Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

So now we have two incidences of Prosecutorial Misconduct against Mueller, and we know for a fact that Mueller's gang was indeed plotting a coup against President Trump before he was even sworn in to office.

And why can't we see Comey's memos since they were typed on a GOV Computer? Can anyone explain that to me?

;Mueller did not illegally obtain Manafort and Lawyer's dealings

:Mueller was not part of the investigation before May of 2017 so it was not his gang

: No one released these emails to the public on Mueller's team, not a one has been leaked to the public by them

Comey's emails will not be released to the public either, unless an FOIA is requested by citizens after the investigation is over and their request is permitted


Were the republican congress critters BREAKING the law by doing such?

Those are public documents. However, what the Obama administration did by releasing classified information during the campaign and transition is illegal.

If holdovers in The FBI and DOJ were plotting a soft coup, don't you think the public has a right to know?

Yea, good luck with that given all the whistle blower protections.

Meanwhile, Mueller did everything by the book.
HUH? Why was the FBI agent's with his girlfriend documents that could be released to the Public?

As far as your other accusations the Republicans in congress already investigated this along with all of the agencies and nothing that the administration did was wrong or illegal.

If an individual with top secret clearance breach his clearance by releasing secret documents or any documents via a leak, they should be prosecuted for such, if it was against the law.
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Beckler.


Now, as background, Beckler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Beckler and then Beckler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Beckler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

*Corrected the last name: Beckler.
Last edited:
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Backler.


Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

I thought this interesting too.

Mueller makes reckless move with seizure of Trump transition emails

it's an op ed, but I think Turley is ok (for a law professor which by defnintion makes him an asshole) But his bottom line was Mueller may end up compromising any indictment he makes against Trump for "collusion."

But, I don't think there's any chance he'd bring that indictment. If Mueller's after anyone it's as your link provided: perjury and obstruction of justice. And he won't indict Trump. If the evidence is there, he'll publically send it to congress. If they impeach, they impeach. If not we'll be the judges. And whether Mueller was overly heavy handed ... who cares? I'm not interested in seeing Trump in jail.
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Backler.


Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

I thought this interesting too.

Mueller makes reckless move with seizure of Trump transition emails

it's an op ed, but I think Turley is ok (for a law professor which by defnintion makes him an asshole) But his bottom line was Mueller may end up compromising any indictment he makes against Trump for "collusion."

But, I don't think there's any chance he'd bring that indictment. If Mueller's after anyone it's as your link provided: perjury and obstruction of justice. And he won't indict Trump. If the evidence is there, he'll publically send it to congress. If they impeach, they impeach. If not we'll be the judges. And whether Mueller was overly heavy handed ... who cares? I'm not interested in seeing Trump in jail.
I've seen it.

Both Turley and Dershowitz have been running cover for Donnie for some time now, and seem to be written some pretty appallingly bad opinion pieces.
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Backler.


Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

I thought this interesting too.

Mueller makes reckless move with seizure of Trump transition emails

it's an op ed, but I think Turley is ok (for a law professor which by defnintion makes him an asshole) But his bottom line was Mueller may end up compromising any indictment he makes against Trump for "collusion."

But, I don't think there's any chance he'd bring that indictment. If Mueller's after anyone it's as your link provided: perjury and obstruction of justice. And he won't indict Trump. If the evidence is there, he'll publically send it to congress. If they impeach, they impeach. If not we'll be the judges. And whether Mueller was overly heavy handed ... who cares? I'm not interested in seeing Trump in jail.
I've seen it.

Both Turley and Dershowitz have been running cover for Donnie for some time now, and seem to be written some pretty appallingly bad opinion pieces.

I'm embarrassed for dershowitz. I can only assume it has something to do with trump officially making Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
FYI this is the 3rd thread posted this topic, though it looks like you were First!!

Mueller asked for permission from the email account holders or used the appropriate process in a Criminal Investigation to obtain them....

THAT, straight from the investigation team.

The president and the president's team are under CRIMINAL investigation.
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
:lol: if you say so....

a prosecutors goal is to prosecute, Willow....they know the law and rules, inside out....

Trump's lawyer did not file a complaint in the Courts over it, he simply sent a letter to congress about it and never in the letter did he state it was illegal for the emails to be gotten... in the letter to the republican congress criiters from his Lawyer...

It was just the Trumpettes following their right wing Trump Media, claimed it was...they made that up....yes, fake news....

Does your presidential pick ever stop shouting and whining like a 3 year old???
You have whined so loud you no longer can hear yourself. If it was a criminal investigation it requires a warrant. Was one issued? Yes? Or No?

