Trump like millions like me ARE NOT "Anti-immigrants"!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So many ignorant bigots seemingly forgets the adjective that Trump like millions of us add, "ILLEGAL"!
Millions like Trump have "LEGAL Immigrants" as relatives so why would we be "anti-immigrant"?
But the biased MSM and pollsters as these 41,600 Google search results show the association made by the MSM is Anti-immigrant!
My goodness don't you idiots know Trump married a "LEGAL Immigrant" so why is he "anti-immigrant"??

As the following 1 page of many pages never use the term "Illegal immigrant"!

I'm shouting... Trump is "anti-illegal immigrants"!
Do you idiots understand the difference???

Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history‎ - 15 hours ago
Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down ...
In Boston, immigrants have heard enough from Trump
The Boston Globe‎ - 2 days ago
Why Donald Trump is losing among Catholic voters
The Economist‎ - 1 day ago
More news for "Trump anti-immigrant"
Poll Shows Limits Of Donald Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric | TIME
Aug 25, 2016 - Donald Trump has built a campaign built on stoking anti-immigrant sentiment, but a new poll shows most Americans don't agree with him.
Donald Trump's Anti-Immigration Strategy - The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Feb 10, 2016 - The very idea represents a kind of exclusionary nativism that is anathema to liberals. Trump's anti-immigrant language is an efficient way of ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/15/16
White Supremacists Absolutely Loved Trump's Anti-Immigrant Speech ...
Little Green Footballs
1 day ago - Just thought I'd take a run around the Twitter accounts of some of the more well- known white supremacists tonight, to see what they thought of ...
Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric ...
Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric - Crux
Jul 29, 2016 - Boston Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley speaks to World Youth Day pilgrims July 27 in Krakow, Poland. (CNS photo/Jaclyn Lippelmann, Catholic ...
HFA Statement on Trump's Anti-Immigrant Speech – Hillary Clinton ...
20 hours ago - Following Donald Trump's anti-immigrant speech in Arizona on Wednesday, Hillary for America National Latino Vote Director Lorella Praeli ...
Donald Trump Casts Himself as Mr. Brexit, Mistaking Depth of Anti ...
Aug 18, 2016 - Trump's anti-immigrant campaign has been structured like this from the beginning, and he clearly hopes for a similar result. What that argument ...
Donald Trump's anti-immigrant, anti-Constitution friends - LA Times
Los Angeles Times
Donald Trump's anti-immigrant, anti-Constitution friends. To the editor: I find it utterly terrifying but not surprising that Donald Trump has allied himself with the ...
Mila Kunis attacks Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric | Film | The ... › Arts › Movies › Mila KunisThe Guardian
Jul 7, 2016 - Mila Kunis attacks Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric. The Ukrainian-born star of Black Swan says she came to the US on a ...
Thanks To Donald Trump, The RNC Just Lost A Crucial Hispanic ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, known for his brash anti- immigrant, anti-Latino sentiment, may profess love for Latinos, but the feeling is far ...


  • upload_2016-9-2_6-57-14.jpeg
    5.3 KB · Views: 65
  • upload_2016-9-2_7-1-5.jpeg
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So many ignorant bigots seemingly forgets the adjective that Trump like millions of us add, "ILLEGAL"!
Millions like Trump have "LEGAL Immigrants" as relatives so why would we be "anti-immigrant"?
But the biased MSM and pollsters as these 41,600 Google search results show the association made by the MSM is Anti-immigrant!
My goodness don't you idiots know Trump married a "LEGAL Immigrant" so why is he "anti-immigrant"??

As the following 1 page of many pages never use the term "Illegal immigrant"!

I'm shouting... Trump is "anti-illegal immigrants"!
Do you idiots understand the difference???

Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history‎ - 15 hours ago
Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down ...
In Boston, immigrants have heard enough from Trump
The Boston Globe‎ - 2 days ago
Why Donald Trump is losing among Catholic voters
The Economist‎ - 1 day ago
More news for "Trump anti-immigrant"
Poll Shows Limits Of Donald Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric | TIME
Aug 25, 2016 - Donald Trump has built a campaign built on stoking anti-immigrant sentiment, but a new poll shows most Americans don't agree with him.
Donald Trump's Anti-Immigration Strategy - The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Feb 10, 2016 - The very idea represents a kind of exclusionary nativism that is anathema to liberals. Trump's anti-immigrant language is an efficient way of ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/15/16
White Supremacists Absolutely Loved Trump's Anti-Immigrant Speech ...
Little Green Footballs
1 day ago - Just thought I'd take a run around the Twitter accounts of some of the more well- known white supremacists tonight, to see what they thought of ...
Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric ...
Cardinal O'Malley warns of dangers of Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric - Crux
Jul 29, 2016 - Boston Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley speaks to World Youth Day pilgrims July 27 in Krakow, Poland. (CNS photo/Jaclyn Lippelmann, Catholic ...
HFA Statement on Trump's Anti-Immigrant Speech – Hillary Clinton ...
20 hours ago - Following Donald Trump's anti-immigrant speech in Arizona on Wednesday, Hillary for America National Latino Vote Director Lorella Praeli ...
Donald Trump Casts Himself as Mr. Brexit, Mistaking Depth of Anti ...
Aug 18, 2016 - Trump's anti-immigrant campaign has been structured like this from the beginning, and he clearly hopes for a similar result. What that argument ...
Donald Trump's anti-immigrant, anti-Constitution friends - LA Times
Los Angeles Times
Donald Trump's anti-immigrant, anti-Constitution friends. To the editor: I find it utterly terrifying but not surprising that Donald Trump has allied himself with the ...
Mila Kunis attacks Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric | Film | The ... › Arts › Movies › Mila KunisThe Guardian
Jul 7, 2016 - Mila Kunis attacks Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric. The Ukrainian-born star of Black Swan says she came to the US on a ...
Thanks To Donald Trump, The RNC Just Lost A Crucial Hispanic ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, known for his brash anti- immigrant, anti-Latino sentiment, may profess love for Latinos, but the feeling is far ...

Oh, they understand the difference clearly. But since the aim is to import future voters beholden to them, they don't care.
The phenomenon you address is not carelessness or ignorance. It is an intentional attempt by Democrats/the MSM to paint Trump as a xenophobic bigot.

While I am only a reluctant Trump supporter, the scenario of (1) Trump saying something unremarkably, but imprecisely, and (2) the MSM intentionally distorting it, then (3) using the distortion as the basis for attacking Trump, has been constant since he announced his intention to run.

And some people are being fooled by it. Clearly.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.

I agree about Dems and voters....just see what the Motor Voter Act of 1993 did and they want to duplicate.
As far as wanting cheap labor...? For what?
Define "Cheap labor" for me!
Because here are the facts from the government.

Among those paid by the hour,
1.3 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together, these 3.0 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.9 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Of the 3 million... 1.443 million ages 16 to 24!

So are you describing the 1.7 million UNDER minimum wage as what the GOP want more of ???

Now as far as the "mass deportation"....
You were never taught I'm sure about Mass deportations in the past.
  • Hoover did not use immigration policy to "create jobs" and never "ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens." During his four-year presidency, roughly 121,000 persons were officially deported or induced to leave through threat of deportation, according to our analysis of official statistics. (We explain our sources and analytical methods fully in the "Where We Got The Numbers" section below.)

  • Truman did not try to "create jobs for returning veterans" by ordering deportations. In fact, he signed legislation protecting the rights of Mexican migrant laborers recruited legally to help harvest U.S. crops, and was unable to win congressional approval of measures to crack down on employers of illegal immigrants. During his nearly eight years in office, about 3.4 million were deported or left "voluntarily" under threat of deportation.

  • Eisenhower did not deport 13 million Mexicans. Only one-tenth that number was ever claimed by the federal officials in charge of "Operation Wetback," and even that figure is criticized as inflated by guesswork. Officially, just over 2.1 million were recorded as having been deported or having departed under threat of deportation.
Hoover, Truman & Ike: Mass Deporters?

