
Well when the Democrat candidate for President is on the record as saying we all don't start from the same place but we should all wind up at the same place, how else are we to see the E in DEI?

Why shouldn't we end up in the same place since God made us all equal? Whites like you are really dumb.
Why shouldn't we end up in the same place since God made us all equal? Whites like you are really dumb.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

Fuck off!!

Here's a "Conservative" thought. I think that every form of human evaluation should be devoid of demographic information. None of it disclosed...race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual irregularities...none of it. College applications, performance reviews, promotion evaluations, job applications, all of it.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion will take care of themselves. Or not. It doesn't matter.
Mods, please close the thread here

Nothing can improve on this
DEI was created to stop the whitey only policy in hring and promotions. IIlegal immigrants aren't replacing anyone. Man, you guys are really stupid.

Got that 'Reparations' check from your favorite Democrat pedo Uncle Joe yet?
when it comes to DEI the average American that isn't a left-winger has no problem with diversity or inclusion ..its the E so called "equity" part of DEI they have a problem .. many believe the E represents equal outcomes .. many believe equity is a re branding of modern day Marxism .

You are confusing the left's rabid definition of DEI and the sensible view of Americans.

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