No anything that has a (.gov) on the emails can be obtained by request or legal means. The Trump transistion team signed off on this, therefore basically agreed to it. If they wanted to keep their transistion emails private--they should have used a private email address which they were also entitled to do. If Mueller had wanted those private emails he would have had to obtain them through a subpoena. Which he still may do, if there are any.

Mueller’s investigators obtained the emails from the General Services Administration, a federal agency that stored the material, rather than request them from Trump’s still-existing transition group, Trump for America, Kory Langhofer, the group’s general counsel, said in a letter sent to two congressional committees. Transition officials signed agreements that warn them that materials kept on the government servers are subject to monitoring and auditing, Loewentritt told Buzzfeed, and there’s no expectation of privacy. Late Saturday, Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, said the special counsel’s office has followed the law when it has obtained documents during its investigation.
Trump criticizes how Mueller obtained transition emails, says no plans to fire special counsel

This is just FOX NEWS--SEAN HANNITY--Trump's political advisor and top physco-babble interpreter concocting another conspiracy story. One out of many over the last year.


I find it very strange that all you Reich wingers are having a conniption fit about this, but were cheering on Wikileaks for releasing emails on a DNC that had been hacked into by Russians. Which is a FELONY in this country.

All we heard from you was "lock her up." :badgrin:

Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Backler.


Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

I thought this interesting too.

Mueller makes reckless move with seizure of Trump transition emails

it's an op ed, but I think Turley is ok (for a law professor which by defnintion makes him an asshole) But his bottom line was Mueller may end up compromising any indictment he makes against Trump for "collusion."

But, I don't think there's any chance he'd bring that indictment. If Mueller's after anyone it's as your link provided: perjury and obstruction of justice. And he won't indict Trump. If the evidence is there, he'll publically send it to congress. If they impeach, they impeach. If not we'll be the judges. And whether Mueller was overly heavy handed ... who cares? I'm not interested in seeing Trump in jail.
I've seen it.

Both Turley and Dershowitz have been running cover for Donnie for some time now, and seem to be written some pretty appallingly bad opinion pieces.

On Dershowitz I agree completely. He's a neocon. On Turley ... like I said, asshole. But I'm not so sure he's Trump's asshole. (-: YOUR LINK answered his question. Why didn't Mueller just ask for subpoena power. Turley doesn't argue they were somehow privileged or immune:

"[transition] members create or receive are not federal or presidential records, but are considered private materials.” For this reason, under agreements with transition teams, the GSA has agreed to delete “all data on [computing] devices” used by transition officials and staff.

When Mueller’s people found out that the transition records were not yet deleted, they demanded their surrender despite the fact that Trump officials claimed that the material held privileged information that belonged to the transition team and is subject to protection from discovery."


"Mueller could have simply sought the preservation and judicial review of the material, but elected (again) the blunt tool over the surgical device. In the end, if Mueller does not charge on any type of “collusion” claim, this may all prove harmless. However, if he proceeds to an indictment, he may have created a poison pill factor where indictments could be brought but prove unprosecutable. That actually might satisfy some as compromise like the practice of some Plains Indians to prove their bravery by touching enemies with “coup sticks.” Of course, they were generally then shot by settlers."

Turley doesn't opine Trump's team is correct in saying they couldn't be subpoenaed. Actually if they aren't protected by some presidential protection and just private correspondence .... fair game. But Mueller's reason to get the documents was to have the answers to questions he asked Trump staffers before he asked the questions. Mueller didn't want Team Trump to KNOW HE HAD THE DOCUMENTS. When someone lies, they're covering up something. IF a meeting took place according to an email, and someone lies about it not happening, most likely Mueller can find a way to prove it did.
Last edited:
Turley also cites (lifted from Trump's lawyer's letter) this bit:

“materials that [presidential transition team] members create or receive are not federal or presidential records, but are considered private materials.”

& What is the title of that Memorandum? (that Turley, derch and that gumball Garrett leave out)


The PTT are not FEDERAL AGENCY RECORDS OFFICERS. That memorandum states materials the PTT create are private -- those could be personal correspondence or other forms of communication -- not on a government owned server.
Again, the directive is to the Fed. Agency Records Officers.

It further states: However, transition briefing materials created by a Federal agency and agency communications with the PETT are Federal records and must be managed in accordance with an approved agency records schedule.

AC 09.2017

Once you log on the .gov server, it becomes a federal record -- and as stated above, each time you sign on you get this

Government computer warning:

You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system.
At any time, the government may monitor, intercept, search and/or seize data transiting or stored on this information system.
Any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any U.S. Government-authorized purpose.

