trump May Have to Self Publish Presidential Memoir

I have no experience myself being a fool.
Pal, you're living the dream!

No, I'm livin' the LIFE! You are merely living the strife. And as a student of Trump, both what drives the man, his historical significance and uniqueness, plus his ability to turn disadvantage to advantage, I'll look forward to reading the details of Trump's unique perspective as the 45th president INSIDE the WH.

trump May Have to Self Publish Presidential Memoir​

MORE BULLSHIT. Right now, there is an effort by a few big publishing houses to deny Trump the simple human right of releasing his memoirs, but eventually, he will find a publisher. Right now, the main roadblock is simply that some of these publishers are afraid, not of Trump, but of too many of their own woke leftwing TDS anti-Trumper employees revolting if they do.

Jared Kushner is also releasing a book deal.

Try as they might to suppress the civil rights of the Trump family, sooner or later, Trump will get his voice out there, and when Trump releases his tell-all book, I think I'll buy a copy! :SMILEW~130:
Publishing a book is now a human right?

FFS, stop inventing rights.
Stealing an election is now a human right?
Wrong thread goofball.

(freedom to be a fringe conspiracy theorist is a human right in my opinion, so you’re fine)
And as a student of Trump, both what drives the man, his historical significance and uniqueness, plus his ability to turn disadvantage to advantage
I’m dying.

Turning disadvantage to advantage?

Dude was good at using his fathers advantage to cover up his dumb ass.

trump May Have to Self Publish Presidential Memoir​

MORE BULLSHIT. Right now, there is an effort by a few big publishing houses to deny Trump the simple human right of releasing his memoirs, but eventually, he will find a publisher. Right now, the main roadblock is simply that some of these publishers are afraid, not of Trump, but of too many of their own woke leftwing TDS anti-Trumper employees revolting if they do.

Jared Kushner is also releasing a book deal.

Try as they might to suppress the civil rights of the Trump family, sooner or later, Trump will get his voice out there, and when Trump releases his tell-all book, I think I'll buy a copy! :SMILEW~130:
Publishing a book is now a human right?

FFS, stop inventing rights.
Stealing an election is now a human right?
Wrong thread goofball.

(freedom to be a fringe conspiracy theorist is a human right in my opinion, so you’re fine)
It is hardly a fringe and you know it. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I have no experience myself being a fool.
Pal, you're living the dream!

No, I'm livin' the LIFE! You are merely living the strife. And as a student of Trump, both what drives the man, his historical significance and uniqueness, plus his ability to turn disadvantage to advantage, I'll look forward to reading the details of Trump's unique perspective as the 45th president INSIDE the WH.
So, it lives inside your head. How completely unintriguing.
Some people don’t have to write a book to reinvent their legacy, the records and history are proof enough. What he accomplished, while in office, as he faced two false and fabricated major congressional investigations proven to be nothing more than partisan attempts at impeachment is unprecedented. Shows just how scared the establishment is of the common working man.
trump claims he has had offers and turned them down.

Yet when the five top publishers were contacted, all of them said there was no offer.

We will have to wait to see what happens. LOL.

Oh do you mean he won't have to hire an anti American ghost writer that planted bombs in the 70' Obama?.....
LOL..are you serious. Trump can barely read much less write worth a decent sentence. Hell, Trump could barely manage a tweet without screwing it all up.
trump claims he has had offers and turned them down.

Yet when the five top publishers were contacted, all of them said there was no offer.

We will have to wait to see what happens. LOL.

Oh do you mean he won't have to hire an anti American ghost writer that planted bombs in the 70' Obama?.....
LOL..are you serious. Trump can barely read much less write worth a decent sentence. Hell, Trump could barely manage a tweet without screwing it all up.
But he became our most popular modern day US maybe its you that are inept.....

Trump is the only US president not to achieve a 50% approval rating at any time during his presidency. Trump is the least popular US president in history. He even makes W look good.
48% for a president under siege by dems the media and the corrupt FBI is pretty damn good if you ask me....