Plus has Trump EVER EVER said he favored shipping 11 million illegals out at once?
NOPE... He favors
1) upholding current deportation laws which have been ignored by Obama.
2) Upholding federal laws against "sanctuary cities".
3) Encouraging through the laws voluntary deportation which will happen as "illegals" recognize the consequences.
But this imagery of Trump snatching a baby from illegals arms and deporting the illegals... blown so out of proportion by the MSM and people believe it!!!
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.

I agree about Dems and voters....just see what the Motor Voter Act of 1993 did and they want to duplicate.
As far as wanting cheap labor...? For what?
Define "Cheap labor" for me!
Because here are the facts from the government.

Among those paid by the hour,
1.3 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together, these 3.0 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.9 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Of the 3 million... 1.443 million ages 16 to 24!

So are you describing the 1.7 million UNDER minimum wage as what the GOP want more of ???

Now as far as the "mass deportation"....
You were never taught I'm sure about Mass deportations in the past.
  • Hoover did not use immigration policy to "create jobs" and never "ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens." During his four-year presidency, roughly 121,000 persons were officially deported or induced to leave through threat of deportation, according to our analysis of official statistics. (We explain our sources and analytical methods fully in the "Where We Got The Numbers" section below.)

  • Truman did not try to "create jobs for returning veterans" by ordering deportations. In fact, he signed legislation protecting the rights of Mexican migrant laborers recruited legally to help harvest U.S. crops, and was unable to win congressional approval of measures to crack down on employers of illegal immigrants. During his nearly eight years in office, about 3.4 million were deported or left "voluntarily" under threat of deportation.

  • Eisenhower did not deport 13 million Mexicans. Only one-tenth that number was ever claimed by the federal officials in charge of "Operation Wetback," and even that figure is criticized as inflated by guesswork. Officially, just over 2.1 million were recorded as having been deported or having departed under threat of deportation.
Hoover, Truman & Ike: Mass Deporters?

Plus has Trump EVER EVER said he favored shipping 11 million illegals out at once?
NOPE... He favors
1) upholding current deportation laws which have been ignored by Obama.
2) Upholding federal laws against "sanctuary cities".
3) Encouraging through the laws voluntary deportation which will happen as "illegals" recognize the consequences.
But this imagery of Trump snatching a baby from illegals arms and deporting the illegals... blown so out of proportion by the MSM and people believe it!!!

According to your messiah, Obama has deported more people than anyone. Perhaps you should debate Trump.

If you’re going to deport the parents of children born here….the children are American citizens….how do you split the family up compassionately?
hm has crafted a crazy point (like his nonsense on numbers of people not having health care) then doubles down on the stupidity.

Yes, the pubs want cheap labor for small business. hm only needs to ask Gramps Murked to find out that goes with illegals and subcontracting.
Trump is now all over the place, and he simply cannot be trusted on what he says.

Neither can Hillary.

Vote Johnson
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
Clearly, you were unable to understand his speech.
'Trump like millions like me ARE NOT "Anti-immigrants"!!!'


Of course it's about being anti-immigrant; it's about an unwarranted fear common to most on the right of more "brown people" coming into the country.

Hispanic Americans aren't stupid, they know the truth of Trump's bigoted agenda.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
Clearly, you were unable to understand his speech.
Donnie Two Times understands that more than 7 of 10 Americans will not put with his bull shit on illegals in the country.

Do you understand that?
hm has crafted a crazy point (like his nonsense on numbers of people not having health care) then doubles down on the stupidity.

Yes, the pubs want cheap labor for small business.

Cut welfare to the bone. Result = cheap labor.

You'll find that Americans actually will do those jobs when the labor pool isn't bloated and freebies are scarce.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
Clearly, you were unable to understand his speech.
Donnie Two Times understands that more than 7 of 10 Americans will not put with his bull shit on illegals in the country.

Do you understand that?
lol Clearly, you don't even understand what his "bull shit" is.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
Clearly, you were unable to understand his speech.
Donnie Two Times understands that more than 7 of 10 Americans will not put with his bull shit on illegals in the country.

Do you understand that?
lol Clearly, you don't even understand what his "bull shit" is.
Explain his bull shit to me, then.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.