There was no expectation of privacy on a gov server, and Turley should know better than to push that garbage.
Last edited:
Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
I think they were too. But Mueller had a very good and sneaky reason to "kick down the door" without a subpoena. And He's not gonna indict a potus. His job is to uncover the truth behind Russia and Trump.
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Backler.


Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

I thought this interesting too.

Mueller makes reckless move with seizure of Trump transition emails

it's an op ed, but I think Turley is ok (for a law professor which by defnintion makes him an asshole) But his bottom line was Mueller may end up compromising any indictment he makes against Trump for "collusion."

But, I don't think there's any chance he'd bring that indictment. If Mueller's after anyone it's as your link provided: perjury and obstruction of justice. And he won't indict Trump. If the evidence is there, he'll publically send it to congress. If they impeach, they impeach. If not we'll be the judges. And whether Mueller was overly heavy handed ... who cares? I'm not interested in seeing Trump in jail.
I've seen it.

Both Turley and Dershowitz have been running cover for Donnie for some time now, and seem to be written some pretty appallingly bad opinion pieces.

I'm embarrassed for dershowitz. I can only assume it has something to do with trump officially making Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
Dersh has been sucking Donny's dick for some time now.

It's a long and public job interview for a position in the WH.
Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
I think they were too. But Mueller had a very good and sneaky reason to "kick down the door" without a subpoena. And He's not gonna indict a potus. His job is to uncover the truth behind Russia and Trump.
I don't see it as "kicking down the door."

See d., page 4:
d. Disclosure.
(1) Electronic messages may be treated as Agency records for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. As such, electronic messages or portions of them may be required to be disclosed upon a proper request.

Additionally, they may be disclosed pursuant to discovery in a legal proceeding or upon request by Congress.

The contents of electronic messages, properly obtained for Federal Government purposes, may be disclosed within the Agency for an official purpose without the permission of the authorized user who created the message.
"Career GSA staff, working with Mr. Loewentritt and at the direction of the FBI, immediately produced all the materials requested by the Special Counsel’s Office – without notifying TFA [Trump for America] or filtering or redacting privileged material," Langhofer writes.

In a phone interview with BuzzFeed News on Saturday night, Loewentritt — whose LinkedIn represents that he has worked at the agency since 1972 — disputed the claims made in the letter sent by the Trump campaign.

"Beckler never made that commitment," he said of the claim that any requests for transition records would be routed to the Trump campaign's counsel.

Specifically, Loewentritt said, "in using our devices," transition team members were informed that materials "would not be held back in any law enforcement" actions.

Loewentritt read to BuzzFeed News a series of agreements that anyone had to agree to when using GSA materials during the transition, including that there could be monitoring and auditing of devices and that, "Therefore, no expectation of privacy can be assumed."

Loewentritt told BuzzFeed News that the GSA initially "suggested a warrant or subpoena" for the materials, but that the Special Counsel's Office determined the letter route was sufficient

Key Officials Push Back Against Trump Campaign’s Claim A Federal Office Illegally Turned Over Emails To Special Counsel
Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
I think they were too. But Mueller had a very good and sneaky reason to "kick down the door" without a subpoena. And He's not gonna indict a potus. His job is to uncover the truth behind Russia and Trump.
I don't see it as "kicking down the door."

See d., page 4:
d. Disclosure.
(1) Electronic messages may be treated as Agency records for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. As such, electronic messages or portions of them may be required to be disclosed upon a proper request.

Additionally, they may be disclosed pursuant to discovery in a legal proceeding or upon request by Congress.

The contents of electronic messages, properly obtained for Federal Government purposes, may be disclosed within the Agency for an official purpose without the permission of the authorized user who created the message.
I dunno. I think they were legally discoverable, and don't think Mueller illegally obtained them when he didn't get a subpoena. The GAO had agreed to destroy them.... of course Team Trump was recklessly stupid in letting them go, and perhaps not destroying them themselves.

Turley uses "kicking down the door" to denote some power play. I don't think Mueller's motivation was power, despite being a very aggressive, perhaps overly so, prosecutor. I think Mueller was getting the docs in a way that kept people he was going to interview from knowing he had them. Sort of like "surprise - no knock warrant ... everybody face down on the floor hands behind your heads" LOL
Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
I think they were too. But Mueller had a very good and sneaky reason to "kick down the door" without a subpoena. And He's not gonna indict a potus. His job is to uncover the truth behind Russia and Trump.
I don't see it as "kicking down the door."