EVERY President there ever was is under siege full-time by the opposition party and criticized by the media.

Bill Clinton endured 6 1/2 years of a Republican witchhunt which ultimately impeached him because of a lie about a blow job. He had a 4 1/2 year sexual-harassment case brought by the Republican party which was ultimately dismissed with prejudice for lack of evidence.

Despite all of the negative press on the impeachment, Ken Starr and his report, and the attempts by Republicans to smear and discredit Clinton, his approval ratings reached 73% after the impeachment, and stood at 65% when he left office.

There is no evidence that the FBI is or ever was corrupt. Trump investigated the FBI for four years and found nothing. He tried to levy charges and he couldn’t even get an indictment.

So don’t come in here with your lies and your bullshit excuses for the failure you voted for. The real reason for Trump’s low numbers in the polls, stares back at him every morning when he looks in the mirror.

Like everything else that Trump has tried to do, his presidency has been an abject failure and the voters are left to pick up the pieces.
trump claims he has had offers and turned them down.

Yet when the five top publishers were contacted, all of them said there was no offer.

We will have to wait to see what happens. LOL.

Trump has created a cancer in your brain.
Seriously, who gives a shit about this superfluous nonsense?
You all whine like babies that he won't go away yet you CONSTANTLY invoke him in nearly every conversation. Ridiculous juvenile nonsense

Aren’t you the guy that just started this thread about Trump writing a book? You’re complaining about people talking about Trump. I guess it’s because they’re not saying the kind of things you wanted them to say.

Every day the Trump cult comes in here and starts multiple threads about Donald Trump and then complains that the left won’t shut up about him.

If you don’t wanna talk about Trump stop starting threats about him.
trump claims he has had offers and turned them down.

Yet when the five top publishers were contacted, all of them said there was no offer.

We will have to wait to see what happens. LOL.

Oh do you mean he won't have to hire an anti American ghost writer that planted bombs in the 70' Obama?.....
LOL..are you serious. Trump can barely read much less write worth a decent sentence. Hell, Trump could barely manage a tweet without screwing it all up.
But he became our most popular modern day US maybe its you that are inept.....

Trump is the only US president not to achieve a 50% approval rating at any time during his presidency. Trump is the least popular US president in history. He even makes W look good.
48% for a president under siege by dems the media and the corrupt FBI is pretty damn good if you ask me....

EVERY President there ever was is under siege full-time by the opposition party and criticized by the media.

Bill Clinton endured 6 1/2 years of a Republican witchhunt which ultimately impeached him because of a lie about a blow job. He had a 4 1/2 year sexual-harassment case brought by the Republican party which was ultimately dismissed with prejudice for lack of evidence.

Despite all of the negative press on the impeachment, Ken Starr and his report, and the attempts by Republicans to smear and discredit Clinton, his approval ratings reached 73% after the impeachment, and stood at 65% when he left office.

There is no evidence that the FBI is or ever was corrupt. Trump investigated the FBI for four years and found nothing. He tried to levy charges and he couldn’t even get an indictment.

So don’t come in here with your lies and your bullshit excuses for the failure you voted for. The real reason for Trump’s low numbers in the polls, stares back at him every morning when he looks in the mirror.

Like everything else that Trump has tried to do, his presidency has been an abject failure and the voters are left to pick up the pieces.
There has never been anything like what Trump faced each day....trying to equate is foolhardy...are you a fool?....
Considering how many people voted for him, it's not outside the realm of possibility that his memoirs would be a best seller...
The DOJ & FBI will conduct an historic, unprecedented, unwarranted heavily-armed 2nd raid of his home to seize all notes and book drafts to try to prevent him from publishing anything about what crimes these proven criminal agencies have perpetrated.
There has never been such a lazy, careless, incompetent, clueless dumbfuck of a *pResident before. New territory.

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