It is not a "police state" tactic to remove an intruder from your home by what ever means necessary.
The class action court case filed against Trump, representing thousands, for Fraud and Racketeering is scheduled for Nov 28th. 20 days after the election. If Trump loses the case, he could face criminal charges.

The parents of the judge came here from Mexico BEFORE Trump's parents. But Trump insists because the Judge's parents are from Mexico, even though born in Indiana, the judge CAN'T BE impartial.

I suspect most, if not all Republicans, agree with Trump.
I don't know anyone who's 'Anti-Immigrant.' Our nation is a nation of Immigrants. Most folks i know just want this chaotic Illegal Immigration nightmare ended. I'm all good with carefully monitored and limited Legal Immigration. That's how it's supposed to be.

This whole 'Anti-Immigrant' smear campaign is being conducted and funded by NWO Globalist Elite scum like George Soros. It's a Demonization process. Anyone who won't march in lockstep with their 'New World Order', is 'Racist' and 'Anti-Immigrant.' They've been very successful with that campaign in many nations, especially in Western Europe. The People just have to stand up to the Globalist Elites. Don't be intimidated into going along.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
Clearly, you were unable to understand his speech.
Donnie Two Times understands that more than 7 of 10 Americans will not put with his bull shit on illegals in the country.

Do you understand that?
lol Clearly, you don't even understand what his "bull shit" is.
Explain his bull shit to me, then.
Good, so you admit you were unable to understand his speech? The major points were that a federal task force would be created to work with state and local police to apprehend illegals who have committed crimes since arriving in the US and these will be deported.

The E-Verify law will be strengthened and enforced to deny jobs to illegals, and executive authority will be used to deny federal funding to any city or organization that does not verify the people they provide services to are here legally. By denying them jobs and services, we will be taking away the reasons they had for coming here and the reasons they have for staying, so many will choose to leave voluntarily.

A serious wall will be built with surveillance towers and above and below ground sensors to stop illegals from entering the country.

While every illegal arrested for any reason will be deported, no measures will be taken to deal with illegals who have chosen to stay despite having no jobs and no services until all these other measures are in place.

There will be no amnesty - Obama's executive order of amnesty will be rescinded - and the only path to citizenship will be by leaving voluntarily and getting in line like everyone else to enter legally.
Dems want to import future voters, yes, and the Pubs want to import cheap labor, yes, and what is everyone's point here?

The argument really is not about a "wall"; it is about "mass deportation." If Trump wins, almost four out of five Americans oppose that Gestapo nonsense.

The American people will not allow police state tactics.
It is not a "police state" tactic to remove an intruder from your home by what ever means necessary.
Except the country as a whole does not fall under the "defend your castle" meme. Your fallacy of false equivalence is noted, overruled, and discarded.
In reply to toomuchtime

So yes a deportation task force will be created, and you support it like a good little gestapo mentality that you are.
Good, so you admit you were unable to understand his speech? The major points were that a federal task force would be created to work with state and local police to apprehend illegals who have committed crimes since arriving in the US and these will be deported.

All sane Americans have been calling for E-Verify, and neither party has done much to get it going. Neither will Trump. The E-Verify law will be strengthened and enforced to deny jobs to illegals, and executive authority will be used to deny federal funding to any city or organization that does not verify the people they provide services to are here legally. By denying them jobs and services, we will be taking away the reasons they had for coming here and the reasons they have for staying, so many will choose to leave voluntarily.

Building a wall will not stop the illegals from getting through. A better solution would to back up the wall with American troops on a six month rotation. A serious wall will be built with surveillance towers and above and below ground sensors to stop illegals from entering the country.

Convince the judge that they are going to deport every illegals with no provisions for humanitarian or other reasons. (1) An executive order or Congressional action will be immediately appealed. (2) Even our conservative SCOTUS will overturn any such actions. While every illegal arrested for any reason will be deported, no measures will be taken to deal with illegals who have chosen to stay despite having no jobs and no services until all these other measures are in place.

There eventually will be amnesty. Don Amnesty even alluded to it earlier in the week. He will flip flop yet again. There will be no amnesty - Obama's executive order of amnesty will be rescinded - and the only path to citizenship will be by leaving voluntarily and getting in line like everyone else to enter legally.
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