See d., page 4:
d. Disclosure.
(1) Electronic messages may be treated as Agency records for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. As such, electronic messages or portions of them may be required to be disclosed upon a proper request.

Additionally, they may be disclosed pursuant to discovery in a legal proceeding or upon request by Congress.

The contents of electronic messages, properly obtained for Federal Government purposes, may be disclosed within the Agency for an official purpose without the permission of the authorized user who created the message.
I dunno. I think they were legally discoverable, and don't think Mueller illegally obtained them when he didn't get a subpoena. The GAO had agreed to destroy them.... of course Team Trump was recklessly stupid in letting them go, and perhaps not destroying them themselves.

Turley uses "kicking down the door" to denote some power play. I don't think Mueller's motivation was power, despite being a very aggressive, perhaps overly so, prosecutor. I think Mueller was getting the docs in a way that kept people he was going to interview from knowing he had them. Sort of like "surprise - no knock warrant ... everybody face down on the floor hands behind your heads" LOL
Destroying them would have violated Federal Law.
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Backler.


Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

I thought this interesting too.

Mueller makes reckless move with seizure of Trump transition emails

it's an op ed, but I think Turley is ok (for a law professor which by defnintion makes him an asshole) But his bottom line was Mueller may end up compromising any indictment he makes against Trump for "collusion."

But, I don't think there's any chance he'd bring that indictment. If Mueller's after anyone it's as your link provided: perjury and obstruction of justice. And he won't indict Trump. If the evidence is there, he'll publically send it to congress. If they impeach, they impeach. If not we'll be the judges. And whether Mueller was overly heavy handed ... who cares? I'm not interested in seeing Trump in jail.
I've seen it.

Both Turley and Dershowitz have been running cover for Donnie for some time now, and seem to be written some pretty appallingly bad opinion pieces.

I'm embarrassed for dershowitz. I can only assume it has something to do with trump officially making Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
Dersh has been sucking Donny's dick for some time now.

It's a long and public job interview for a position in the WH.

Like chris Christie
Any attempt or justification to defy the request is obstruction of justice.

And Mueller had them anyway.

Just how stupid is this admin?
So was a warrant produced?
I don't know for certain, but from what was being reported... it was the government's property...He requested it from the office that maintains government emails...I believe they said the GAO....gvt accountability office or something like that? Maybe he served them with a subpoena??? The investigation team is not leaking how they did it, just that they did it legally....

And if by law it required a warrant, then Mueller got a warrant....because he may have needed to use the information he was requesting, in a court of law at a later date.
That’s the lefts version.
:lol: if you say so....

a prosecutors goal is to prosecute, Willow....they know the law and rules, inside out....

Trump's lawyer did not file a complaint in the Courts over it, he simply sent a letter to congress about it and never in the letter did he state it was illegal for the emails to be gotten... in the letter to the republican congress criiters from his Lawyer...

It was just the Trumpettes following their right wing Trump Media, claimed it was...they made that up....yes, fake news....

Does your presidential pick ever stop shouting and whining like a 3 year old???
You have whined so loud you no longer can hear yourself. If it was a criminal investigation it requires a warrant. Was one issued? Yes? Or No?

No anything that has a (.gov) on the emails can be obtained by request or legal means. The Trump transistion team signed off on this, therefore basically agreed to it. If they wanted to keep their transistion emails private--they should have used a private email address which they were also entitled to do. If Mueller had wanted those private emails he would have had to obtain them through a subpoena. Which he still may do, if there are any.

Mueller’s investigators obtained the emails from the General Services Administration, a federal agency that stored the material, rather than request them from Trump’s still-existing transition group, Trump for America, Kory Langhofer, the group’s general counsel, said in a letter sent to two congressional committees. Transition officials signed agreements that warn them that materials kept on the government servers are subject to monitoring and auditing, Loewentritt told Buzzfeed, and there’s no expectation of privacy. Late Saturday, Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, said the special counsel’s office has followed the law when it has obtained documents during its investigation.
Trump criticizes how Mueller obtained transition emails, says no plans to fire special counsel

This is just FOX NEWS--SEAN HANNITY--Trump's political advisor and top physco-babble interpreter concocting another conspiracy story. One out of many over the last year.


I find it very strange that all you Reich wingers are having a conniption fit about this, but were cheering on Wikileaks for releasing emails on a DNC that had been hacked into by Russians. Which is a FELONY in this country.

All we heard from you was "lock her up." :badgrin:

Will ewe please stop whining?

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